Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
1. A nomination postcard containing
information on how to request a nomination packet shall be sent to the member's
postal or email address as recorded in the office of the system as of the end
of the month preceding the mail out. Members will need to contact the firm
conducting the election to request a nomination packet.
2. Upon request, a nomination packet
containing a petition for candidacy, an election schedule, and the rules
governing elections shall be sent to each member of the system who will be
eligible to vote for a candidate in a vacant position.
3. A candidate for a vacant retiree position
on the board of trustees must be a regular retiree who retired, as of the date
nominations close, from a police department of a participating municipality
with the district for which he is a candidate and must be domiciled within the
district for which he is a candidate. Once elected, he must remain domiciled
within that district in order to continue serving in that position.
4. Once received by the firm conducting the
election, the board of trustees shall only accept the name of the candidate
nominated by petition of at least ten members of the system (other than the
member being nominated) who are active or retired, as applicable, from
municipalities within the district representative of the trustee position to be
filled and place such candidate on the ballot, provided said candidates meets
the requirements for trustee. The printed name of those persons signing the
nominating petition must be legible for purposes of verification. Unverifiable
signatories shall not count toward the required total. Members signing the
petition shall also supply the final four digits of their Social Security
number. The person being nominated is solely responsible for verifying that all
persons signing as nominators are actually members of the system. Given that
not all Louisiana municipal police officers are members of this system,
potential nominees are strongly encouraged to do all of the following:
a. call the system office to verify
membership of each nominator;
submit signatures of more than ten nominators; and
c. email, fax, or mail their completed
nomination packet and resume to the firm conducting the election at least two
weeks prior to the deadline.
5. The nominee may attach a resume' giving
their qualifications and background, which will be furnished to the voting
members along with the ballot. This resume' is to be mailed along with the
petition for candidacy to the firm conducting the election. The resume' shall
be limited to one 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper, which may be printed on both
sides. If the resume is not submitted to the firm conducting the election by
the deadline or if any information is included on the member's resume' other
than qualifications and background, as determined by the board of trustees, the
resume' will not be furnished to the voting members.
6. All nomination petitions shall be received
by the firm conducting the election on a scheduled date as determined prior to
such election as shown in the election schedule.
7. Within a reasonable amount of time after
the firm conducting the election receives the completed nomination petition,
the firm shall notify the potential nominee via telephone and email that his
petition was received and forwarded to the system.
8. The firm conducting the election shall
forward the submitted petitions and resumes to the system staff as they are
received. As soon as possible, the system staff shall ensure that the petitions
are valid. If they are not valid, then the system staff shall notify the
potential nominees of the deficiencies. Regardless, to be accepted, a valid
nomination petition must be received by the firm conducting the election on a
scheduled date as determined prior to such election as shown in the election
B. Nominees
shall be first be certified by the board of trustees as eligible candidates. If
specifically provided for in the election schedule or if the meeting at which
the nominees are to be certified is cancelled, then the board chair shall
certify eligible nominees.
C. If,
after the conclusion of the nomination process, the number of candidates does
exceed or is more than the number of open positions for which election is being
held, the names of the certified nominees shall be placed on a ballot in
alphabetical order. If an incumbent is seeking reelection, their name shall
appear first on the ballot.
D. If,
after the conclusion of the nomination process, the number of candidates does
not exceed or is fewer than the number of open positions for which election is
being held the qualified shall be elected and presented to the board or board
chair, as applicable, for certification.
Promulgated in accordance with