Code of Maine Rules
Chapter II - Specific Policies By Service
Subsection 144-101-II-13.03 - ELIGIBILITY FOR SERVICES
Current through 2024-38, September 18, 2024
An individual may be found eligible to receive MaineCare Targeted Case Management services if the following requirements are met:
13.03-1 General Eligibility Requirements
Individuals must meet the eligibility criteria as set forth in the MaineCare Eligibility Manual, Chapter I, Section 1. Some members may have restrictions on the type and amount of services they are eligible to receive.
Designated case management agencies shall be responsible for confirming the member's eligibility for case management services. If the individual is not currently receiving MaineCare, he or she will be referred to a district office of the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Integrated Access and Support, to determine eligibility for MaineCare.
13.03-2 Specific Eligibility Requirements
In order to receive Targeted Case Management Services, members must meet criteria for one of the four following target groups:
Functional Limitations mean:
Impairment in vocational functioning as manifested by (1) an inability to be consistently employed at a self-sustaining level or (2) an ability to be employed only with extensive supports (A person who is able to earn sustaining income, but is recurrently unemployed because of acute episodes of mental illness or addictions does not meet this functional limitations requirement).
Impairment in educational functioning as manifested by an inability to establish and pursue educational goals within a normal time frame or without extensive supports.
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL)
Impairment in IADL functioning as manifested by an inability to consistently and independently accomplish home management tasks, including household meal preparation, washing clothes, grocery shopping and budgeting.
Social or Interpersonal
Impairment in social or interpersonal functioning as manifested by an inability to independently develop or maintain social relationships, or to independently participate in social or recreational activities. This may be evidenced by:
- Repeated inappropriate or inadequate social behavior (defined as aninability to behave appropriately or adequately without extensive or consistent support or coaching; or only in special contexts or situations such as social groups organized by the provider), or
- Consistent participation in activities only with extensive support or coaching, and when involvement is mostly limited to special activities established for persons with interpersonal impairments.
Impairment in community functioning as manifested by a pattern of significant community disruption, including family disruption or social unacceptability or inappropriateness, which may not recur often but is of such magnitude that it results in severe consequences (including exclusion from the member's primary social group) or in severe impediments to securing basic needs such as housing.
Self-care, Independent Living or Activities of Daily Living
Impairment in self-care or independent living as manifested by an inability to consistently perform the range of practical daily living tasks required for basic functioning in the community, including:
- Bed mobility, transfer, locomotion, eating, toilet use, bathing, and dressing
- Grooming, hygiene, and meeting nutritional needs
- Care of personal business affairs
- Transportation and care of residence
- Procurement of medical, legal, and housing services
- Recognition and avoidance of common dangers or hazards to self and possessions.
13.03-3 Case Management Services for Children
Acceptable standardized instruments means, for behavioral health, Child/Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) (ages 6 through 20), Child and Adolescent Needs and Strength assessment Preschool Comprehensive (CANS-PC) (ages 0-5), Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths assessment Mental Health (CANS-MH) (ages 5-17), the Child/Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment Transition Mental Health (CANSAT-MH) (18-21), Preschool and Early Childhood Functional Assessment Scale (PECFAS) (ages 3 through 6), and Ages and Stages (and Ages and Stages Social Emotional scales) (up through age 5).
Children must meet the criteria listed below in subsections 1 OR 2. In addition children must meet the criteria listed in subsection 3a or 3b to be eligible for TCM Services.
(DC: 0-3). Axis I mental health diagnoses do not include the following: Learning Disabilities (LD) in reading, mathematics, written expression, Motor Skills Disorder, and LD NOS (Learning Disabilities Not Otherwise Specified); Communication Disorders (Expressive Language Disorders, Mixed Receptive Expressive Language Disorder, Phonological Disorder, Stuttering, and Communication Disorder NOS); OR
Acceptable standardized instruments means, for developmental disabilities, CHAT (ages 6 through 20), Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths assessment-Preschool Comprehensive (CANS-PC) (ages 0-5), Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths assessment-Mental Health (CANS-MH) (5-17), Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths assessment Autism Spectrum Profile (CANS-ASP) (0-18), Child/Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment Transition Developmental Disabilities (CANSAT-DD) (18-21), Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (up through age 20), Battelle Developmental Inventory (up through age 7), Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (age 1 month through 2 years), and Ages and Stages (and Ages and Stages Social Emotional scales) (up through age 5).
Children must meet the criteria listed below in subsection 1 OR 2 OR 3. In addition children must meet the criteria listed in 4a. OR be eligible for TCM Services.
13.03-4 Case Management Services for Adults
Adults must meet the following criteria to be eligible for TCM Services.
An individual is eligible for case management services if he or she is age eighteen (18) or older and meets the eligibility requirements of Title 34B M.R.S.A.§3573, which defines developmental disabilities, or Title 34B M.R.S.A. §6002, which defines autism. A person who has reached his or her eighteenth (18th) birthday and is under age twenty-one (21) may choose to receive case management services as an adult.
An adult who is infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as determined by a positive HIV antibody or antigen test, or who has a diagnosis of HIV disease or AIDS.
A designated case management agency shall be responsible for confirming the person's eligibility for case management services. Case management services for persons with HIV infection are covered services only when provided by approved staff of agencies designated by the Department's Center for Disease Control, Division of Infectious Disease, HIV, STD and Viral Hepatitis Program Administrator.
13.03-5 Case Management Services for Members Experiencing Homelessness
Members experiencing homelessness but who otherwise are not eligible for TCM must meet the following Eligibility Criteria to be eligible for TCM under this Section;
13.03-6 Eligibility Procedures
Eligibility for case management services will be determined by either a case manager of the Department or a comprehensive case manager of a designated provider. Eligibility procedures are specific to the targeted case management groups and/or program offices within the Department. The procedure for determining eligibility for case management services is as follows:
13.03-7 Quality Assurance
Providers must cooperate with the Department or its authorized agent in conducting quality assurance activities including, but not limited to the following: