Code of Maine Rules
Section 031-220-10 - Prima Facie Credit Accident and Health Insurance Rates
Current through 2024-52, December 25, 2024
Credit accident and health insurance benefits provided in connection with forms filed in accordance with Title 24-A M.R.S.A., Section2858, and this Rule shall be deemed prima facie reasonable in relation to the premiums charged if the schedule of premium rates filed with such forms does not exceed the premium rate standard set forth below:
A. In the absence of an approved rate deviation, the rates per $100 of initial insured indebtedness in connection with closed-end transactions, or open-end transactions for which the number and amount of payments is fixed, are:
Term of Indebtedness* in months | Non-Retroactive 30-Day Elimination Period | Retroactive 30-Day Waiting Period | ||
Rate | Benchmark Loss Ratio | Rate | Benchmark Loss Ratio | |
6 | 0.93 | 50 | 1.70 | 59 |
12 | 1.46 | 55 | 2.11 | 67 |
18 | 1.75 | 60 | 2.43 | 70 |
24 | 1.96 | 64 | 2.69 | 72 |
30 | 2.14 | 67 | 2.94 | 73 |
36 | 2.31 | 69 | 3.15 | 74 |
42 | 2.48 | 70 | 3.32 | 75 |
48 | 2.63 | 71 | 3.48 | 76 |
54 | 2.77 | 72 | 3.61 | 77 |
60 | 2.89 | 73 | 3.73 | 78 |
72 | 3.12 | 74 | 3.92 | 80 |
84 | 3.32 | 75 | 4.17 | 80 |
96 | 3.48 | 76 | 4.38 | 80 |
108 | 3.61 | 77 | 4.57 | 80 |
120 | 3.71 | 78 | 4.73 | 80 |
132 | 3.80 | 79 | 4.88 | 80 |
144 | 3.87 | 80 | 5.00 | 80 |
156 | 3.97 | 80 | 5.11 | 80 |
168 | 4.05 | 80 | 5.20 | 80 |
180 | 4.13 | 80 | 5.27 | 80 |
* For truncated coverage, use the term of insurance.
For terms of indebtedness other than those shown, linear interpolation shall be used.
B. Prima facie monthly premium rates per $1,000 of outstanding indebtedness which are the actuarial equivalent of the prima facie single premium rates shall be computed by the following formula:
OBn = SPn Click here to view Image Gn
where OBn is the monthly premium per $1,000 of outstanding indebtedness;
SPn is the single premium rate per $100 of initial indebtedness;
n is the number of monthly payments; and
Gn = 1 + .0425 n/2 is an interest adjustment. Use of this adjustment
is optional.
C. Prima facie monthly premium rates per $1,000 of outstanding principal balance shall be computed as follows:
OPn = SPn Click here to view Image Gn
where OP is the monthly premium per $1,000 of outstanding principal balance;
i is the monthly finance rate;
Click here to view Image ; and
SPn, n and Gn are as defined in subsection B above.
OPn = 10 Click here to view Image
where OP is the monthly premium per $1,000 of outstanding principal balance;
MB is the monthly benefit to be paid when the debtor is disabled
PB is the outstanding principal balance;
n is the maximum number of monthly benefit payments
SPn is the defined in subsection B above; and
LRn is the benchmark loss ratio.
The following are special cases of this formula:
OPn = Click here to view Image[(n) (SPn) - (n-1) ( Click here to view Image) ( Click here to view Image)]
OPn =
Click here to view
Image - [(n) (SPn) - (n-1) (
Click here to view
D. For critical period disability coverage, the prima facie single premium rates are those shown in Appendix B.
E. Alternative methods of converting single premium rates to monthly premium rates may be approved if it can be demonstrated that:
F. Deviations
[(-PR -(1) x Z] + 1
where PR is the plan ratio, which is the incurred loss ratio at prima facie rates divided by the benchmark loss ratio; and Z is the credibility factor from the table in Section 13.
The application of this formula is illustrated by the following examples:
Plan: 30 Day Non-Retroactive
A. Earned Premium at Prima Facie Rates | 190,000 |
B. Incurred Losses | 180,000 |
C. Imputed Investment Income | 10,000 |
D. Incurred Loss Ratio at Prima Facie Rate [B / (A+C)] | 90% |
E. Number of Claims Incurred | 150 |
F. Credibility Factor (from table) | 90% |
G. Average Term of Indebtedness ( in months) | 30 |
H. Prima Facie Rate | 2.13 |
I. Benchmark Loss Ratio | 66% |
J. Prima Facie Claim Cost [H x I] | 1.41 |
K. Expense Loading [H-J] | .72 |
L. Plan Ratio [D/I] | 1.36 |
M. Adjusted Plan Ratio [(L-1) x F+1] | 1.32 |
N. Deviated Rate for Average Term [(M x J) +K] | 2.58 |
O. Deviation Ratio for All Terms [N / H] | 121% |
Plan: 30 Day Retroactive
A. Earned Premium at Prima Facie Rate | 190,000 |
B. Incurred Losses | 100,000 |
C. Imputed Investment Income | 10,000 |
D. Incurred Loss Ratio at Prima Facie Rate [B / (A + C)] | 50% |
E. Number of Life Years Covered | 3,000 |
F. Credibility Factor (from table) | 90% |
G. Average Term of Indebtedness (in months) | 48 |
H. Prima Facie Rate | 3.60 |
I. Benchmark Loss Ratio | 74% |
J. Prima Facie Claim Cost [H x I] | 2.66 |
K. Expense Loading [H - J] | .94 |
L. Plan Ratio [D / I] | .68 |
M. Adjusted Plan Ratio [(L - 1) x F + 1] | .71 |
N. Deviated Rate for Average Term [(M x J) + K] | 2.83 |
O. Deviation Ratio for All terms [N / H] | 78% |
G. Premium rates for indebtedness repayable in installments other than as indicated above must be consistent with the above rates.
H. The premium rates specified are considered reasonable for policies which:
An insurer may file other forms of credit health insurance which meet the requirements of 24-A M.R.S.A., Section2858, provided no such insurance shall be issued with a waiting period, retroactive or non-retroactive, of less than 30 days. Premium rate standards for these contracts must be consistent with the above standards. If the credit health insurance requires evidence of individual insurability, a 10% reduction in the prima facie rate is required unless deviated rates based on experience are in use. No reduction is required if the monthly benefit exceeds $1,000. The Bureau may consider a different reduction if the insurer can provide support for the difference. Premium rates for use with forms which are more restrictive than those set forth above must reflect these variations to the extent that there is a measurable difference in the cost of the coverage provided.