Louisiana Administrative Code
Part IX - Marine and Fresh Water Animal Food Products
Chapter 3 - Preparation and Handling of Seafood for Market
Section IX-323 - Tags [formerly paragraph 9:051]
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. In order that information may be available to inspectors and others with reference to the origin of shellstock oysters, clams and mussels from all areas, all containers holding shell-stock shall be identified by a tag or label, form and substance of which shall be approved by the state health officer, and the Secretary of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
B. [formerly paragraph 9:051-1] The initial tagging of the shell-stock shall be performed by the harvester before the shell-stock are removed from the harvester's boat. In the event that shell-stock are harvested from more than one growing area on a given day, the shell-stock shall be sacked and tagged before leaving from the growing area from which the shell-stock was harvested. The harvester's tags shall contain legible information as follows:
NOTE: Shellstock tagged for restricted use (Green Tag) should not include the retailer guidance language "RETAILERS: DATE WHEN LAST SHELLFISH FROM THIS CONTAINER SOLD OR SERVED (INSERT DATE)
C. The color of a tag placed on a container holding shellstock shall have the following meanings.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:4(A)(1), R.S. 40:5(2)(3)(5)(7)(15), and R.S. 40:5.3.