B. Direct service providers shall be
reimbursed according to the following unit of reimbursement approach. Actual
rates will be published in the Childrens Choice Waiver provider manual, and
will be subsequently amended by direct notification to the affected providers.
For services provided by a subcontractor agency, the enrolled direct service
provider shall coordinate and reimburse the subcontractor according to the
terms of the contract and retain the administrative costs.
1. Family support, crisis support,
center-based respite, aquatic therapy, art therapy, music therapy, sensory
integration and hippotherapy/therapeutic horseback riding services shall be
reimbursed at a flat rate per 15-minute unit of service and reimbursement shall
not be made for less than15-minute (one quarter-hour) of service. This covers
both service provision and administrative costs.
a. Up to two participants may choose to share
family support services if they share a common provider of this service. Family
support services may share a direct support worker (DSW) across two waivers:
the Residential Options Waiver (community living supports) and/or New
Opportunities Waiver (individual and family supports). However, sharing a DSW
at the same time across all three waivers is not allowed.
b. Up to two participants may choose to share
crisis support services if they share a common provider of this
c. There is a separate
reimbursement rate when these services are shared.
2. Family training shall be reimbursed at
3. Environmental
accessibility adaptations and specialized medical equipment and supplies shall
be reimbursed at cost plus a set administrative add-on per project.
4. Direct Service Worker Wages and Workforce
Bonus Payments
a. Establishment of Direct
Service Worker Wage Floor for Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services for
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Effective October 1, 2021, providers of Medicaid home and community-based
waiver services operated through the Office for Citizens with Developmental
Disabilities employing direct service workers will receive the equivalent of a
$2.50 per hour rate increase.
Effective October 1, 2021, this increase or its equivalent will be applied to
all service units provided by direct service workers with an effective date of
service for the identified home and community-based waiver services provided
beginning October 1, 2021.
iii. The
minimum hourly wage floor paid to direct service workers shall be $9 per
iv. All providers of services
affected by this rate increase shall be subject to a direct service worker wage
floor of $9 per hour. This wage floor is effective for all affected direct
service workers of any work status, whether full-time or part-time.
v. The Department of Health reserves the
right to adjust the direct service worker wage floor as needed through
appropriate rulemaking promulgation consistent with the Administrative
Procedure Act.
Establishment of Direct Service Worker Workforce Bonus Payments.
i. Providers who provided services from April
1, 2021 to October 31, 2022 shall receive bonus payments of $300 per month for
each direct service worker that worked with participants for those
ii. Direct service workers
who provided services from April 1, 2021 to October 31, 2022 that worked with
participants must receive at least $250 of this $300 bonus payment paid to
providers. This bonus payment is effective for all eligible direct service
workers of any working status, whether full-time or part-time.
iii. Bonus payments will end October 31,
iv. LDH reserves the right to
adjust the amount of the bonus payments paid to the direct service worker as
needed through appropriate rulemaking promulgation consistent with the
Administrative Procedure Act.
v. -
v.(b). Repealed.
c. Audit
Procedures for Direct Service Worker Wage Floor and Workforce Bonus Payments
i. The wage enhancement and bonus payments
reimbursed to providers shall be subject to audit by LDH.
(a). - (d). Repealed.
ii. Providers shall provide to the LDH or its
representative all requested documentation to verify that they are in
compliance with the direct service wage floor and bonus payments.
iii. This documentation may include, but is
not limited to, payroll records, wage and salary sheets, check stubs,
iv. Providers shall produce
the requested documentation upon request and within the timeframe provided by
the LDH.
v. Non-compliance or
failure to demonstrate that the wage enhancement and/or bonus payments were
paid directly to the direct service workers may result in the following:
(a). sanctions;
(b). disenrollment from the Medicaid
Sanctions for Direct Service Worker Wage Floor and Workforce Bonus Payments
i. The provider will be subject to sanctions
or penalties for failure to comply with this Rule or with requests issued by
LDH pursuant to this Rule. The severity of such action will depend upon the
following factors:
(a). Direct Service Worker
Wage Floor;
(i). the failure to pay I/DD HCBS
direct service workers the wage floor minimum of $9 per hour;
(ii). the number of I/DD HCBS direct service
workers identified as having been paid less than the wage floor minimum of $9
per hour; or
(iii). the persistent
failure to pay I/DD HCBS direct service workers the wage floor minimum of $9
per hour;
(b). Direct
Service Worker Workforce Bonus Payments;
the failure to pay eligible I/DD HCBS direct service workers the $250 monthly
workforce bonus payments;
(ii). the
number of eligible I/DD HCBS direct service workers who are identified as
having been not been paid the $250 monthly workforce bonus payments;
(iii). the persistent failure to
pay eligible I/DD HCBS direct service workers the monthly $250 monthly
workforce bonus payments; or
(c). failure to provide LDH with any
requested documentation or information related to or for the purpose of
verifying compliance with this Rule.