Louisiana Administrative Code
Part XIV - Plumbing
Chapter 10 - Traps
Section XIV-1001 - General

Universal Citation: LA Admin Code XIV-1001

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024

A. Scope. The provisions of this Chapter shall govern the materials and installation of traps.

B. Trap Seal. Each fixture trap shall have a water seal of not less than 2 inches (51 mm) and not more than 4 inches (102 mm), except where a deeper seal is required by the plumbing official for special conditions.

C. Trap Level and Protection. Traps shall be set level with respect to their water seals.

D. Traps Underground. Underground traps, except "P" traps into which floor drains with removable strainers discharge, shall be provided with accessible and removable cleanouts.

E. Prohibited Traps. The following traps (or types of traps) are prohibited from use:

1. a trap which depends for its seal upon the action of movable parts;

2. "S" traps;
a. Exception. Water closets, clinical sinks, urinals and similar fixtures shall be allowed to be "S" trapped if the fixture has an integral trap which is automatically and properly refilled using an approved device.

3. bell traps;

4. crown-vented traps (see §913. D of this code);

5. baffled or partition traps other than stainless steel, glass, plastic or similar corrosion resistant materials;

6. tubular metallic traps of less than 20 gage [0.0320 inch (0.813 mm)] thickness; and,

7. running traps.
a. Exceptions
i. A running trap with cleanout may be allowed on condensate waste lines (see §1305. I of this code).

ii. A running trap may be authorized for certain floor level fixtures installed on a Combination Waste and Vent System when plans and specifications have been specially approved by the state health officer under the requirements of Chapter 12 (Alternate Designed Plumbing Systems) of this code. See guidance for same under §1811. C.4 of this code.

F. Double Trapping. A fixture shall not be double trapped.

1. Exception. Fixtures in mobile/manufactured homes and travel trailers are allowed to be double trapped when a trailer trap is required to be placed in the building sewer/sewer lateral as per §1003 E, §1515 J, §1523 A, §1613. J or §1623. A of this code.

G. Unions (Threaded). Unions may be used in the trap seal and on the inlet side of the trap. Unions shall have metal-to-metal seats.

H. Fixture Trap Required, Location, and Number of Traps Per Fixture. The requirement for a fixture trap and the number of traps per fixture shall be in conformance with the following.

1. Plumbing fixtures, excepting those having integral traps, shall be separately trapped by a water seal trap, placed as close to the fixture outlet as possible.

2. A combination plumbing fixture may be installed on one trap, if one compartment is not more than 6 inches (152 mm) deeper than the other and the waste outlets are not more than 30 inches (762 mm) apart.

3. One trap may be installed for a set of not more than three single-compartment sinks or laundry trays or three lavatories immediately adjacent to each other in the same room, if the waste outlets are not more than 30 inches (762 mm) apart and the trap is centrally located when three compartments are installed.

I. Distance of Trap Weir from Fixture Outlet. The vertical distance from the fixture outlet to the trap weir, or from the outlet of an integrally trapped water closet or similar fixture to the horizontal piping connecting the fixture to its vent, shall not exceed 24 inches (610 mm).

1. Exception. Washing Machine Pumped Waste Drain. The vertical distance from the vertical standpipe inlet receiving the pumped waste discharge from a washing machine (laundry) to the trap weir shall be a minimum of 30 inches (762 mm) and a maximum of 48 inches (1219 mm), with the vertical standpipe inlet terminating a minimum of 34 inches (864 mm) above finished floor or in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:4(A)(7) and R.S. 40:5(2)(3)(7)(9)(16)(17)(20).

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