A. All hazardous
waste facilities must be located, designed, constructed, altered, operated,
maintained and closed in a manner that will assure protection of human health
and welfare and the environment. Protection of human health and welfare and the
environment includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Prevention of adverse effects on ground
water quality considering:
(a) The volume and
physical and chemical characteristics of the waste in the facility, including
its potential for migration through soil or through synthetic liner
(b) The hydrogeological
characteristics of the facility and surrounding land;
(c) The quantity, quality and directions of
ground water flow;
(d) The
proximity and withdrawal rates of ground water users;
(e) The existing quality of ground water,
including other sources of contamination and their cumulative impact on the
ground water;
(f) The potential for
health risks caused by human exposure to waste constituents;
(g) The potential damage to wildlife, crops,
vegetation and physical structures caused by exposure to waste
(h) The persistence
and permanence of the potential adverse effects; and
(2) Prevention of adverse effects on surface
water quality considering:
(a) The volume and
physical and chemical characteristics of the waste in the facility;
(b) The hydrogeological characteristics of
the facility and surrounding land, including the topography of the area around
the facility;
(c) The quantity,
quality and directions of ground water flow;
(d) The patterns of rainfall in the
(e) The proximity of the
facility to surface waters;
(f) The
uses of nearby surface waters and any water quality standards established for
those surface waters;
(g) The
existing quality of surface water, including other sources of contamination and
their cumulative impact on surface water;
(h) The potential for health risks caused by
human exposure to waste constituents;
(i) The potential damage to wildlife, crops,
vegetation and physical structures caused by exposure to waste
(j) The persistence
and permanence of the potential adverse effects; and
(3) Prevention of adverse effects on air
quality, considering:
(a) The volume and
physical and chemical characteristics of the waste in the facility, including
its potential for volatilization and wind dispersal;
(b) The existing quality of the air,
including other sources of contamination and their cumulative impact on the
(c) The potential for health
risks caused by human exposure to waste constituents;
(d) The potential damage to wildlife, crops,
vegetation and physical structures caused by exposure to waste
(e) The persistence
and permanence of the potential adverse effects; and
(4) Prevention of adverse effects due to
migration of waste constituents in the subsurface environment, considering:
(a) The volume and physical and chemical
characteristics of the waste in the facility, including its potential for
migration through soil;
(b) The
geologic characteristics of the facility and surrounding land;
(c) The patterns of land use in the
(d) The potential for
migration of waste constituents into subsurface physical structures;
(e) The potential for migration of waste
constituents into the root zone of food chain crops and other
(f) The potential for
health risks caused by human exposure to waste constituents;
(g) The potential damage to wildlife, crops,
vegetation and physical structures caused by exposure to waste constituents;
(h) The persistence and
permanence of the potential adverse effects.
B. The treatment or disposal of hazardous
waste at a facility by means of evaporation is prohibited.
C. The burning of hazardous waste in a cast
iron and fire-tube boiler or in a boiler having a capacity level of less than
25 million Btu per hour is prohibited.
D. The disposal of hazardous waste within the
coastal waters of this State is prohibited. In addition, the disposal of
hazardous waste in any ocean waters by a resident of this state is prohibited
except that this prohibition does not apply to ocean waters which are within
the jurisdiction of another state.
E. The placement of any hazardous waste into
any salt dome formation, salt bed formation, underground mine or cave, and the
underground injection of hazardous waste, is prohibited.