Code of Maine Rules
Chapter II - Specific Policies By Service
Section 144-101-II-90 - Physician Services
Subsection 144-101-II-90.04 - COVERED SERVICES

Current through 2024-38, September 18, 2024

A covered service is a service for which the Department may make payment. The Department covers those reasonably necessary medical and remedial services that are provided in an appropriate setting and recognized as standard medical care required for the prevention and/or treatment of illness, disability, infirmity or impairment and which are necessary for health and well-being.

The Department will not give additional reimbursement to providers who are salaried by a hospital for services billed by the hospital and whose payment is included in the hospital cost report for services provided while a member is hospitalized as an inpatient or receiving outpatient services.

When a non-MaineCare provider covers the practice for a MaineCare provider and performs services, MaineCare will only reimburse the MaineCare billing provider. The MaineCare billing provider must maintain adequate records to document the actual rendering provider. The MaineCare billing provider is responsible for reimbursing the non-MaineCare provider.

Providers should direct any questions about coverage of particular services to the Provider Relations Unit prior to provision of the service.

90.04-1 Anesthesiology Services

A. Reimbursement of Anesthesiology Services

The Department covers anesthesiology services when personally performed or medically directed by a rendering provider appropriately licensed or certified in the state in which he or she is practicing. All anesthesiology providers must practice only within the scope of his or her licensure or certification, and qualified to deliver treatment under this Section.

(1) Anesthesiology services include the following activities:
(a) Pre-operative examination and evaluation;

(b) Prescribing an anesthetic plan;

(c) Administration and monitoring of the full anesthesia service; and

(d) Post-anesthesia care.

(2) Anesthesia administered by a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) must be under the supervision of the operating practitioner or of an anesthesiologist in accordance with 42 C.F.R. § 482.52.
(a) When a physician medically directs anesthesia services, the following physician services are required for each patient:
(i) Pre-anesthetic examination and evaluation;

(ii) Prescribing an anesthesia plan;

(iii) Personal participation in the most demanding aspects of the anesthesia plan, including, if applicable, induction and emergence;

(iv) Assurance that any procedures in the anesthesia plan that he or she does not perform are performed by a qualified individual in accordance with state laws;

(v) Monitoring the course of anesthesia administration at frequent intervals;

(vi) Remaining physically present and available for immediate diagnosis and treatment of emergencies; and

(vii) Provision of indicated post-anesthesia care.

The physician shall not direct more than four (4) anesthesia patients concurrently and shall not perform any other services while he or she is directing the single or concurrent services so as to not violate Section 90.04-1(A)(2)(a) above.

B. Reimbursement for Anesthesia Services

MaineCare covers anesthesiology services by computing a price based on a basic value for each procedure, with time unit values added to administer the procedure. The Department assigns a basic value to specific procedures that require anesthesia. Time required to administer the anesthetic is then billed in one (1) minute units.

Billable anesthesia time starts when the anesthesia provider begins to prepare the patient for anesthesia services and ends when the anesthesia provider is no longer furnishing anesthesia services to the member, that is, when the member may be placed safely under postoperative care. Providers may include the time spent administering regional and local injections and placing catheters and other monitoring devices in billable time for the delivery of the anesthesia services. Providers should bill these procedures separately only when they are performed independently and not in conjunction with an anesthesia service.

MaineCare requires providers to use the latest HCPCS and Current Procedural Technology (CPT) procedure codes when billing for anesthesia services. These codes already have associated values assigned for each procedure and available modifiers to describe unusual situations. Providers should add the appropriate modifier identified in billing instructions.

MaineCare will reimburse a physician who is overseeing a CRNA at fifty percent (50%) of the amount allowed for physician services. This is in addition to the CRNA reimbursement.

MaineCare will reimburse anesthesia performed by certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) at seventy-five percent (75 %) of the amount allowed for physician services.

C. Anesthesia for Non-Surgical Services

When billing for anesthesia for all non-surgical diagnostic, medical services, or dental services, providers should bill the appropriate code for the procedure, with the appropriate anesthesia modifier to indicate that anesthesia was provided for a procedure not usually requiring anesthesia.

D. Anesthesia Administered by Operating Surgeon

MaineCare will make no allowance for topical anesthesia, local infiltration, or digital block anesthesia administered by the operating surgeon. When the surgeon provides regional or general anesthesia, the Department will reimburse for the basic anesthesia value without added time units.

90.04-2 V ision Services

Ophthalmologic procedures for diseases of the eye are covered when billed with appropriate CPT codes. Vision services must meet the guidelines detailed in MBM, Section 75, Vision Services.

90.04-3 Laboratory Services

Allowances for laboratory procedures apply to lab services provided by physicians or by independent laboratories. Providers must be willing to participate in proficiency testing. Tests that produce an index or ratio based on mathematical calculations using two (2) or more separate results may not be billed as separate tests, i.e., A/G ratio, free thyroxine index, etc.

MaineCare reimburses for tests that are frequently done as a group (panel) on automated equipment as a group under a single code in its reimbursement rate. For any combination of these tests, providers must bill the appropriate CPT code that correctly designates the tests included in the panel. MaineCare will reimburse no more than the price of the most appropriate panel for any tests performed individually on the same day.

Please refer to MBM, Chapter II, Section 55, Laboratory Services, regarding services provided in a physician's office and referrals for laboratory services.

90.04-4 Obstetrical Services for Pregnant Women

A. Provider Qualifications

MaineCare reimburses for obstetric services provided to a woman who is pregnant only when provided by a provider appropriately licensed or certified in the state in which he or she practices, practicing within their scope of that licensure or certification, and qualified to deliver services under this Section. Providers are expected to engage in collaborative management of individual members with appropriate consultation, referrals, and transfers of care including, but not limited to, transfer of care for the purpose of specialized treatment and admission to an approved MaineCare hospital, with such treatment including maternity services.

B. Obstetrical Services

Obstetrical care services include antepartum care, delivery, postpartum care, and other services normally provided in uncomplicated maternity care. Antepartum care includes usual prenatal services (e.g., initial and subsequent history, physical examination, recording of weight, blood pressure, fetal heart tones, maternity counseling, etc.).

Delivery includes management of labor and vaginal delivery (with or without episiotomy, with or without forceps), or cesarean section, and resuscitation of newborn infant when necessary. Postpartum care following vaginal or cesarean section delivery includes hospital and office visits, including routine postpartum care and family planning education.

MaineCare covers treatment of medical complications of pregnancy (e.g., toxemia, cardiac problems, neurological problems, etc.) or other problems requiring additional or unusual services and requiring hospitalization.

When a non-MaineCare provider covers the practice for a MaineCare provider and performs obstetrical services, MaineCare will only reimburse the MaineCare billing provider. The MaineCare billing provider must maintain adequate records to document the actual rendering provider. The MaineCare billing provider is responsible for reimbursing the non-MaineCare provider.

C. Reimbursement for Obstetrical Care

MaineCare provides two methods for maternity care billing, global charge basis or per service charge basis. Providers may choose only one (1) of the two (2) methods for each delivery as set forth below:

i. Global charge basis. Several procedure codes are all-inclusive of delivery, antepartum, and postpartum care and can be used to bill one all-inclusive charge following the member's delivery. Providers may not bill a global charge for patients who were not MaineCare eligible during the entire pregnancy. Providers may bill total maternity care codes (global charge basis) only in those instances where the provider performs each of the components of maternity care, and only if eight (8) or more visits over a period of at least four (4) months are provided during the antepartum phase of maternity care. Providers may bill maternity related office visits in excess of eleven (11) visits in addition to the global code.

ii. Per service charge basis. Providers may bill on per service basis for maternity care.

90.04-5 Behavioral Health Services

MaineCare covers behavioral health services as defined below when provided by an individual appropriately licensed or certified in the state in which he or she practices, practicing within the scope of that licensure or certification, and qualified to deliver treatment under this Section.

A. Covered Services

The Department reimburses for behavioral health services as defined below. When the same provider performs two (2) services for the same member on any one day, MaineCare will reimburse for only one (1) service, at the higher payment rate of the two (2) services.

Providers must use appropriate CPT codes when providing psychotherapy services. MaineCare members receiving psychotherapy services under this section of the MBM are ineligible to receive comparable or duplicative services, during the same time period, except as otherwise noted in MBM, Chapter II, Section 14, Advanced Practice Registered Nursing (APRN) Services, Chapter II, Section 45, Hospital Services, Chapter II, Section 65, Behavioral Health Services, or Chapter II, Section 46, Psychiatric Hospital Services.

MaineCare reimburses for the following services:

1. Medication management or drug therapy, defined as the prescription by a physician of psychoactive drugs to favorably influence a present mental illness or to preclude the recurrence of a mental illness, will not be reimbursed as a separate charge if no other behavioral health service is provided; providers should bill medication management as an office visit.

2. Evaluation and Diagnosis is the formulation or evaluation of a treatment plan for the member that includes a direct encounter between the member and the provider.

3. Psychotherapy, both with the individual member and his or her family, is a method of treatment of mental disorders using the interaction between the therapist and a member or a family member in an individual or group setting to promote emotional or psychological change to alleviate mental disorder. Family therapy sessions without the member being present are allowed if the purpose of the family therapy session is to address goals in the member's individual treatment plan.

Providers must keep clinical records that include, but are not limited to: the member's name, address, attending physician, other providers, and the member's history, diagnosis, and treatment plan, treatment documentation, and any discharge/closing summaries. The provider of the therapy service shall sign all entries.

4. Electro-shock Treatment, the administration of a stimulating electric current to the head affecting the brain cortex and producing a changed level of consciousness of the patient.

5. Inpatient Services, including admission, daily care, and inpatient psychotherapy.

Hospital admission is the initial hospital visit, comprehensive and complete diagnostic history, physical examination, preparation of hospital records, and initiation of diagnostic and treatment services.

Daily Care is the interval history, examination and treatment of members in an inpatient hospital setting. MaineCare will reimburse for as many inpatient hospital visits per week as are medically necessary.

Providers must include a personalized plan of care in the medical record that itemizes the type of behavioral health services needed; how the service can best be delivered; short and long-range goals; and a discharge plan.

6. Psychometric Testing for diagnostic purposes to determine the level of intellectual function, personality characteristics, etc., through the use of standardized test instruments. Testing for educational purposes is not a covered service.

Psychometric testing includes the administration of the test; the interpretation of the test; and the preparation of test reports. Providers do not have to include preliminary diagnostic interviews or subsequent consultation visits in the limits or rates for psychological testing.

MaineCare limits reimbursement for psychological testing sessions to no more than four (4) hours for each test, except for the following:

1. Each Halstead-Reitan Battery is limited to no more than seven (7) hours (including testing and assessment). This test is limited to cases where there is a question of a neuropsychological deficit.

2. Testing for intellectual level is limited to no more than two (2) hours for each test.

3. Each self-administered test is limited to thirty (30) minutes.

4. MaineCare limits reimbursement for psychometric testing to a total of four (4) hours.

90.04-6 Medical Imaging Services

Chapter II, Section 101, of the MBM further details Medical Imaging Services, which are comprised of two parts:

A) The professional component; and

B) The administrative and technical component. Services are reimbursed using a global fee unless standard modifiers are utilized to identify that only one component was provided. Providers must follow HCPCS and CPT guidelines for radiology using appropriate modifiers.

MaineCare reimburses Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) scans of the head and full body. MaineCare does not reimburse for repeat x-ray examinations of the same body part for the same condition required because of technical or professional error in the original x rays.

90.04-7 Drugs Administered in the Office Setting

Drugs and biologicals must meet all the general requirements for coverage of items as incidental to a provider's services. MaineCare does not cover the dispensing of prescription and nonprescription drugs and biologicals to members.

A. Drugs administered by other than oral method in the office setting.

To be reimbursable, a drug or biological administered by other than oral method in the office setting must meet all of the following criteria:

1. The drug or biological cannot be self-administered;

2. It is not an immunization;

3. It is reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of the illness or injury for which it is administered; and 4. It has not been determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be less than effective.

Providers must bill following the Department's billing instructions when billing for these codes. Although drugs must have an assigned J code to be eligible for reimbursement, providers must also indicate National Drug Code (NDC) codes on the claim in order to be reimbursed. MaineCare will not reimburse claims without both a valid J code and NDC.

MaineCare will not reimburse for provider administered drugs that are not rebateable under Section 1927 of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C.A. § 1396r-8(a)) and implementing CMS regulations ( 42 C.F.R. § 447.500 et seq.) unless the provider obtains Prior Authorization (PA). PA procedures can be found in Chapter 1 of the MBM. PA will not be granted for non-rebateable, provider administered drugs for which there are therapeutically equivalent alternatives that are rebateable. Instructions for billing, a crosswalk of J codes and a list of rebateable NDC codes are available on the MaineCare Services website at Providers must bill acquisition cost only, excluding shipping and handling.

B. Physician-Administered Drugs that have Biosimilar Equivalents and/or Prior Authorization Criteria

The Department shall submit to CMS and anticipates approval for a State Plan Amendment related to these provisions.

A "physician administered drug" must satisfy the criteria set forth in 90.04-7(A), but in addition, could include drugs administered orally in an office or other outpatient clinical setting.

If a physician-administered drug has an FDA-approved biosimilar equivalent that the Department has identified as more affordable, providers shall use the biosimilar drug. Annually, the Department shall identify drugs that have a more affordable FDA-approved biosimilar equivalent on the Biosimilar Preferred Drug List on the MaineCare Health PAS Online Portal. Physicians shall submit a PA request in order to administer the original drug.

Some physician-administered drugs may require PA to ensure members meet age, clinical, or other requirements.

More information on the PA process is in MaineCare Benefits Manual, Chapter I, Section 1. The MaineCare Health PAS Online Portal contains a complete list of physician-administered drugs that require PA and corresponding PA criteria sheets. Providers must make requests for PA on the Department's approved form and get approval prior to the date of service.

90.04-8 Orthopedic Shoes

MaineCare covers orthopedic shoes when prescribed by a provider, but they may not be billed under physician services. The provision and billing of shoes must comply with the guidelines of MBM, Chapter II, Section 60, Medical Supplies and Durable Medical Equipment.

90.04-9 Medical Supplies & Durable Medical Equipment

Providers may bill for those supplies needed in performing office procedures that are above and beyond what is usually used in a normal office visit. MaineCare reimburses acquisition cost only, excluding shipping and handling.

MaineCare reimburses for certain medical and durable medical equipment (e.g., essential prosthesis, braces, intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB) machines, oxygen, etc.) when prescribed. Providers providing this equipment must inform members of their freedom of choice to obtain these items from other suppliers. MaineCare shall not reimburse providers for both prescribing and supplying durable medical equipment to the same member unless the durable medical equipment is otherwise unobtainable or the item typically requires no maintenance or replacement during the period used by a member. If these circumstances do exist, reimbursement to the prescribing provider for also supplying an item shall be on the basis of the reasonable acquisition cost of the item to the provider.

Providers must maintain documentation of acquisition cost, including receipts and a copy of the original invoice, and make such documentation available to the Department upon request. Providers must also maintain documentation supporting the necessity of providing the supplies and/or equipment during the office visit. MaineCare shall not reimburse physicians for on-going medical supplies that are obtained through providers enrolled as Medical Supplies and Durable Medical Equipment Providers.

90.04-10 Reimbursement for Services of Interns, Residents, and Locum Tenens

Residents with a medical license, locum tenens, and temporaries must enroll as rendering providers under a physician's group or as a hospital based professional in order for their services to be reimbursed by MaineCare.

90.04-11 Preventive Services

MaineCare reimburses for preventive and routine physical examinations for children and adults. MaineCare does not cover physical exams performed solely for the purpose of school, sports, disability benefits, life or health insurance coverage, Workers' Compensation, the Driver Education and Evaluation Program (DEEP), work, or any other reason not related to medical necessity.

Except when medically contra-indicated, immunization(s) must be given at time of examination(s) as appropriate for age and health history.

MaineCare reimburses certain preventive services when using the following guidelines:

A. For Children

MaineCare covers Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) services for children and young adults up to the age of twenty-one (21) when performed in accordance with the Bright Futures Guidelines for Preventive Child Health Supervision. Providers who elect to enroll as an EPSDT provider must also comply with MBM, Chapter II, Section 94, Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Services.

B. For Adults

MaineCare covers initial and periodic comprehensive health histories and examinations for adults age twenty-one (21) and older. The frequency of routine physicals for adults must not exceed one time per twelve-month (12) period. Covered screening services include, but are not limited to, those recommended by the United States Preventive Service Task Force.

Providers should bill the preventive medicine evaluation and management procedure codes.

90.04-12 Physician Services for Children Under Age Twenty-one

MaineCare reimbursement is available for physician services provided to a child under age twenty-one (21) only when the provider meets at least one of the following criteria:

A. Is board eligible or certified in family practice, pediatrics, or internal medicine by the medical specialty board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties for family practice or pediatrics or the appropriate approved specialty board of the American Osteopathic Association;

B. Is employed by or affiliated with a Federally Qualified Health Center as defined in § 1905(l)(2)(B) of the Act;

C. Holds admitting privileges at a hospital participating in MaineCare;

D. Is a member of the National Health Service Corps;

E. Documents a current, formal consultation and referral arrangement with a pediatrician or family practitioner who has the certification described above in Section 90.04-13(A) for purposes of specialized treatment and admission to a hospital; or

F. Is an approved provider of services in a Rural Health Clinic (RHC), ambulatory care clinic, or is otherwise approved as a provider under MBM, Chapter II, Section 94, Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Services.

90.04-13 Diabetes Self-Management Training Services

Diabetes Self-Management and Training (DSMT) services for members with diabetes (any form) can be rendered by qualified organizations in Maine that have current National DSMT site recognition/accreditation, and have a current DSMT Letter of Understanding (LOU) with the DHHS, Maine CDC, Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Program. These rendering qualified provider organizations will be reimbursed when a provider furnishes these services to a MaineCare member whose physician has prescribed these services for the management of the member's diabetes.

The services consist of any/all diabetes education and support services outlined within the most current American Diabetes Association (ADA) - National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support and Clinical/Medical Care Standards for people with diabetes (any form). See

DSMT cannot be reimbursed on the same day as Medical Nutrition Therapy services.

90.04-14 Medical Nutrition Therapy Services

Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) services consist of nutritional assessments and interventions in accordance with nationally-accepted dietary or nutritional protocols. These services provided by rendering providers will be reimbursed when a provider furnishes these services to a MaineCare member whose physician has prescribed these services. Providers must be appropriately licensed or certified in the state in which he or she practices, practicing within the scope of that licensure or certification, and qualified to deliver treatment under this Section.

MNT cannot be reimbursed on the same day as DSMT services.

90.04-15 Services by Other Providers in Association with Physician Services

When employed in a physician's practice, services provided by the following professionals practicing within the scope of their certification and licensure are reimbursable:

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN); Audiologist; Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS); Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM); Certified Nurse Practitioner (NP); Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA); Dental Hygienist; Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC); Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW); Licensed Dietician; Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT); Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW); Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC); Nurse Practitioner (NP); Occupational Therapist (OT); Physician Assistant (PA); Physical Therapist (PT); Registered Nurse First Assist (RNFA).

The following criteria must be met prior to reimbursement of these services:

A. The rendering provider must be enrolled with MaineCare as a rendering provider within the physician's practice, and must bill in accordance with MaineCare and CMS 1500 billing instructions;

B. The rendering provider must be providing services within the scope of practice of his or her license;

C. The rendering provider must be licensed to practice in accordance with current laws and regulations in the state in which he or she is practicing;

D. The services must be provided under the delegation or supervision of a MaineCare enrolled physician licensed under state law to practice medicine or osteopathy. The responsible supervising physician shall be available at all times for consultation with all rendering providers identified in Section 90.04-15. MaineCare does not cover supervision of rendering providers. Consultation may occur in person, by telephone or by some other appropriate means consistent with instant communication.

Rendering providers must be an integral part of the physician's practice, and must be based within the setting/facility.

E. Audiologists, Occupational Therapists, and Physical Therapists practicing under a physician's supervision and billing under physician's services are also subject to the provisions found in their applicable sections of the MBM.

90.04-16 Interpreter Services

Please see MBM, Chapter 1, Section 1.06-2 for the requirements for Interpreter services.

90.04-17 Team Conferences

MaineCare covers face-to-face medical conferences by a physician or rendering provider with an interdisciplinary team of health professionals or representatives of community agencies to coordinate activities of patient care when the member is not present.

MaineCare does not cover conferences between staff of the same clinic or agency or team conferences by telephone.

90.04-18 Tobacco Cessation

MaineCare covers counseling and treatment for tobacco dependence to educate and assist members with smoking cessation.

Effective August 1, 2014, with retroactivity contingent upon the provider's compliance with MBM, Chapter I, Section 1.10-2 and 42 C.F.R. § 447.45 regarding the timely submission of claims, tobacco cessation treatment shall be a covered service for all MaineCare members who currently use tobacco products and who wish to cease the use of tobacco products. Tobacco cessation treatment includes both counseling and products. These services are provided to educate and assist members with tobacco cessation. During counseling, providers must educate members about the risks of tobacco use, the benefits of quitting and assess the member's willingness and readiness to quit. Providers should identify barriers to cessation, provide support, and use techniques to enhance motivation to quit for each member. These services may be provided in the form of individual or group counseling. Both forms of counseling may be provided by licensed practitioners within the scope of licensure as defined under State law and who are eligible to provide other coverable services in Section 90.

In addition to counseling, tobacco cessation treatment services include the provision of all pharmacotherapy approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration for tobacco dependence treatment. Tobacco cessation products are "Covered Drugs," reimbursable pursuant to Chapter. II, Section 80.05 of the MBM. MaineCare members are not required to participate in tobacco cessation counseling to receive tobacco cessation products. Members shall be provided with tobacco cessation treatment services with no annual or lifetime dollar limits, and no annual or lifetime limits on attempts to cease tobacco use.

Providers may bill these services alone or in addition to other outpatient evaluation/management services provided on the same date of service. MaineCare only reimburses separately for these additional services when used for the express purpose of counseling and/or risk factor reduction directed at tobacco addiction, and only when used in conjunction with an appropriate tobacco use disorder documented in the medical record.

90.04-19 Prescriptions

Any prescriber who has an individual DEA number must use that identifier when writing prescriptions, rather than a number assigned to an institution. Physicians should refer to Section 80, Pharmacy Services, of the MBM, for prescribing policies and procedures. For the most current and accurate prescribing criteria, please refer to MaineCare's Preferred Drug List at

90.04-20 Independent Procedures

Providers may not bill separately for services commonly carried out as an integral part of a total service (e.g., dipstick urinalysis). However, providers may bill separately for independent service not immediately related to other services.

90.04-21 Consultation and Referral

MaineCare distinguishes a consultation from a referral. A consultation includes services rendered by a provider whose opinion or advice is requested by another provider for the further evaluation and or management of the member.

If the consulting provider assumes responsibility for the continuing care of the member, any subsequent services rendered by this provider are not considered to be consultation.

A referral is the transfer of the total or specific care of a member from one provider to another.

90.04-22 Immunizations, Therapeutic Injections, and Hyposensitization

When provided as part of an examination and/or treatment, MaineCare will reimburse for the services described below in addition to the office visit. However, when the only service provided is immunization, therapeutic injection, or hyposensitization the rate is all-inclusive.

A. Immunizations: Immunization codes include both administration of and the immunological material. Providers should report the size of the dose administered when billing for immunizations. To be reimbursed for the immunological materials, providers must bill only the acquisition cost of the serum, excluding shipping and handling, plus the appropriate code for administration of the immunization. MaineCare does not cover documentation of immunizations. MaineCare only reimburses for the materials used for oral or intra-nasal immunizations, without an administration fee.
1. Vaccines Distributed by the State of Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) Immunization Program

Providers should bill for administration of vaccines distributed by the Maine CDC in accordance with MaineCare Services billing instructions.

Providers administering immunizations to children ages birth through age eighteen (18) years of age, must participate in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. Providers who would like more information or would like to enroll in the VFC program should contact the Maine CDC's

Immunization Program or visit their website at:

Providers should direct any questions about the administration of State supplied vaccines to the Maine CDC.

2. Vaccines Not Distributed by the Maine CDC

When not supplied by the Maine CDC, providers should bill therapeutic injections and immunizations using the proper NDC code. The charged amount for the therapeutic and immunological material must reflect the acquisition cost of the material to the provider. Providers must keep copies of invoices in their files. Any vaccine that could be obtained by distribution from the Maine CDC is not reimbursable, e.g., Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)

MaineCare will only reimburse the provider fee for the administration of such a vaccine.

B. Therapeutic injections: Providers should consult MaineCare billing instructions to bill therapeutic injections using the proper code for the type of injection delivered. The charged amount for the therapeutic material must reflect the acquisition cost of the material to the provider.

C. Hyposensitization: Hyposensitization codes include allergy sensitivity testing only; the allergenic extract is billed separately.

90.04-23 Prepaid Kits Purchased From the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory

The Maine CDC, Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory has specimen kits available for use in submitting certain specimens to the State laboratory for analysis. Providers must purchase these kits from the State laboratory. When a provider uses a kit to collect a specimen from a MaineCare member, providers should notify the State laboratory of the name and MaineCare ID number of the member for whom the kit was used. The State laboratory will then bill the kit to MaineCare. A replacement kit will be sent to the provider.

90.04-24 Surgical Services

A. General Information

MaineCare reimburses all covered surgical procedures as global packages with post-operative periods of 0-, 10- or 90-days and according to the MaineCare Global Surgery Fee Schedule available at

Allowances for surgery include payment for the following all-inclusive global- packaged services:

1. Pre-operative visits (except the initial consultation for major surgical services);

2. The surgery itself (including anesthesia that is not regional or general);

3. Complications following surgery which do not require additional trips to the operating room;

4. Post-operative visits during the postoperative period of surgery that are related to recovery from the surgery;

5. Post-surgical pain management by the surgeon;

6. Supplies - except for those identified as exclusions; and

7. Miscellaneous services - Items such as dressing changes; local incisional care; removal of operative pack; removal of cutaneous sutures and staples, lines, wires, tubes, drains, casts, and splints; insertion, irrigation and removal of urinary catheters, routine peripheral intravenous lines, nasogastric and rectal tubes; and changes and removal of tracheostomy tubes.

Some services are not included in the global surgical package and may be paid for separately. These include, but are not limited to, initial consultation or evaluation to determine the need for surgery for major surgical services, visits unrelated to the diagnosis for which the surgical procedure is performed or for complications of the surgery, diagnostic tests and procedures, clearly distinct surgical procedures during the post-operative period that are not re-operations or treatment for complications, and some critical care services unrelated to the surgery.

B. CPT Coding for Common Situations

MaineCare requires use of standard CPT codes and modifiers. Providers should consult current CPT and HCPCS publications for these modifiers. The following are examples of situations that often arise in regard to surgical procedures. Special CPT modifiers may be required for these situations:

1. Additional Surgical Procedures: When an additional surgical procedure is carried out within the applicable 0-, 10-, or 90-day post-operative period for a previous surgery, the post-operative periods will continue concurrently to their normal termination.

2. Incidental Procedures: Certain procedures are commonly carried out as an integral part of a total service and are not covered separately. When an incidental procedure (e.g., incidental appendectomy, lysis of adhesions, excision of scar, puncture of ovarian cyst) is performed through the same incision, the allowance will be for the major procedure only.

3. Independent Procedures: No allowance will be made for services listed in CPT coding as "independent procedures" when they are carried out as a part of a total service.

However, when such a procedure is carried out as a separate entity, not immediately related to other services, the procedure will be covered. (e.g., cystoscopy in conjunction with bladder surgery does not warrant additional payment; cystoscopy in conjunction with hysterectomy is an independent procedure.)

4. Multiple Surgical Procedures: When multiple or bilateral surgical procedures are performed at the same operative setting and add significant time or complexity to patient care, the total reimbursement equals the allowance for the major procedure plus fifty percent (50%) of the allowance for the lesser procedure(s).

5. Assistance at Surgery: MaineCare will reimburse for a physician as a surgical assistant (including physician assistants and Registered Nurse First Assists) for major surgery at twenty percent (20%) of the surgical allowance. Providers should use the appropriate modifier code when reporting a surgical assist.

6. Co-Surgeons: When the skills of two (2) physicians are required to perform the procedure, providers may allocate the allowance according to the responsibility and work done. The physicians must make the Department aware of the allowance distribution.

7. Surgical Team: Allowances for surgery performed under the surgical team concept will be determined on a "By Report" basis.

90.04-25 Oral and TMJ Surgery Billed with CPT codes

Providers of oral and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) surgery must also comply with all applicable rules of MBM, Chapter II and III, Section 25, Dental Services, including but not limited to, urgent care guidelines and prior authorization. All TMJ surgeries require prior authorization.

90.04-26 Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic services must be performed as detailed in MBM, Chapter II, Section 15, Chiropractic Services. Providers should also see instructions for documenting rehabilitation potential in Section 90.05-3.

90.04-27 Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational therapy services must be performed as detailed in MBM, Chapter II, Section 68, Occupational Therapy Services. Providers should also see instructions for documenting rehabilitation potential in Section 90.05-3.

90.04-28 Physical Therapy Services

Physical therapy services must be performed as detailed in MBM, Chapter II, Section 85, Physical Therapy Services. Providers should also see instructions for documenting rehabilitation potential in Section 90.05-3.

90.04-29 Speech and Hearing Services

Speech and hearing services must be performed as detailed in MBM, Chapter II, Section 109, Speech and Hearing Services. Providers should also see instructions for documenting rehabilitation potential in Section 90.05-3.

90.04-30 Topical Fluoride Varnish

Application of topical fluoride varnish is covered up to four (4) times per calendar year for members under the age of 21. These limitations apply across qualified providers, including dental providers. Qualified providers shall bill using CPT code 99188.

90.04-31 Oral Health Risk Assessment

MaineCare covers oral health risk assessments for members who do not have a dental home and/or have not seen a dentist in the past year. The provider must:

A. Question about the existence of a current primary dentist/dental home;

B. Include risk screening questions based on oral health history;

C. Include assessment of mouth and teeth; and D. Develop an oral health plan which, if needed, includes parent, legal guardian, and/or primary caregiver education about importance of establishing a primary dentist/dental home for the child, and provide a referral to a dentist (when possible).

MaineCare will cover two (2) evaluations per calendar year across all qualified providers, but no more than once every 150 days. Additional information is available in MBM, Chapter III, Section 25, Dental Services.

For members under three (3), providers shall bill using dental code D0145. For members three (3) and over, providers shall bill using D0191.

90.04-32 Podiatry Services All podiatry services are subject to requirements in MBM, Chapter II, Section 95, Podiatric Services, and many podiatric procedures require prior authorization.

90.04-33 Transgender Services

Physicians and rendering providers will be reimbursed for providing MaineCare covered services to treat a member with gender dysphoria, as prescribed by a physician or other referring medical professional. Coverage for surgical services related to gender dysphoria will require a prior authorization pursuant to Section 90.05, Restricted Services.

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