Louisiana Administrative Code
Part XIV - Plumbing
Chapter 7 - Sanitary Drainage
Section XIV-705 - Building Sewer

Universal Citation: LA Admin Code XIV-705

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024

A. Separate Trenches. The building sewer, when installed in a separate trench from the water service pipe, shall be cast iron sewer pipe, vitrified clay sewer pipe, or plastic piping (minimum SDR 35 or heavier). Joints shall be watertight and rustproof and all material shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations (see §705. H of this code). All pipe and fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or trademark.

B. Sewer in Filled Ground. A building sewer or building drain installed in unstable fill or unstable ground shall be of cast iron pipe, except that nonmetallic drains may be laid upon an approved continuous supporting system if installed in accordance with §705. A of this code.

C. Sanitary and Storm Sewers. Where separate systems of sanitary drainage and storm drainage are installed in the same property, the sanitary and storm building sewers or drains may be laid side by side in one trench.

D. Old House Sewers and Drains. Old building sewers and building drains may be used in connection with new building or new plumbing and drainage work only when they are found, on examination and test, to conform in all respects to the requirements governing new house sewers. The plumbing official shall notify the owner to make the changes necessary to conform to this code.

E. Cleanouts on Building Sewers. Cleanouts on building sewers shall be located as set forth in §717. B of this code.

F. Minimum Size Building Sewer. No building sewer shall be less than 4 inches in size with the exception of force lines.

G. Backwater Valves. Backwater valves shall comply with the following.

1. Fixture Branches. Backwater valves shall be installed in the branch of the building drain which receives only the discharge from fixtures located below grade(G). Where fixtures are located below the level of the top of the first upstream manhole, said fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve.

2. Material. Backwater valves shall have all bearing parts of corrosion resistant material. Backwater valves shall comply with ASME A 112.14.1 or CAN/CSA B181.1, CAN/CSA B181.2.

3. Seal. Backwater valves shall be so constructed as to insure a mechanical seal against backflow.

4. Diameter. Backwater valves, when fully opened, shall have a capacity not less than that of the pipes in which they are installed.

5. Location. Backwater valves shall be so installed to be accessible for service and repair.

H. Installation of Building Sewers. The installation of building sewers shall comply with the following. [formerly Appendix I - Installation of Building Sewers]

1. Cast Iron Soil Pipe. Cast iron soil pipe shall be installed in accord with the following requirements.
a. Trench Construction. Pipe shall be installed in as narrow a trench as possible while providing sufficient width for joint assembly.

b. Bedding. Pipe shall be installed so that the trench bottom provides support of the pipe barrel. Hub holes and coupling holes shall be provided.

c. Rock. When rock larger than 1 1/2 inches (38.1 mm) in diameter is encountered during installation, it shall be removed from the trench bottom and a 6-inch (152.4 mm) layer of selected fill shall be added to provide uniform support.

d. Backfilling. Backfill trench following test. When backfilling, care shall be taken to protect the pipe from large rocks, stone, or frozen fill material which could damage the pipe.

2. Clay Pipe. Clay pipe shall be installed in accord with the following requirements.
a. Trench and Material Preparation. The trench and material preparation for clay pipe shall be as follows:
i. Width of trenches in which clay pipe is to be installed shall be such as to provide adequate space for workmen to place and joint the pipe properly.

ii. Bell holes shall be excavated so that, after placement, only the barrel of the pipe receives bearing pressure from the trench bottom.

iii. Preparation of the trench bottom and placement of the pipe shall be carefully done so that, when in final position, the pipe is true to line and grade(S).

iv. Pipe shall be protected during handling against impact shock and free fall. No pipe shall be used in the work which does not conform to the appropriate ASTM standard.

b. Pipe Laying and Joining. The pipe laying and joining of clay pipe shall be as follows:
i. The laying of pipe in finished trenches shall be commenced at the lowest point, with the spigot ends pointing in the direction of flow.

ii. All pipe shall be laid with ends abutting and true to line and grade(S). They shall be carefully centered, so that when laid they will form a sewer with a uniform invert.

iii. Pipe shall be set firmly according to line and grade(S), and, preparatory to making pipe joints, all surfaces of the portion of the pipe to be joined shall be cleaned and dried. The joints shall then be carefully adjusted and filled with the jointing material.

iv. Trenches shall be kept water-free during joining and for a sufficient period thereafter to allow the jointing material to become fully set and completely resistant to water penetration. Trenches shall be backfilled immediately after pipe is laid therein to prevent dislocation of the sewer line or jointing material, except when factory applied flexible compression joints are used.

c. Testing. The clay pipe sewer line shall be tested as required in §319 of this code, or as prescribed by the co-local plumbing official.

3. Plastic Pipe. Plastic pipe shall be installed in accord with the following requirements.
a. Trenching and Supporting. The trenching and supporting of plastic pipe shall be as follows:
i. Trenching. Excavate to desired grade(S). Use template to detect high spots and holes. Fill holes and depressions, tamping thoroughly.

ii. Where trenching conditions are difficult, pipe shall be uniformly supported throughout using treated timber, concrete pad, sand, or select backfill properly tamped.

b. Laying, Bedding and Backfilling. The laying, bedding and backfilling of plastic pipe shall be as follows.
i. Lay the pipe line as described. Be sure the pipe is bedded in the selected backfill one-fourth to one-third of the pipe diameter. Under no circumstances should bricks or other supports be used to bring pipe to grade(S).

ii. After pipe is bedded and checked for grade(S), additional selected backfill is placed by shovel at sides and over top of pipe and tamped. By careful tamping at this point, the pipe can support a much greater load and is less likely to be subsequently disturbed or shifted.

iii. Reasonably clean backfill shall be placed 12 inches (305 mm) over the pipe.

iv. The trench may now be backfilled by any conventional means, bulldozer, loader, etc., and the pipe is protected.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:4(A)(7) and R.S. 40:5(2)(3)(7)(9)(16)(17)(20).

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