Code of Maine Rules
Section 096-400-4 - General Licensing Criteria
Current through 2024-38, September 18, 2024
This section contains general standards applicable to the licensing of solid waste facilities. This section also lists submissions required of applicants for new or expanded facilities in order for the Department to determine if the general licensing criteria are met. All applicants must demonstrate compliance with the criteria of this section and submit the listed submissions unless otherwise provided in the relevant facility chapter. Required submissions for amendments, minor revisions and limited permits will be determined by the Department on a case-by-case basis to determine if the proposal meets the relevant general licensing criteria.
A. Title, Right or Interest
B. Financial Ability
C. Technical Ability
D. Provisions for Traffic Movement
NOTE: Additional information concerning safe sight distances and other access management standards applicable to Maine can be found in, Access Management Improving the Efficiency of Maine Arterials A Handbook for Local Officials, Maine Department of Transportation (1994).
At a minimum, the traffic study must contain the following:
E. Fitting the Solid Waste Facility Harmoniously into the Natural Environment
F. No Unreasonable Adverse Effect on Existing Uses and Scenic Character
G. No Unreasonable Adverse Effect On Air Quality
NOTE: ASTME 679-79 can be used for guidance for control of nuisance odors.
H. No Unreasonable Adverse Effect on Surface Water Quality
I. No Unreasonable Adverse Effect On Other Natural Resources
J. Soil Types That Are Suitable and Will Not Cause Unreasonable Erosion
K. No Unreasonable Risk That a Discharge to a Significant Ground Water Aquifer Will Occur
L. Adequate Provision for Utilities and No Unreasonable Adverse Effect on Existing or Proposed Utilities
M. Not Unreasonably Cause or Increase Flooding
NOTE: Section 3(F) and the standard conditions found in Appendix C of this Chapter require compliance with all applicable laws. Facilities licensed under these Rules may also be subject to federal stormwater regulations.
N. Solid Waste Management Hierarchy
NOTE: 06-096 CMR 409(2)(C) provides that for the purposes of that subsection. "recycle" includes, but is not limited to: reuse of waste as shaping, grading or alternative daily cover materials at landfills, aggregate material in construction, and boiler fuel substitutes, when such reuse is consistent with all applicable requirements of the Solid Waste Management Rules, 06-096 CMR 400 to 419.
NOTE:Composting, beneficial use and agronomic utilization facilities are not required to make a demonstration of consistency with the solid waste management hierarchy, given their purpose and nature and their placement in the hierarchy.
For the purposes of this section, reducing, reusing, recycling, composting and/or processing waste to the "maximum extent practicable" prior to disposal means handling the greatest amount of waste possible through means as high on the solid waste management hierarchy as possible, resulting in maximizing waste diversion and minimizing the amount of waste disposed, without causing unreasonable increases in facility operating costs or unreasonable impacts on other aspects of the facility's operation. Determination of the "maximum extent practicable" includes consideration of the availability and cost of technologies and services, transportation and handling logistics, and overall costs that may be associated with various waste handling methods.