Louisiana Administrative Code
Part XV - Services for Special Populations
Subpart 5 - Early and Periodic Screenings, Diagnosis, and Treatments
Chapter 95 - School-Based Health Services
Subchapter A - School-Based Health Service Program Guidelines
Section XV-9505 - Reimbursement Methodology

Universal Citation: LA Admin Code XV-9505

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024

A. Cost Reporting. Settlement payments for EPSDT school-based medical direct, therapy, behavioral health, and PCS services shall be based on the most recent school year's actual costs as determined by desk review and/or audit for each LEA provider.

1. Each LEA shall determine cost annually by using LDH's cost report for medical service cost form based on the direct services cost report.

2. Direct costs shall be limited to the amount of total compensation (salaries, vendor payments and fringe benefits) of current medical service providers as allocated to medical services for Medicaid beneficiaries. There are no additional direct costs included in the rate.

3. ...

4. To determine the amount of EPSDT services costs that may be attributed to Medicaid; the ratio of total Medicaid students in the LEA is multiplied by total direct (direct plus indirect) cost. Cost data are subject to certification by each LEA. This serves as the basis for obtaining federal Medicaid funding.

B. Licensed master social workers practicing under the supervision of a licensed clinical social worker, and certified school psychologist practicing under the supervision of a licensed psychologist that has the authority to practice in the community/outside of schools will be required to show proof of verification when the cost report is monitored.

1. - 6. Repealed.

C. For the EPSDT services the participating LEA's actual cost of providing the services shall be claimed for Medicaid federal financial participation (FFP) based on the following methodology.

1. Develop Direct Cost-The Payroll Cost Base and Vendor Cost Base. The state shall gather actual expenditure information for each LEA through its employee payroll/benefits and vendor accounts payable system. Total annual salaries and benefits paid, as well as contracted (vendor) payments, shall be obtained initially from each LEA's payroll/benefits and accounts payable system. This data shall be reported on LDH's direct services cost report form for all direct service personnel (i.e., all personnel providing LEA medical services covered under the state plan).

2. Adjust the Payroll and Vendor Cost Base. The payroll and vendor cost base shall be reduced for amounts reimbursed by non-state and local funding sources (e.g., federal grants). The payroll and vendor cost base shall not include any amounts for staff whose compensation is 100 percent reimbursed by a funding source other than state/local funds. This application results in total adjusted employee salary and vendor cost.

3. Determine the Percentage of Time to Provide All EPSDT Services. A time study, which incorporates the CMS-approved Medicaid administrative claiming (MAC) methodology for direct service employees, shall be used to determine the percentage of time EPSDT service providers spend on EPSDT direct services and general and administrative (G and A) time. This time study will assure that there is no duplicate claiming. The G and A percentage shall be reallocated in a manner consistent with the CMS-approved Medicaid administrative claiming methodology. Total G and A time shall be allocated to all other activity codes based on the percentage of time spent on each respective activity. To reallocate G and A time to EPSDT services, the percentage of time spent on EPSDT services shall be divided by 100 percent minus the percentage of G and A time. This shall result in a percentage that represents the EPSDT services with appropriate allocation of G and A. This percentage shall be multiplied by total adjusted salary cost as determined by the adjusted payroll cost base to allocate cost to school-based services. The product represents total direct cost.
a. A sufficient amount of EPSDT service providers' time shall be sampled to ensure results that will have a confidence level of at least 95 percent with a precision of plus or minus 5 percent overall.

b. Time study moments are to be completed and submitted by all participating LEA participants. Participants will have 48 hours (not counting weekends or holidays) from the time of the moment to complete each moment. Reminder emails will be sent to the participant and the Medicaid coordinator each morning until the moment expires. Once a time study moment has expired, it will no longer be able to be completed and will be deemed not returned. Any LEA that fails to return at least 85 percent of its moments from the time study for two quarters in a cost report year for any program, will be suspended from that program for the entire cost report year.

c. Unsupported Time Study Moments. LEAs will be penalized the lessor of $1,000 times the number of unsupported moments or 50 percent of their cost report. This only applies to LEAs that cannot support at least 50 percent of the moments selected for testing.

d. The time study percentage used for cost reimbursement calculation is an average of the four quarterly statewide time study results for each school-based Medicaid program. LEAs must participate in all four time study quarters to be reimbursed all costs for the fiscal year. Any LEA that does not submit a cost report for any program for which any billings were submitted will be required to pay back any billing dollars received for that cost report year. This will be handled in the school based claiming cost settlement process.

e. Vendors are not subject to the time study process. Vendors are only at a school to provide the direct service enumerated in the contract. Vendors are not expected to perform G and A tasks and will be reimbursed based on a rate per service. This rate per service should include all direct and indirect costs. The rate per service should cover the time spent providing the direct service, administrative time and any other time related to tasks related to that service.

4. Determine Indirect Costs. Indirect costs shall be determined by multiplying each LEA's indirect unrestricted rate assigned by the cognizant agency (the Department of Education) by total adjusted direct cost. No additional indirect costs shall be recognized outside of the cognizant agency's indirect rate. The sum of direct costs and indirect costs shall be the total direct service cost for all students receiving EPSDT services.

D. Allocate Direct Service Costs to Medicaid. To determine the costs that may be attributed to Medicaid, total direct service cost (employee and vendor) shall be multiplied by the ratio of Medicaid enrolled students in the LEA to all students in the LEA. This results in total cost that may be certified as Medicaid's portion of school-based EPSDT services cost. The Medicaid enrolled student ratio is calculated one time in each cost report year. This calculation is based on the statewide student count performed in October each year.

1. - 9. Repealed.

E. Reconciliation of LEA Certified Costs and Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Paid Claims. Each LEA shall complete applicable service cost report(s) and submit the cost report(s) no later than five months after the fiscal year period ends (June 30), and reconciliation should be completed within 12 months from the fiscal year end. All filed cost reports shall be subject to desk review by the department's audit contractor. The department shall reconcile the total expenditures (both state and federal share) for each LEA's therapy, behavioral health services, personal care services, nursing services, and other medical direct services. The Medicaid certified cost expenditures from the cost report(s) will be reconciled against the MMIS paid claims data and the department shall issue a notice of final settlement, after all reviews, that denotes the amount due to or from the LEA. This reconciliation is inclusive of all services provided by the LEA.

F. Interim Billing. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires each LEA to bill for all Medicaid services provided. CMS and the Office of Inspector General (OIG) rely on interim billing data for documentation of the number of services provided by each LEA and gives them a mechanism to compare the cost reimbursed to the number of services being provided. If there are no claim submissions within an 18 month period, Medicaid management information system (MMIS) automatically terminates eligibility of a provider number making the LEA Medicaid ineligible. Any LEA that is Medicaid ineligible will have all interim claims denied and its cost report for all programs in which the LEA participated will be rejected.

G. Cost Settlement Process. As part of its financial oversight responsibilities, the department shall develop a risk assessment and an audit plan to ensure cost reasonableness and accuracy in accordance with current CMS guidelines. Based on the audit plan, the department will develop agreed upon procedures to review and process all final settlements to LEAs. The agreed upon procedures will be performed to review cost reports submitted by LEAs.

1. The financial oversight of all LEAs shall include reviewing the costs reported on the EPSDT services cost report against the allowable costs, performing desk reviews and conducting limited reviews.

2. The department will make every effort to audit each LEA at least every four years. These activities shall be performed to ensure that audit and final settlement occurs no later than two years from the LEA's fiscal year end for the cost reporting period audited. LEAs may appeal audit findings in accordance with LDH appeal procedures.

3. The department shall adjust the affected LEA's payments no less than annually, when any reconciliation or final settlement results in significant underpayments or overpayments to any LEA. By performing the reconciliation and final settlement process, there shall be no instances where total Medicaid payments for services exceed 100 percent of actual, certified expenditures for providing LEA services for each LEA.

4. If the interim payments exceed the actual, certified costs of an LEA's Medicaid services, the department shall recoup the overpayment from current and following years cost report settlement until the amount due is zero.

5. If the actual certified costs of an LEA's Medicaid services exceed interim Medicaid payments, the department will pay this difference to the LEA in accordance with the final actual certification agreement.

6. Type 1 and 3 charter schools in Orleans Parish will be required to submit acceptable documentation (board minutes, letter from the school board, etc.) that authorizes the charter to act as its own LEA, upon enrollment. Likewise, in order to receive a cost settlement, confirmation that the authorization is still in good standing with the school board will be required to accompany the submission of the cost report. Failure to provide this documentation at the time the cost report is filed may cause the cost report to be rejected and not be considered as timely filed.

H. Delinquent Cost Report Penalty. Cost reports must be submitted annually. In order to be eligible to submit a cost report, LEAs must participate in all four time study quarters for the fiscal year.

1. The due date for filing annual cost reports is November 30. There shall be no automatic extension of the due date for filing of cost reports. If an LEA experiences unavoidable difficulties in preparing its cost report by the prescribed due date, one 30-day extension may be permitted, upon written request submitted to the department or its designee prior to the due date. The request must explain in detail why the extension is necessary. Extensions beyond 30 days may be approved for situations beyond the LEA's control.

2. Delinquent cost reports that have not been received by November 30 and an extension was not received, will be deemed non-compliant and may be subject to a non-refundable reduction of 5 percent of the total cost settlement. This reduction may be increased an additional 5 percent each month until the completed cost report is submitted or the penalties total 100 percent. LEAs that have not filed their cost report by six months or more beyond the due date cannot bill for services until the cost report is filed.

I. State Monitoring. If the department becomes aware of potential instances of fraud, misuse or abuse of LEA services and Medicaid funds, it will perform timely audits and investigations to identify and take necessary actions to remedy and resolve the problem.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

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