APPLICABILITY. The requirements of Section 11 apply to all
crossings of stream channels, rivers, ponds, lakes, Great Ponds, nonforested
freshwater wetlands, coastal wetlands, and freshwater wetlands identified by
the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife as significant wildlife habitat
or essential wildlife habitat.
1. Crossings must
allow for fish passage at all times of the year, must not impound water, and
must allow for the maintenance of normal stream flows.
Determination of flow.
Provided they are properly applied and used for the circumstances for which
they are designed, methods including but not limited to the following are
acceptable to the Bureau as means of calculating the 10 year and 25 year
frequency water flows and thereby determining crossing sizes as required in
this section: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Methods; specifically:
Hodgkins, G. 1999. Estimating the Magnitude of Peak Flows for Streams
in Maine for Selected Recurrence Intervals.U.S. Geological Survey.
Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4008. 45 pp.
Upgrading existing crossings.
Extension or enlargement of presently existing crossings must conform to the
provisions of this section. Any nonconforming existing crossing may continue to
exist and be maintained, as long as the nonconforming conditions are not made
more nonconforming; however, any maintenance or repair work done below the
normal high water line must conform to the provisions of this
Bureau Permits
and Permit by Rule
Permits. An application for a permit must be submitted to the
Bureau at least 60 days prior to the construction of any new permanent crossing
or the replacement of a permanent crossing of any waterbody subject to a 250'
shoreland area as defined by §(4)(W)(1) of this rule, non-forested
freshwater wetlands larger than 4,300 square feet and any crossing that will
not conform to permit by rule standards. An individual permit application is
required for each crossing. The permit application must contain all information
required by the Bureau, including a description of how negative impacts to the
resource will be avoided and minimized to the extent practicable. When granting
a permit the Bureau may impose such reasonable terms and conditions as the
Bureau considers appropriate in order to satisfy the purpose set forth in its
governing statutes and rules.
Permit by Rule. Crossings must conform to standards of this
section to qualify for permit by rule. If a crossing does not conform to these
standards an application for a full permit must be submitted per
§(11)(B)(4)(a) above. A permit by rule must be submitted to the Bureau
prior to construction, maintenance, alteration, and replacement of permanent
crossings of waterbodies subject to a 75' shoreland area or adjacent shoreland
area as defined by §(4)(W)(2) and (3) of this rule except all non-forested
freshwater wetlands greater than 4,300 square feet which require a permit as
described in §(11)(B)(4)(a). Multiple crossings within one township or
municipality may be submitted on one permit by rule form. The permit by rule
must contain all information required by the Bureau, including:
i. a map showing the location of all proposed
permanent crossings. Maps must be of sufficient quality and scale for a person
unfamiliar with the area to locate the crossing;
ii. for any temporary or permanent crossing
that requires a permit from state or federal agencies, a copy of the approved
permit or permits; and,
iii. a
statement signed by the permit applicant that all temporary and permanent
crossings will be constructed, maintained, and closed out in accordance with
the requirements of this chapter.
Exception A permit or permit
by rule is not required for the repair and maintenance of an existing crossing
or for the replacement of an existing crossing, including ancillary crossing
installation activities such as excavation and filling, in any protected
natural resource area, as long as:
i. Erosion
control measures are taken to prevent sedimentation of the water;
ii. The crossing does not block passage for
fish in the protected natural resource area;
iii. For replacement crossings of a river,
stream or brook:
a. The replacement crossing
is designed, installed and maintained to match the natural stream grade to
avoid drops or perching; and
b. As
site conditions allow, crossing structures that are not open bottomed are
embedded in the stream bottom at least 25% of the culvert or other structure's
diameter, except that a crossing structure does not have to be embedded more
than 2 feet.
iv. The
Bureau is notified prior to the activity in accordance with §(11)(B)(6) of
this rule.
For purposes of this subsection, "repair and maintenance"
includes but is not limited to the riprapping of sideslopes or culvert ends;
removing debris and blockages within the crossing structure and at its inlet
and outlet; and installing or replacing culvert ends if less than 50% of the
crossing structure is being replaced.
Other Agency Permits
a. Any timber harvesting and related
activities involving the design, construction, and maintenance of crossings on
water bodies other than a stream channel or river, including crossings of
Significant River Segments and freshwater wetlands identified by the Department
of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife as significant wildlife habitat or essential
wildlife habitat, may require a permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers.
When a permit is required, the crossing is not required to meet the standards
of this section provided it conforms with all applicable state and federal
requirements and any permit conditions.
b. Any timber harvesting and related
activities involving the design, construction, and maintenance of crossings of
freshwater wetlands identified by the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife as essential wildlife habitat require prior consultation with the
Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
Notice to Bureau.
Notification to the Bureau is required prior to construction, maintenance,
alteration, and replacement of crossings. Written notice of all temporary and
permanent water body crossing construction, maintenance, alteration, and
replacement activities in shoreland areas regulated by this rule must be given
to the Bureau prior to the commencement of such activities. Multiple crossings
within one township or municipality may be submitted on one notification form.
Such notice must contain all information required by the Bureau, including:
a. a map showing the location of all proposed
permanent crossings.Maps must be of sufficient quality and scale for a person
unfamiliar with the area to locate the crossing;
b. for any temporary or permanent crossing
that requires a permit from state or federal agencies, a copy of the approved
permit or permits; and,
c. a
statement signed by the responsible party that all temporary and permanent
crossings will be constructed, maintained, and closed out in accordance with
the requirements of this chapter.
Design and Construction
a. All skid trail crossings of streams and
rivers below the 25 square mile drainage point require a bridge or culvert
sized according to the requirements of subsection 2 below.
b. Streams above the 25 square mile drainage
point may be crossed using temporary structures that are not bridges or
culverts but which meet the requirements of the following subsection c; or
i. when stream channels are frozen and
snow-covered; or
ii. when stream
channels are composed of a hard surface which will not be eroded or otherwise
c. All skid
trail crossings of streams must be designed, constructed, and maintained, such
i. sedimentation of surface waters is
reasonably avoided;
ii. there is no
substantial disturbance of the bank or stream channel;
iii. fish passage is not impeded;
iv. water flow is not
unreasonably impeded.
NOTE: For guidance on reasonable measures,
consult the Bureau publication, "Best Management Practices for Forestry:
Protecting Maine's Water Quality" (2004). This publication is available from
the Bureau and on the Bureau's website, www.maineforestservice.gov.
Bridge and Culvert Sizing. The following requirements apply to
skid trail crossings of stream channels when surface waters are unfrozen:
a. Bridges and culverts must be installed and
maintained to provide an opening sufficient in size and structure to
accommodate 25 year frequency water flows or with a cross-sectional area at
least equal to 3times the cross-sectional area of the stream channel.
b. Temporary bridge and culvert sizes may be
smaller than provided in subsection a above if techniques are effectively
employed such that in the event of culvert or bridge failure, the natural
course of water flow is maintained and sedimentation of the water body is
avoided. Such crossing structures must be at least as wide as the channel and,
if not culverts, placed above the normal high water line. Techniques may
include, but are not limited to, the effective use of any, a combination of, or
all of the following:
i. use of temporary
skidder bridges;
ii. removing
culverts prior to the onset of frozen ground conditions;
iii. using water bars in conjunction with
iv. using road dips in
conjunction with culverts.
c. Culverts utilized in stream crossings
i. be installed at or below stream bed
ii. be seated on firm
iii. have soil compacted at
least halfway up the side of the culvert;
iv. be covered by soil to a minimum depth of
1 foot or according to the culvert manufacturer's specifications, whichever is
greater; and
v. have a headwall at
the inlet end which is adequately stabilized by rip-rap or other suitable means
to reasonably avoid erosion of material around the culvert.
NOTE: For guidance on reasonable measures,
consult the Bureau publication, "Best Management Practices for Forestry:
Protecting Maine's Water Quality" (2004). This publication is available from
the Bureau and on the Bureau's website, www.maineforestservice.gov.
d. Stream crossings
allowed under this section, but located in flood hazard areas (i.e. A zones) as
identified on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) or Flood Hazard
Boundary Maps (FHBM), must be designed and constructed under the stricter
standards contained in that community's National Flood Insurance Program
(NFIP). For example, a crossing may be required to pass a 100-year flood
Closeout. Upon completion of timber harvesting and related
activities, or upon the expiration of a Forest Operations Notification,
whichever is earlier, the following requirements apply:
a. Bridges and culverts installed for stream
crossings by skid trails must either:
comply with the standards for stream channel crossings by land management roads
as set forth in this rule, or
be removed and areas of exposed soil stabilized.
b. Crossing structures that are not bridges
or culverts must either:
i. be removed
immediately following timber harvesting and related activities, or,
ii. if frozen into the stream bed or bank, as
soon as practical after snowmelt.
c. Stream channels, banks and approaches to
crossings of water bodies must be immediately stabilized on completion of
harvest, or if the ground is frozen and/or snow-covered, as soon as practical
after snowmelt. If, despite such precautions, sedimentation or the disruption
of shoreline integrity occurs, such conditions must be corrected.
wetlands. Skid trail crossings, other than those areas below the normal
high water line of water bodies, must avoid freshwater wetlands and must
maintain the existing hydrology of such wetlands, unless there are no
reasonable alternatives, as determined by the Bureau in a written decision
prior to construction.
Exception. Timber harvesting and related activities in shoreland
areas of streams draining less than 300 acres and wetlands adjacent to such
streams may be conducted in a manner not in conformity with the requirements of
the foregoing subsections provided persons conducting such activities take
reasonable measures to avoid the disruption of shoreline integrity, the
occurrence of sedimentation of water, and the disturbance of stream banks,
stream channels, shorelines, and soil lying within ponds and wetlands. If,
despite such precautions, the disruption of shoreline integrity, sedimentation
of water, or the disturbance of stream banks, stream channels, shorelines, and
soil lying within ponds and wetlands occurs, such conditions must be corrected
NOTE: For guidance on reasonable measures,
consult the Bureau publication, "Best Management Practices for Forestry:
Protecting Maine's Water Quality" (2004). This publication is available from
the Bureau and on the Bureau's website, www.maineforestservice.gov.
Design, construction, and maintenance. Land management road stream
channel crossings, including approaches to stream channel crossings, ditches
and other related structures, must be designed, constructed, and maintained
such that:
a. concentrated water runoff does
not enter the water body or tributary stream;
b. sedimentation of surface waters is
reasonably avoided;
c. there is no
substantial disturbance of the stream bank or stream channel not directly
associated with culvert or bridge installation;
d. fish passage is not impeded;
e. water flow is not
unreasonably impeded.
NOTE: For guidance on reasonable measures,
consult the Bureau publication, "Best Management Practices for Forestry:
Protecting Maine's Water Quality" (2004). This publication is available from
the Bureau and on the Bureau's website, www.maineforestservice.gov.
Bridge and
culvert sizing. The following requirements apply to land management road
crossings of stream channels when surface waters are unfrozen:
a. Bridges and culverts must be installed and
maintained to provide an opening sufficient in size and structure to
accommodate 25 year frequency water flows or with a cross-sectional area at
least equal to 3times the cross-sectional area of the stream channel.
b. Culverts utilized in stream crossings
i. be installed at or below stream bed
ii. be seated on firm
iii. have soil compacted at
least halfway up the side of the culvert;
iv. be covered by soil to a minimum depth of
1 foot or according to the culvert manufacturer's specifications, whichever is
greater; and
v. have a headwall at
the inlet end which is adequately stabilized by rip-rap or other suitable means
to reasonably avoid erosion of material around the culvert.
c. If a perennial water course to
be crossed is to be used for navigation, the crossing must consist of a bridge
span or pipe arch with at least 4 feet of clearance during normal high water
for boat traffic.
d. If the stream
being crossed is a perennial watercourse and has a slope of more than 2%, a
bridge or pipe arch must be used to maintain the natural streambed.
e. Fill sideslopes in a stream or floodplain
wetland must be maintained at a slope no shallower than 3 horizontal to 1
vertical and no steeper than 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical. Fill side slopes
must be stabilized at the completion of the activity.
NOTE: For guidance on reasonable measures,
consult the Bureau publication, "Best Management Practices for Forestry:
Protecting Maine's Water Quality" (2004). This publication is available from
the Bureau and on the Bureau's website, www.maineforestservice.gov.
f. Temporary bridge and culvert
sizes may be smaller than provided in subsection a above if techniques are
effectively employed such that in the event of culvert or bridge failure, the
natural course of water flow is maintained and sedimentation of the water body
is avoided. Such crossing structures must be at least as wide as the channel
and, if not culverts, placed above the normal high water line. Techniques may
include, but are not limited to, the effective use of any, a combination of, or
all of the following:
i. use of temporary
skidder bridges;
ii. removing
culverts prior to the onset of frozen ground conditions;
iii. using water bars in conjunction with
culverts; and/or,
iv. using road
dips in conjunction with culverts.
3. Stream crossings allowed under this
section, but located in flood hazard areas (i.e. A zones) as identified on a
community's Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) or Flood Hazard Boundary Maps
(FHBM), must be designed and constructed under the stricter standards contained
in that community's National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). For example, a
crossing may be required to pass a 100-year flood event.
Road closeout and
discontinuance. Maintenance of the water control installations required
above must continue until use of the road is discontinued and the road is put
to bed by taking the following actions:
Effective installation of water bars or other adequate road drainage structures
at appropriate intervals, constructed to reasonably avoid surface water flowing
over or under the water bar, and extending sufficient distance beyond the
traveled way so that water does not reenter the road surface.
b. Crossing structures must be appropriately
sized or dismantled and removed in a manner that reasonably avoids
sedimentation of the water body.
Any bridge or water crossing culvert in roads to be discontinued shall satisfy
one of the following requirements:
i. it
shall be designed to provide an opening sufficient in size and structure to
accommodate 25 year frequency water flows;
ii. it shall be designed to provide an
opening with a cross-sectional area at least 3 1/2 times the cross-sectional
area of the stream channel; or
it shall be dismantled and removed in a fashion to reasonably avoid
sedimentation of the water body.
If, despite such precautions, sedimentation or the disruption
of shoreline integrity occurs, such conditions must be corrected.
NOTE: For guidance on reasonable measures,
consult the Bureau publication, "Best Management Practices for Forestry:
Protecting Maine's Water Quality" (2004). This publication is available from
the Bureau and on the Bureau's website, www.maineforestservice.gov.
Freshwater wetlands. Land management road crossings, other than
those areas below the normal high water line of water bodies, must avoid
freshwater wetlands and must maintain the existing hydrology of such wetlands,
unless there are no reasonable alternatives, as determined by the Bureau in a
written decision.