Current through 2024-38, September 18, 2024
Full Measure Required
Full Measure in Hauling. All
wood that was designated to be hauled and which was hauled, shall be measured
in full without regard to any merchantability factor. Payment for services in
hauling shall be based on the measurement procedure for gross scale set forth
in Chapter 382, section 6.
Full Measure in Both Harvesting and Hauling. All wood that was
designated to be harvested and hauled and which was harvested and hauled, shall
be measured in full without regard to merchantability factor. Payment for
services in harvesting and hauling shall be based on the measurement procedure
for gross scale set forth in Chapter 382, section 6 for each measurement
Limitation on Full Measurement Requirement. Wood that was
designated not to be hauled but was hauled may be subtracted from the total
measure for purposes of payment for services to the person providing services
in hauling, when
1. the person providing the
services was responsible for loading and he loaded wood which had been clearly
marked as culled wood not to be hauled, or when the person providing the
services was responsible for culling and marking the harvested wood that did
not meet the written harvesting or hauling specifications and he loaded and
hauled wood that did not meet the specifications, and
2. the person requiring the services affords
the person providing the services a reasonable opportunity to review the wood
in question.
Culled Wood
Method of
Handling Culled Wood. To subtract the culled wood from the total
measure, the marked pieces may be measured separately or the person requiring
the services may use an alternative method, provided the method of calculation
is reasonable and furnished to the person providing services in writing in
advance of performance of the services.
Dispute on Culled Wood. If
the person providing the services believes the culled wood had been designated
to be hauled or harvested and hauled, he may file a complaint with the State
Sealer and may give the person with possession or control of the wood notice to
hold the wood because he will file or has filed a complaint. Chapter 384 of
these Wood Measurement Rules governs such complaints and the notice to hold
Specifications for Hauling or Both Harvesting and Hauling
Hauling. The person requiring
services in hauling shall furnish the person providing the services with
written hauling specifications where required by this chapter, section
Harvesting and
Hauling. The person requiring in both harvesting and hauling shall
furnish services the person providing the services with written cutting and
hauling specifications in accordance with this chapter, section 4(A) and
Absence of Written
Specifications. In the absence of written specifications, all wood that
was hauled shall be presumed to have been designated for hauling, or for both
harvesting and hauling.
Omission of Some Wood Designated To Be Hauled. When hauling
specifications were provided but do not include some wood that was designated
in some other manner to be hauled, all of such wood that was hauled shall be
measured in full.
Inclusion of Provisions for Taking Deductions. The inclusion of
any provision for taking deductions in hauling specifications under any
circumstances other than permitted in this section under paragraph B are
prohibited and shall be disregarded for purposes of payment.
Wood Harvested But Not
Hauled. In the event that a person requiring services in both harvesting
and hauling designated in the written specifications wood to be harvested but
not hauled, the person requiring the services shall measure that wood according
to the requirements for payment for services in harvesting, set forth in
section 2 of this chapter.
Prompt Furnishing of Measurement
Tally Sheet Required
Prompt furnishing of the measurement tally sheets is required
for payment for services in hauling and in both harvesting and hauling and
shall be furnished by the person requiring the service in accordance with
Chapter 383.