Louisiana Administrative Code
Part III - Economic Stability
Subpart 12 - Child Care Assistance Program
Chapter 51 - Child Care Assistance Program
Subchapter A - Administration, Conditions of Eligibility, and Funding
Section III-5103 - Conditions of Eligibility

Universal Citation: LA Admin Code III-5103

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024

A. Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program (FITAP) recipients who are satisfactorily participating in the Strategies to Empower People (STEP) Program, as determined by the case worker, are categorically eligible. The program will pay 100 percent of the FITAP/STEP participant's child care costs, up to the maximum amounts listed in §5109. B The following eligibility criteria must be met.

1. The household must include a child in current need of child care services who is under the age of 13, or age 13-17 and physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself, as verified by a physician or certified psychologist, or by receipt of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or who is under court supervision.

B. Low-income families not receiving FITAP cash assistance, including former FITAP recipients who are given priority consideration, must meet the following eligibility criteria.

1. The household must reside in Louisiana to be eligible for child care assistance.

2. The household must include a child in current need of child care services who is under the age of 13, or age 13-17 and physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself, as verified by a physician or certified psychologist, or by receipt of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or who is under court supervision.

3. The child must customarily reside more than half the time with the person who is applying for child care services. A child is considered to be residing with the head of household during scheduled absences from the home/day care, lasting up to six weeks, if there are definite plans for the child to return to the home/day care facility.

4. Effective September 1, 2002, unless disabled as established by receipt of Social Security Administration disability benefits, supplemental security income, Veterans' Administration disability benefits for a disability of at least 70 percent, or unless disabled and unable to care for his/her child(ren) as verified by a doctor's statement or by worker determination, the TEMP must be:
a. effective June 1, 2011, employed for a minimum average of 30 hours per week and all countable employment hours must be paid at least at the federal minimum hourly wage; or

b. attending a job training or educational program for a minimum average of, effective June 1, 2011, 30 hours per week (attendance at a job training or educational program must be verified, including the expected date of completion); or

c. engaged in some combination of employment which is paid at least at the federal minimum hourly wage, or job training, or education as defined in Subparagraph B.4.b of this Section that averages, effective June 1, 2011, at least 30 hours per week;

d. Exception: a household in which all of the members described in Paragraph B.4 of this Section meet the disability criteria is not eligible for child care assistance unless one of those members meets, effective June 1, 2011 the required minimum average of 30 activity hours per week.

e. Exception: The employment and training activity requirements may be waived for a period of 180 days from the effective date of certification for homeless parents or persons acting as parents who demonstrate that they are seeking employment or participating in a transitional living program as defined in Section 5102 There is a six-month lifetime maximum for this exception.

5. Household income does not exceed 55 percent of the state median income for a household of the same size. Income is defined as:
a. the gross earnings of the head of household, that person's legal spouse, or non-legal spouse and any minor unmarried parent who is not legally emancipated and whose children are in need of child care assistance, with the exception of income from:
i. Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS);

ii. college work study; and

iii. disaster-related employment.

b. recurring unearned income of the following types for all household members:
i. Social Security Administration benefits;

ii. supplemental security income;

iii. Veterans' Administration benefits;

iv. retirement benefits;

v. disability benefits;

vi. child support/alimony;

vii. unemployment compensation benefits;

viii. adoption subsidy payments, and workers' compensation benefits.

6. The child in need of care must be either a citizen or a qualified alien. CCAP policy on qualified aliens is the same as policy defined by the Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program (FITAP).

7. Effective November 1, 2005, the household must be current on payment of co-payments to any current or previous provider(s). Verification will be required that co-payments are not owed when:
a. a change in provider is reported;

b. at application for child care assistance, the most recent case rejection or closure was due to owing co-payments or not making necessary co-payments;

c. a child care provider reports that the client owes co-payments or is not making necessary co-payments.

C. The family requesting child care services must provide the information and verification necessary for determining eligibility and benefit amount, and meet appropriate eligibility requirements established by the state. However, the verification of a child's age and/or immunizations may be waived for a period of 90 days from the effective date of certification for a household in which all of the members meet the homeless definition described in Section 5102, as long as all other eligibility factors described in Section 5103, Subsection B, Paragraphs 1-3 and 5-7 are met.

D. Cases eligible for payment may be assigned a certification period of up to twelve months. However, cases based on §5103. B.4.e that have waived the 30 hours per week employment and training requirement for a homeless family shall be assigned a certification period of six months.

E. Effective October 1, 2004, all children receiving services must be age-appropriately immunized according to the schedule of immunizations as promulgated by the Louisiana Office of Public Health, or be in the process of receiving all age-appropriate immunizations. No person is required to comply with this provision if that person or his/her parent or guardian submits a written statement from a physician stating that the immunization procedure is contraindicated for medical reasons, or if the person or his/her parent or guardian objects to the procedure on religious grounds. However, the verification of a child's age and/or immunizations may be waived for a period of 90 days from the effective date of certification for a household in which all of the members meet the homeless definition described in Section 5102, as long as all other eligibility factors described in Section 5103, Subsection B, Paragraphs 1-3 and 5-7 are met.

F. CCAP households must participate in the system designated by the agency for capturing time and attendance. This process may include finger imaging for the head of household and their household designees. The agency will determine the maximum number of household designees allowed on a CCAP case. Finger imaging is a requirement to participate in CCAP if the provider chosen by the client utilizes this as the mechanism for capturing time and attendance. Exceptions may be granted by the Executive Director of Economic Stability or his or her designee on a case-by-case basis.

G. If a client chooses care in an in-home provider setting, the client must possess a working landline telephone.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with 45 CFR Parts 98 and 99, P.L. 104-193, Act 58 2003 Reg. Session, ACF Guidance: ACYF-IM-CC-05-03.

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