2. Active Treatment Components
a. Individual Habilitation Plan. Each client
must have an Individual Habilitation Plan developed by an interdisciplinary
team that represents the professions, disciplines or service areas that are
relevant to identifying the client's needs as described by the programs that
meet those needs.
i. The facility must
document in the Individual Habilitation Plan (IHP) the presence, or the reason
for absence, at the individual's staffing conference of the client, family
members and relevant disciplines, professions or service areas as identified in
the comprehensive functional assessment.
ii. Within 30 days after admission, the
interdisciplinary team must do assessments or reassessments as needed to
supplement the preliminary evaluation conducted prior to admission.
iii. The comprehensive functional assessment
must take into consideration the client's age and the implications for active
treatment at each stage as applicable. It must contain the following
(a). the presenting problems and
disabilities and where possible, their causes including diagnosis, symptoms,
complaints and complications;
the client's specific developmental strengths;
(c). the client's specific developmental and
behavioral management needs;
an identification of the client's needs for services without regard to the
actual availability of the services.
iv. The comprehensive functional assessment
must cover the following developmental areas:
(a). physical development and
(b). nutritional
(c). sensorimotor
(d). affective
(e). speech and
language development;
(f). auditory
(g). cognitive
(h). social
(i). adaptive
behaviors or independent living skills necessary for the client to be able to
function in the community;
vocational skills as applicable;
(k). psychological development.
b. Specific Objectives.
Within 30 days after admission, the interdisciplinary team must prepare for
each client an IHP that states specific objectives necessary to meet the
client's needs, as identified by the comprehensive functional assessment, and
states the plan for achieving these objectives.
i. Components for these objectives must be:
(a). stated separately, in terms of a single
behavioral outcome;
(b). be
assigned projected completion dates;
(c). be expressed in behavioral terms that
provide measurable indices of performance;
(d). be organized to reflect a developmental
(e). be assigned
ii. A copy
of each client's Individual Habilitation Plan must be made available to all
relevant staff, including staff of other agencies who work with the client, the
client, parents if the client is a minor, or legal guardian. The Individual's
Habilitation Plan must be implemented within 14calendar days of its
iii. The facility must
develop and make available to relevant staff an active treatment schedule that
outlines the current active treatment program.
iv. Each written training program designed to
implement these objectives in the Individual Habilitation Plan must specify:
(a). the methods to be used;
(b). the schedule for use of the
(c). the person
responsible for the program;
the type of data and frequency of data collection necessary to be able to
assess progress toward the desired objectives;
(e). the inappropriate client behavior(s), if
applicable; and
(f). a provision
for the appropriate expression and the replacement of inappropriate behavior,
if applicable, with behavior that is adaptive or appropriate.
v. The IHP must also:
(a). describe relevant interventions to
support the individual toward independence;
(b). identify the location where program
strategy information (which must be accessible to any person responsible for
implementation) can be found;
include, for those clients who lack them, training in personal skills essential
for privacy and independence (including skills and activities of daily living)
until it has been demonstrated that the client is developmentally incapable of
applying them;
(d). plans for
vi. The IHP
must identify mechanical supports, if needed, to achieve proper body position,
balance, or alignment. This plan must specify:
(a). the reason for each support;
(b). the situation in which each is to be
(c). a schedule for the
use of each support.
vii. Clients who have multiple disabling
conditions must be provided the opportunity to spend a major portion of each
working day out of bed and outside the bedroom area, moving about by various
methods and devices whenever possible.
viii. The IHP must include opportunities for
client choice and self management.
c. Documentation. The facility must document
data relevant to the accomplishment of the criteria specified in the client's
Individual Habilitation Plan objectives. This data must meet certain criteria.
i. Data must be documented in measurable
ii. Significant events
related to the client's Individual Habilitation Plan and assessment and that
contribute to an overall understanding of his ongoing level and quality of
function must be documented;
The Individual Habilitation Plan must be reviewed by a qualified mental
retardation professional at least quarterly or as needed and revised as
necessary, including but not limited to situations in which the client:
(a). has successfully completed an objective
or objectives identified in the Individual Habilitation Plan;
(b). is regressing or losing
(c). is failing to progress
toward identified objectives after reasonable efforts have been made;
(d). is being considered for training toward
new objectives.
iv. At
least annually, the comprehensive assessment of each client must be reviewed by
the interdisciplinary team for relevancy and updated as needed. The Individual
Habilitation Plan must be revised as needed or at least by the 365th day after
the last review.