Code of Maine Rules
Section 201-1-II - COUNTY JAILS

Current through 2024-38, September 18, 2024


A-100 Administration

Procedure A. Review of Administrative Policies and Procedures

Procedure B. Staff Training

A-110 Fiscal Management

Procedure A. Fiscal Management System, General

Procedure B. Inmate Daily Accounts

Procedure C. Inmate Work Place Accounts

Procedure D. Commissary Accounts

Procedure E. Inmate Benefit Account

A-120 Records

Procedure A. Records, General

Procedure B. Prevention of Unauthorized Access or Disclosure

A-121 Management Information Data

Procedure A. Management Information Systems

Procedure B. Inmate Population Data

Procedure C. Disaster & Recovery Plans, Computers

A-122 Jail Logs

Procedure A. Jail Logs

A-123 Inmate Records

Procedure A. Inmate File Records

Procedure B. Inmate Medical Records

Procedure C. Improper Disclosure/Access

A-124 Food Service Records

A-125 Personnel Records

A-126 Personnel Training Records

A-127 Administration Review

Procedure A. Review of Logs

Procedure B. Inmate Files

Procedure C. Other Records

A-130 Staff Training

Procedure A. Staff Training, General

A-131 Entry Level Training

Procedure A. Orientation

Procedure B. Pre-Assignment (Level A & B)

Procedure C. Basic School (Level C)

Procedure D. Post Basic (Level D)

A-132 In-Service Training, Annual ( Level E)

A-133 Advanced Training

A-140 Internal Investigations

A-150 Reviewing and Revising Policies and Procedures

A-160 Calculating Periods of Imprisonment (Goodtime)

A-200 Personnel Policies (Optional)


B-100 Emergency Plans and Procedures

Procedure A. Emergency Situations

Procedure B. Staff Training

B-110 Implementation of Emergency Plans

Procedure A. Staff Responsibilities

Procedure B. Establishing Authority

B-111 Command Office Responsibilities

B-112 Emergency Codes

B-120 Emergency Release and Evacuation Procedures

B-130 Fire Emergency Plans

Procedure A. Fire Prevention and Protection

Procedure B. Documenting and Maintaining Fire Plans

B-131 Emergency Fire Procedures

B-135 Inmate Suicide

Procedure A. Responsibilities of discovering officer

Procedure B. Emergency Medical Treatment

Procedure C. Required Notification and Documentation

Procedure D. Debriefing

B-140 Escapes

Procedure A. Duty Correctional Officer

Procedure B. Control Clerk

Procedure C. Command Officer

B-141 Breaking Custody

Procedure A. Escorting Personnel

Procedure B. Control Clerk

Procedure C. Command Officer

B-142 Walk Away

Procedure A. Staff Member Who Discovers or Suspects a Walk Away

Procedure B. Dispatcher

Procedure C. Command Officer

B-150 Riots

Procedure A. Weapons and Special Equipment use

Procedure B. Duty Correctional Officer

Procedure C. Control Clerk

Procedure D. Command Officer

B-160 Hostage Situation

Procedure A. Hostage Negotiations

Procedure B. Use of Deadly Force

B-161 Hostage Procedures

Procedure A. Duty Correctional Officer

Procedure B. Control Clerk

Procedure C. Command Officer/Negotiator

B-170 Mass Arrest

Procedure A. Facility Preparation

Procedure B. Additional Building and Facilities

Procedure C. Additional Personnel

Procedure D. Admissions, Bail, and Release Processing

B-180 Work Stoppage

B-190 Death in Jail, Notification & Investigation

B-200 Facility Contingency Housing Plans

B-210 Correctional Emergency Response or Tactical Team

Procedure A. Organization, Qualifications & Training

Procedure B. Use of Teams

Procedure C. Authorized Equipment and Weapons


C-101 Implementing and Maintaining the Admissions Process

Procedure A. Review of Admission Practices

Procedure B. Staff Training

C-102 Receiving Prisoners for Admissions

C-103 Pre-Admission Procedures

Procedure A. Determination of Proper Commitments

Procedure B. Check for Injury/Medical Screening/Observations

Procedure C. Preliminary Search

C-110 Admissions Procedures, Initial Steps

Procedure A. General Procedures

C-111 Required Documentation of Admissions

Procedure A. Required Documentation

Procedure B. Admission Forms

Procedure C. Prisoner's Property and Funds (Inventory, Receipts, Storage)

Procedure D. Prisoner Identification/Booking

C-112 Prisoner Screening/Referrals (Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Suicide)

Procedure A. Mental Health/Suicide Screening and Referrals

Procedure B. Substance Abuse Screening and Referrals

C-113 Prisoner Telephone Calls

C-114 Bail Arrangements

Procedure A. Prisoner for Whom Bail Has Been Set

Procedure B. Prisoner for Whom Bail Has Not Been Set

C-120 Admission Procedures--Inmates Not Bailed

Procedure A. Strip Search/Documentation/Showers

C-121 Clothing Exchange, Linen, and Personal Hygiene Items

Procedure A. Clothing Exchange

Procedure B. Linen Issue

Procedure C. Personal Hygiene Item Issue

C-122 Inmate Orientation

C-123 Initial Inmate Housing Assignment

Procedure A. Male, Minimum, Medium and Maximum

Procedure B. Female, Minimum, Medium and Maximum

Procedure C. Juvenile, Minimum, Medium and Maximum

C-200 Release of Inmates

Procedure A. Implementing and Maintaining Release Procedures

Procedure B. Staff Training

C-210 Release Procedures

Procedure A. Release Procedures, General

Procedure B. Positive Identification of Inmates to be Released

Procedure C. Verification/Authorization of Release

Procedure D. Receipt of Jail Property

Procedure E. Release of Inmate Property

Procedure F. Documentation of Release


D-100 Inmate Classification and Security

D-101 Categories of Inmate Classification Assignments

Procedure A. Maximum-Security Inmates

Procedure B. Medium-Security Inmates

Procedure C. Minimum-Security Inmates

Procedure D. Special Management Inmates

Procedure E. Classification of Females and Juvenile

Procedure F. Community-Based Inmates

D-110 Inmate Classification Procedures

D-111 Initial Classification Procedure

Procedure A. Initial Classification Interview

Procedure B. Verification of Information

Procedure C. Classification and Housing Assignment

D-120 Classification Committee

Procedure A. Classification Committee, General

Procedure B. Inmate Classification Assignments

D-130 Inmate Reclassification Procedures

Procedure A. Reclassification to a Higher Security Assignment

Procedure B. Reclassification to a Lower Security Assignment

D-131 Inmate Appeal of Classification Assignment

D-200 Security Perimeters

Procedure A. Establishing Security Perimeters

Procedure B. Maintaining Security Perimeters

D-210 Control Room Security Procedures

D-211 Weapons Control

Procedure A. Entrance Through Public Entrance

Procedure B. Entrance Through SallyPort

D-212 Control of Keys

Procedure A. Key Control, General

Procedure B. Accounting for Keys Out and Returned

D-213 Control of Tools/Culinary Equipment

Procedure A. Control of Tools/Culinary Equipment Out/In

D-214 Controlling Security Doors and Inmate Movement

Procedure A. Sallyport Entrance/Perimeter Doors

Procedure B. Control of Secondary Perimeter

Procedure C. Control of Cell Doors/Common Areas

D-215 Surveillance Equipment and Alarms

Procedure A. Surveillance Equipment

Procedure B. Fire/Smoke Alarms

Procedure C. Other Alarm Systems

D-220 Search Procedures

Procedure A. Search Procedures, General

Procedure B. Inmate Pat Search

Procedure C. Inmate Strip Search

Procedure D. Body Cavity Searches

Procedure E. Search of Common and Living Area

Procedure F. Facility Shakedown

Procedure G. Search of Civilians

Procedure H. Search of Items Entering & Exiting Facility Perimeter

Procedure I. Preservation of Evidence

D-230 Inmate Counting Procedures

Procedure A. Inmate Counting procedures, General

Procedure B. Inmate Not Accounted For

Procedure C. Inmate Bed/Flesh Checks

D-240 Inmate Supervision and Relations

D-241 Use of Force

Procedure A. Non-deadly Force

Procedure B. Deadly Force

D-242 Supervision of All Categories of Inmates

Procedure A. Maximum and Medium-Security Inmates

Procedure B. Minimum-Security Inmates

Procedure C. Trustees and Inmates Participating in Release Programs

Procedure D. Female and Juvenile Inmates

D-243 Special Management Inmates

Procedure A. Treatment of Special Management Inmates

Procedure B. Supervision of Special Management Inmates

Procedure C. Administrative Segregation

Procedure D. Disciplinary Segregation

D-244 Use of Restraints in the Facility

D-250 Transportation of Inmates

Procedure A. Transportation of Inmates


E-100 Jail Sanitation

Procedure A. Maintaining Sanitation Practices

E-110 Cleaning Supplies

Procedure A. Inventorying and Ordering Cleaning Supplies

Procedure B. Storage of Cleaning Supplies

Procedure C. Issuing Cleaning Supplies

E-120 Housekeeping Plans

Procedure A. Housekeeping Plans, General

Procedure B. Inmate Housing Areas

Procedure C. Common Areas

Procedure D. Jail Kitchen

E-130 Vermin and Pest Control

Procedure A. Professional Vermin and Pest Control Services

Procedure B. Vermin and Pest Control by Staff

E-140 Inmate Personal Hygiene

Procedure A. Inmate Personal Hygiene, Minimum Standards

Procedure B. Inmate Personal Hygiene Items

Procedure C. Inmate Clothing and Linen Exchange

Procedure D. Contaminated Clothing and Linen

E-150 Laundry Services

Procedure A. Inventorying and Ordering Clothing, Linen, and Laundry Supplies

Procedure B. Laundry Services Area, General

Procedure C. Laundry Schedule

Procedure D. Duties of the Laundry Person

E-160 Trustee Selection

Procedure A. Kitchen

Procedure B. Other

E-200 Jail Maintenance

Procedure A. Jail Maintenance, General

Procedure B. Preventative Maintenance Plan/Schedule

Procedure C. Reporting Maintenance Problems, Non-Emergency

Procedure D. Reporting Emergency Maintenance Problems

Procedure E. Reporting Emergency Maintenance Problems After Normal Hours.

E-210 Environmental Control Systems

Procedure A. Heating and Cooling

Procedure B. Electrical Lighting and Switches

Procedure C. Ventilation System

Procedure D. Plumbing and Water Control

E-300 Food Services

E-301 Inmate Dining

E-302 Meal Schedule

E-303 Menu Plan

E-304 Special Diets

Procedure A. Special Therapeutic Diets

Procedure B. Special Diets, Religious Beliefs

E-310 Kitchen Sanitation

E-320 Food Preparation

E-330 Feeding Procedures

E-340 Inventorying, Ordering and Receiving Food Supplies

Procedure A. Food Supply Inventory

Procedure B. Ordering Food Supplies

Procedure C. Receiving Food Supplies

E-341 Emergency Food Supply

E-350 Food Storage and Stock Rotation

Procedure A. Food Storage

Procedure B. Rotating Food Supplies


F-100 Inmate Rights, General

F-110 Inmate Access to Courts

Procedure A. Written Communications with the Courts

Procedure B. Verbal Communications with the Courts

Procedure C. Access Through Legal Representative

F-120 Inmate Access to the Media

F-130 Inmate Mail, General

F-131 Incoming Mail

F-132 Outgoing Mail

F-140 Inmate Telephone Usage

F-150 Inmate Visiting

Procedure A. Inmate Visiting, General

Procedure B. Receiving Visitors

Procedure C. Supervising Inmate Visits

Procedure D. Documentation of Visitation

F-151 Visits from Family and Friends

F-152 Visits from Professionals

F-153 Special Visits

F-154 Visiting Rules

F-155 Visiting by Persons Under 18

F-156 Visits by Ex-Inmates

F-160 Inmate Grievances

Procedure A. Inmate Grievance Procedures

Procedure B. External Grievance Procedures

F-200 Inmate Discipline Procedures

Procedure A. Maintaining Disciplinary Procedures

Procedure B. Disciplinary Procedures, Minor Infractions

Procedure C. Disciplinary Procedures, Major Infractions

Procedure D. Offenses

Procedure E. Pre-Hearing Procedures

F-210 Inmate Rules and Regulations

F-300 Inmate Services

F-310 Medical Services

Procedure A. Medical Services, General

Procedure B. Jail Physician

F-311 Emergency Medical Procedures

F-312 Non-Emergency Medical Procedures

Procedure A. Inmate Access to Non-Emergency Medical Services

Procedure B. Sick Call

Procedure C. Physicals

Procedure D. Inmate Refusing Medical Treatment

F-313 Inmate's Medication

Procedure A. Inmate's Medication, General

Procedure B. Administering or Self-Administration of Prescribed Medication

Procedure C. Administering or Self-Administration of Non-Prescribed Medication

Procedure E. Secure Storage and Inventory of Medication

F-314 Emergency Dental Care

F-315 Special Health Care Services

F-316 Delousing Procedure

F-317 Inmate Detoxification

F-318 First Aid Kits

Procedure A. Location of First-Aid Kits

Procedure B. Maintenance of First Aid-Kits.

F-319 Infectious Disease Control

F-320 Psychiatric Services

F-321 Emergency Psychiatric Services

F-322 Non-Emergency Psychiatric Services

F-330 Religious Services

Procedure A. Religious Services, General

Procedure B. In-House Religious Services

Procedure C. Inmate Request for Religious Counseling

Procedure D. Attending Religious Services in the Community

F-340 Library Services

Procedure A. Jail Library Services, General

Procedure B. Access to Legal Materials

F-350 Commissary Services

Procedure A. Commissary Services, General

Procedure B. Ordering Items Through Commissary Services

F-400 Inmate Programs

F-410 In-House Programs

F-411 Recreation Programs

Procedure A. Leisure Time Activities

Procedure B. Outdoor Recreation

F-412 Social Service and Counseling Programs

F-413 Educational Programs

Procedure A. In-House Educational Programs, General

Procedure B. Community-Based Educational Programs

F-420 Release Programs

Procedure A. Inmate Release Programs, General

Procedure B. Selection of Inmates to Participate in Release Programs

Procedure C. Implementing Approved Release Programs

F-421 Furlough Programs

Procedure A. Furlough Programs, General

Procedure B. Inmate's Request for Furloughs

F-422 Public Service and Non-Profit Organization Work Projects

F-423 Home Release/Monitoring Programs

F-424 Work/Educational Release

F-425 Community Based Programs, Diversion and Alternative Sentencing.

Section G: Juvenile Detention

G-100 Principles of Juveniles Detention

Procedure A. Establishing & Maintaining Practices to Detain Juveniles

Procedure C. Juvenile Detention Logs

G-101 Separation of Juveniles from Adults

Procedure A. Housing

Procedure B. Scheduling of Activities and Movement

Procedure C. Movement

Procedure D. Participation in Programs, Activities and Services

G-200 Admission Practices & Accepting Juveniles for Detention

Procedure A. Notification that Juvenile is Enroute to the Facility

Procedure B. Screening Prior to Admission to the Secure Area

Procedure C. Alternative Arrangements Outside of the Secure Area

Procedure D. Provisions for Emergency Detention

Procedure E. Receiving Detainers for Admission

Procedure F. Initial Housing, Security Facility or Temporary Holding Resources

Procedure G. Clothing Exchange/Linen/Personal Hygiene

Procedure H. Juveniles with Special Needs

G-300 Emergency Detention of Juveniles

Procedure A. Approving Emergency Detention

Procedure B. Implementing Emergency Detention

Procedure C. Termination of Emergency Detention

G-400 Juvenile Detention up to 24 Hours

Procedure A. Approving up to 24 Hours Detention

Procedure B. Implementing More than 24 Hours Detention

Procedure C. Termination of up to 24 Hours Detention

G-500 Juvenile Detention, More than 24 Hours

Procedure A. Approving More than 24 Hours Detention

Procedure B. Implementing More than 24 Hours Detention

Procedure C. Termination of More than 24 Hours Detention

G-501 Minimizing Isolation of Juvenile Detainers and Minimizing Negative Aspects of Confinement

G-502 Reducing Juvenile Idleness

Procedure A. Plan of the Day

Procedure B. Work

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