Code of Maine Rules
Appendix 071-232-C
Current through 2024-38, September 18, 2024
Request for Approval
Integrated Studies Programs
as per
Chapter 127 - Instructional Requirements and Graduation Standards (127.13F)
I. Introduction to integrated Studies
The regulation governing integrated studies is contained in Chapter 127, Instructional Requirements and Graduation Standards. This regulation (Chapter 127.13F) states "vocational students may, with approval of the Commissioner, satisfy the second-year mathematics, science, and social studies requirements through separate or integrated study offered as part of the vocational curriculum."
The intent of the regulation is to recognize the value of combining traditional curriculum objectives with the unique experiences of vocational schools. It is an opportunity to teach the academic principles and demonstrate the application to enhance complete understanding. New concepts are to be taught and evaluated. Integrated programs must not be a reapplication of previously learned material.
II. Application
Detailed information approved in the following categories is needed to determine the acceptability of the program:
In instances where science credit is sought as the laboratory graduation requirement, describe how activities are guided by the scientific method.
There are two options which wilt satisfy certification concerns surrounding integrated studies. The first option is that the teacher be certified to teach the subject for which graduation credit is requested. The second option Is that the program be team taught by a subject area teacher and vocational educator. Team teaching involves collaborative planning and instruction.
Ill. Submission Process
Four copies of the requested materials are to be sent to the Associate Commissioner for the Bureau of instruction, Maine Department of Education, State House Station #23, Augusta, Maine 04333. A cover sheet should be prepared which contains the name and signatures of the sending school's superintendent and vocational director. In addition, a subject area contact person should be identified in the event that clarification is necessary.
The Commissioner's approval/disapproval shall be determined in a timely manner and the Commissioner's decision is final. The school administrative unit or vocational center/region may appeal an adverse decision to the Superior Court within 30 days from the receipt of the decision in the manner set forth in 5 NASA, Section 11001 et seq,
For further information, contact the Associate Commissioner, Bureau of Instruction, 23 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333. (287-5800)