Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. The
resident has a right to a dignified existence, self-determination, and
communication with and access to persons and services inside and outside the
facility. A facility must protect and promote the rights of each
B. Exercise of Rights
1. The resident has the right to exercise his
or her rights as a resident of the facility and as a citizen or resident of the
United States.
2. The resident has
the right to be free of interference, coercion, discrimination, and reprisal
from the facility in exercising his or her rights.
3. In the case of a resident adjudged
incompetent under the laws of a state by a court of competent jurisdiction, the
rights of the resident are exercised by the person appointed under state law to
act on the resident's behalf.
C. Civil Rights Act Of 1964 (Title VI)
1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
states No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or
national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of,
or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal
financial assistance.
2. Nursing
facilities shall meet the following criteria in regard to the above-mentioned
a. Compliance. Facilities shall be in
compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and shall not
discriminate, separate, or make any distinction in housing, services, or
activities based on race, color, or national origin.
b. Written Policies. Facilities shall has
written policies and procedures that notify the community that admission to the
facility, resident care services, and other activities are provided without
regard to race, color, or national origin.
c. Community Notification. Facilities shall
notify the community that admission to the facility, resident care services,
and other activities are provided without regard to race, color, or national
origin. Notice to the community may be given by letters to and meeting with
physicians, local health and welfare agencies, paramedical personnel, and
public and private organizations having interest in equal opportunity. Notices
published in newspapers and signs posted in the facility may also be used to
inform the public.
D.Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Act Of
1973. Facilities shall comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 which states the following: No qualified handicapped person shall, on the
basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits
of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity
which receives or benefits from federal financial assistance.
E. Age Discrimination Act of 1975. This Act
prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities
receiving federal financial assistance. All facilities must be in compliance
with this Act.
F. Notice Of Rights
and Services. All residents or legal representative shall sign a statement that
they have been fully informed verbally and in writing in a language that the
resident understands of the following information prior to or at the time of
admission and when changes occur during their stay in the facility:
1. the facility's rules and
2. their
3. their responsibilities
to obey all reasonable rules and regulations and respect the personal rights
and private property of other residents;
4. rules for conduct at the time of their
admission and subsequent changes during their stay in the facility;
a. changes in resident rights policies shall
be conveyed both verbally and in writing to each resident at the time of or
prior to the change, and acknowledged in writing.
b. the resident or his/her legal
representative has the right:
i. upon an oral
or written request to access all records pertaining to himself or herself
including clinical records within 24 hours; and
ii. after receipt of his/her records for
inspection to purchase, at a cost as set forth in LA
40:1299.96, photocopies of the records or any
portions of them upon request and two working days advance notice to the
the resident has the right to be fully informed in a language that he/she can
understand of his/her total health status including but not limited to his/her
medical condition;
6. the resident
has the right to:
a. refuse medication and
medical treatment including a physician visit, other than to discover and
prevent the spread of infection of contagious disease to protect environmental
health and hygiene or otherwise indicated by the attending physician and to be
informed of the consequences of such actions; and
b. refuse to participate in experimental
c. refuse to formulate an
advance directive;
exercise of this resident's right does not include the refusal to perform
reasonable hygiene measures (i.e., bathing, shampooing, oral care);
a. the facility must:
i. inform each resident who is entitled to
Medicaid benefits in writing at the time of admission to the nursing facility
of when the resident becomes eligible for Medicaid; of
(a). the items and services that are included
in nursing facility services under the State Plan and for which the resident
may not be charged by providing a copy of the Department of Health and
Hospitals Blue Book;
(b). those
other items and services that the facility offers and for which the resident
may be charged, and the amount of charges for those services;
ii. inform each resident when
changes are made to these items and services;
iii. inform each resident before or at the
time of admission and periodically during the resident's stay, of services
available in the facility and of charges for those services, including any
charges for services not covered under Medicare/Medicaid or by the facility's
per diem rate;
iv. furnish a
written description of legal rights which includes:
(a). a description of the manner of
protecting personal funds as outlined in this document on pages 216 through
(b). a description of the
requirements and procedures for establishing eligibility for Medicaid,
including the right to request an assessment which determines the extent of a
couple's non-exempt resources at the time of institutionalization and
attributes to the community spouse an equitable share of resources which cannot
be considered available for payment toward the cost of the institutionalized
spouse's medical care in his/her process of spending down to Medicaid
eligibility levels;
(c) a posting
of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all pertinent state client
advocacy groups such as the Bureau of Health Services Financing-Health
Standards Section, the State Ombudsman Program, the Protection and Advocacy
Network, and the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit;
(d) a statement that the resident may file a
complaint with the Bureau of Health Services Financing-Health Standards Section
concerning resident abuse, neglect, and misappropriation of resident property
in the facility;
inform each resident of the name, specialty, and way of contacting the
physician responsible for his/her care;
vi. prominently display in the facility
written information and provide to residents and applicants on admission oral
and written information about how to apply for and use Medicare and Medicaid
benefits and how to receive refunds for previous payments covered by such
G. Notification of Changes. A facility must
inform or make a reasonable attempt to notify the resident's legal
representative or interested family member when there is:
1. an accident involving the resident which
results in injury and has the potential for requiring physician
2. a significiant
change in the resident's physical, mental, or psychosocial status (i.e., a
deterioration in health, mental, or psychosocial status in either
life-threatening conditions or clinical complications);
3. a need to alter treatment significantly
(i.e., a need to discontinue an existing form of treatment due to adverse
consequences or to commence a new form of treatment;
4. a decision to transfer or discharge the
resident from the facility;
documentation of the notification or attempts in notification shall be entered
in the medical record.
a. The facility must
also notify the resident and the resident's legal representative or sponsor
when there is:
i. a change in room or roommate
assignment. Notification must be given at least 24 hours before the change and
a reason for the move shall be given to all parties. Documentation of this
shall be entered in the medical record;
ii. a change in resident rights under state
law or regulations.
H. Involuntary Admittance. Residents shall
not be forced to enter or remain in a nursing facility against their will
unless they have been judicially interdicted.
I. Delegation Of Rights
1. Resident rights and responsibilities are
passed on to a guardian, next of kin, sponsor, responsible party, or sponsoring
agency in the following instances:
a. when a
competent individual chooses to allow another to act for him/her. (Example:
Power of Attorney);
b. when the
resident is adjudicated incompetent in accordance with state law.
2. The physician and the facility
must be aware of, address, and document specific information concerning the
incapability of the resident to understand and exercise their rights even if
the resident has been adjudicated incompetent.
3. The following documentation is required:
a. administrative documentation;
i. the relation of the resident to the person
assuming his rights and responsibilities;
ii. that the responsible person can act for
the resident; and
iii. the extent
of a guardianship or Durable Power of Attorney;
b. physician documentation;
i. a statement that the resident is not
capable of understanding and exercising his rights;
ii. specific causative and/or contributing
medical diagnosis(es); and
medical observations and tests which support the diagnosis(es).
EXAMPLES: Alzheimer's Disease and/or Organic Brain
J. Management Of Resident Finances. Residents
shall have the right to the following options regarding their personal
financial affairs.
1. They shall be allowed to
manage their personal financial affairs or to designate someone to assume this
responsibility for them. They shall be permitted to spend their personal funds
as they desire unless interdicted and/or under a curatorship. There shall be no
limitations on the use of personal funds so long as the funds are not used to
pay for anything covered by the Medicaid program.
2. There is no obligation for a resident to
deposit funds with the facility. However, the facility is obliged to hold,
safeguard, and account for personal funds upon written request by the resident
or his or her representative. This delegation may be only to the extent of the
funds held in trust by the facility. The facility does not have the option of
refusing to hold, safeguard, or manage resident funds. The facility must comply
with the wishes of the resident once written authorization is
3. The resident, his or
her legal representative shall have access through quarterly statements and on
request financial records if the facility has been delegated the responsibility
for handling their financial affairs. Upon request the facility shall provide a
list or statement regarding personal funds to the parish/regional office of
Bureau of Health Services Financing with the resident's written consent. A copy
shall be retained in the resident's record.
a. The nursing facility may not require the
resident to deposit his/her personal funds with the facility.
b. Once the facility receives the written
authorization from the resident, it must safeguard and account for such
personal funds under a system established and maintained by the facility. The
facility shall have written policies and procedures to protect resident funds.
Current facility records shall reflect if residents handle their own funds or
the names of parties designated to handle their personal funds.
c. The facility may make arrangements with a
federal or state insured banking institution to provide banking services, but
the responsibility for the disbursements, quality, and accuracy of required
records remains with the facility.
NOTE: Any charge for this service is included in the
facility's basic rate.
Upon receipt of written authorization of a resident, the facility must manage
and account for the personal funds of the resident deposited with the facility
as follows.
i. Deposit. The facility must
deposit any amount of personal funds in excess of $50 with respect to a
resident in an interest bearing account (or accounts) that is separate from any
of the facility's operating accounts and credit all interest earned on such
separate account to such account. The facility may maintain resident's personal
funds that do not exceed $50 in a non-interest bearing account, interest
bearing account, or petty cash fund.
ii. Accounting and Records. The facility
shall assure a full and complete separate accounting of each such resident's
personal funds, maintain a written record of all financial transactions
involving the personal funds of a resident deposited with the facility and
afford the resident (or legal representative of the resident) reasonable access
to such record.
iii. Notice of
Certain Balances. The facility must notify each resident receiving medical
assistance under Medicaid Program State Plan when the amount in the resident's
account reaches $200 less than the dollar amount of resources allowed under SSI
policy and the fact that if the amount in the account (in addition to the value
of the resident's other non-exempt resources) exceeds the SSI resource limit
the resident may lose eligibility for such medical assistance or for benefits
under Title XVI (SSI) and Medicaid.
K. Collective Bank Account(s). Collective
bank account(s) shall:
1. be for the
resident's money;
2. be separate
and distinct from all nursing facility accounts;
3. consist of resident's money and shall not
be commingled with the facility's operating account; and
4. be regular checking account(s) or
interest-bearing account(s). Interest shall be computed to each resident on the
basis of actual earnings or end-of-quarter balance.
a. There shall be a monthly reconciliation
between the collective or individual bank accounts and the individual resident
b. The individual
financial record must be available through quarterly statements and on request
to the resident or his/her legal representative.
L. Resident Fund Accounting
System. The facility shall maintain current written individual records of all
financial transactions involving the personal funds which the facility is
holding, safeguarding, and accounting. The facility shall keep these records in
accordance with requirements of law for a trustee in a fiduciary relationship
which exists for these financial transactions. The facility shall ensure the
soundness and accuracy of the resident fund account system.
1. The facility shall develop the following
procedures to ensure a sound and workable fund accounting system.
2. A file shall exist for each participating
resident. Each file or record shall contain all transactions pertinent to the
account, including the following information:
a. money received:
i. source;
ii. amount; and
iii. date;
b. money expended:
i. purpose;
ii. amount; and
iii. date of all disbursements to or in
behalf of the resident.
3. All monies, either spent on behalf of the
resident or withdrawn by the resident or shall be supported by a receipt and
cancelled check or signed voucher on file.
NOTE: It is recommended that the functions of actual cash
receipt disbursements and recording of cash disbursements be separate.
4. Receipt for disbursements shall
include the following information:
a. the
date of the disbursement;
b. the
amount of the disbursement;
c. the
signature of the resident or responsible party; and
d. purpose and payee of disbursement.
NOTE: A running list of disbursements and receipts may be
kept for posting on ledger sheets or individual vouchers. The resident's
individual ledger sheet shall constitute the necessary receipt in situations
where no check has been drawn if the ledger sheet is dated, shows the amount,
resident's signature, and has the person's signature responsible for the
resident's funds. Cancelled checks are sufficient receipt for disbursements if
coupled with information regarding the purpose of the expenditure. When a
resident is unable to sign the ledger, it should be signed by the custodian of
the fund and two witnesses.
5. The file shall be available to the
resident or his or her legal representative upon request during the normal
administrative work day.
6. Cash on
Hand. The facility shall have a minimum of cash on hand to meet residents'
spending needs. Cash on hand shall be maintained on the imprest petty cash
7. Ownership of Accounts.
The account shall be in a form which clearly indicates that a facility does not
have an ownership interest in the funds.
8. Insured Accounts. The account shall be
insured under federal and state law.
9. Distribution of Interest. The interest
earned in any pooled interest-bearing account shall be distributed in one of
the following manners:
a. prorated to each
resident on an actual interest-earned basis;
b. prorated to each resident on the basis of
his end-of-quarter balance.
10. Surety Bond. The facility shall purchase
a surety bond or otherwise provide assurance satisfactory to the Secretary to
assure the security of all personal funds of residents deposited with the
11. Closing a Discharged
Resident's Fund Account. Nursing facilities shall refund the balance of the
resident's personal funds when a resident is discharged. The amount shall be
refunded by the end of the month following the month of discharge. Date, check
number, and "to close account" should be noted on the ledger sheet.
12. Conveyance Upon Death. Legally the funds
should be turned over to the executor of the estate. Within three months the
legal representative or sponsor should notify the facility as to whom the
executor is. The executor must then open succession. The facility must convey
within 30 days the balance of the resident's personal funds account and the
unused portion of any advance room and board payment, and a final accounting of
those funds to the individual or person administering the resident's estate. In
lieu of a lengthy legal process, a facility can obtain an "Affidavit of Small
Succession" from the Unclaimed Property Section at the Louisiana Department of
Revenue and Taxation for estates involving less than $50,000 and where no real
estate is involved. This will allow for transfer of assets to the heirs without
a waiting period.
a. The following shall apply
in regard to a deceased resident's unclaimed personal funds.
i. If the facility fails to receive
notification of the appointment or other designation of a responsible party
(legal guardian, administrator or the estate, or person placed in possession by
court judgement) within three months after the date of death, the facility
shall retain the funds and notify the Public Administrator or Curator of Vacant
Successions in the parish where the facility is located. The notice shall
provide detailed information about the decedent, his next of kin, and the
amount of funds.
ii. The facility
shall continue to retain the funds until a court order specifies that the funds
are to be turned over to the Public Administrator or Curator of Vacant
iii. If neither order
nor judgement is forthcoming, the facility shall retain the funds for five
years after date of death.
Thereafter, the facility is responsible for delivering the unclaimed funds to
the Secretary of Revenue and Taxation.
v. A termination date of the account and the
reason for termination shall be recorded on the resident's participation file.
A notation shall read, "to close account". The endorsed cancelled check with
check number noted on the ledger sheet shall serve as sufficient receipt and
Nursing Facility Residents' Burial Insurance Policy. "With the resident's
permission, the nursing facility administrator or designee may assist the
resident in acquiring a burial policy, provided that the administrator,
designee, or affiliated persons derive no financial or other benefit from the
resident's acquisition of the policy."
M. Specific Rights
1. Free Choice. The resident has the right
a. choose a personal attending
b. obtain pharmaceutical
supplies and services from a pharmacy of choice at their own expense or through
Medicaid, provided the drugs are delivered timely to the facility and packaged
compatibly with a facility's medication administration system;
c. be fully informed in advance about care
and treatment and of any changes in that care or treatment that may affect the
resident's well-being;
d. unless
adjudged incompetent or otherwise found to be incapacitated under the laws of
the state participate in planning care and treatment or changes in care and
treatment; and
e. withhold payment
for a physician's visit if the physician did not perform an
f. to be returned to
the nursing facility upon discharge from an acute hospital bed.
2. Privacy and Confidentiality
a. The resident has the right to personal
privacy and confidentiality of his or her personal and clinical
b. Personal privacy
includes accommodations, medical treatment, written and telephone
communications, personal care, visits, and meetings of family and resident
groups. This does not require the facility to provide a private room for each
i. Privacy shall include:
(a). having closed room doors;
(b). having facility personnel knock on a
closed door before entering their room except in an emergency situation or
unless medically contraindicated;
(c). having privacy during toileting,
bathing, and other activities of personal hygiene except as needed for safety
reasons or assistance; and
having privacy screens or curtains in use during treatment, bathing, toileting,
or other activities of personal hygiene.
c. Except as provided in the next paragraph,
the resident may approve or refuse the release of personal and clinical records
to any individual outside the facility.
d. The resident's right to refuse release of
personal and clinical records does not apply when:
i. the resident is transferred to another
health care institution;
ii. record
release is required by law; and
iii. requested by staff from the Department
of Health and Hospitals.
e. Grievances. A resident has the right to:
i. voice grievances without discrimination or
reprisal. Such grievances include those with respect to treatment which has
been furnished as well as that which has not been furnished;
ii. prompt efforts by the facility to resolve
grievances the resident may have, including those with respect to the behavior
of other residents.
Examination of Survey Results. A resident has the right to:
i. examine the results of the most recent
survey of the facility conducted by federal or state surveyors and any plan of
correction in effect with respect to the facility. The results must be made
available for examination by the facility in a place readily
ii. receive information
from agencies acting as recipient advocates and be afforded the opportunity to
contact these agencies.
g. Work. The resident has the right to:
i. refuse to perform services for the
facility; and
ii. perform services
for the facility if he/she chooses when:
the facility has documented the need or desire for work in the plan of
(b). the plan specifies the
nature of the services performed and whether the services are voluntary or
(c). compensation for paid
services is at or above the prevailing rates; and
(d). the resident agrees to the work
arrangement described in the plan of care.
h. Mail. The resident has the right to
privacy in written communications including the right to:
i. send and promptly receive mail that is
unopened; and
ii. have access to
stationary, postage, and writing implements at the resident's own
i. Access and
Visitation Rights. The resident has the right and the facility must provide
immediate access by any resident to the following:
i. any representative of the Secretary of
ii. any representative of the
iii. the resident's
individual physician;
iv. the State
Long Term Care Ombudsman (established under section 307(a)(12) of the Older
Americans Act of 1965);
v. the
agency responsible for the protection and advocacy system for developmentally
disabled individuals (established under part C of the Developmental
Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act);
vi. the agency responsible for the protection
and advocacy system for mentally ill individuals (established under the
Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Act);
vii. subject to the resident's right to deny
or withdraw consent at any time, immediate family or other relatives of the
viii. subject to
reasonable restrictions and the resident's right to deny or withdraw consent at
any time, others who are visiting with the consent of the resident;
ix. visiting overnight outside
the facility with family and friends in accordance with the facility policies,
physician's orders, and Title XVIII (Medicare) and Title XIX (Medicaid)
regulations without the loss of their bed. Home visit policies and procedures
for arranging home visits shall be fully explained.
(a). The facility must provide reasonable
access to any resident by any entity or individual that provides health,
social, legal, or other services to the resident subject to the resident's
right to deny or withdraw consent at any time.
(b). The facility must allow trained
compensated representatives of the State Ombudsman to examine a resident's
clinical records with the permission of the resident or the resident's legal
representative and consistent with state law.
(c). Visiting hours shall be flexible taking
into consideration special circumstances such as out-of-town visitors and
working relatives and friends. Additionally, the facility shall arrange for
critically ill residents to receive visitors other than during normal business
Telephone. The resident has the right to have reasonable access to the use of a
telephone where calls can be made without being overheard.
k. Personal Property. The resident has the
right to retain and use personal possessions including some furnishings and
appropriate clothing, as space permits, unless to do so would infringe upon the
rights or health and safety of other residents.
l. Married Couples. The resident has the
right to share a room with his or her spouse when married residents live in the
same facility and both spouses consent to the arrangement.
m. Self-Administration of Drugs. An
individual resident may self-administer drugs if the interdisciplinary team has
determined that this practice is safe.
n. Choice of Roommate. Residents shall have
the right to have their wish respected regarding choice(s) of roommate(s),
insofar as possible and/or reasonable.
o. Smoking. Residents shall have the right to
use tobacco at their own expense under the facility's safety rules and the
state's applicable laws and rules unless the use of tobacco is medically
contraindicated as documented in the medical record by the attending
p. Alcoholic Beverages.
Residents shall have the right to consume a reasonably amount of alcoholic
beverages at their own expense unless the following conditions are present.
i. It is medically contraindicated as
documented in the medical record by the attending physician.
ii. It is expressly prohibited by published
rules and regulations of a facility owned and operated by a religious
denomination which has abstinence from the consumption of alcoholic beverages
as part of its religious beliefs.
iii. There is no disruption to other facility
residents or staff.
Retiring and Rising. Residents shall have the right to retire and rise in
accordance with reasonable requests if the following conditions are met:
i. they do not disturb others.
ii. they do not disrupt the posted meal
iii. upon the facility's
request, they remain in a supervised area; and
iv. retiring and rising in accordance with
their request is not medically contraindicated as documented in the medical
record by the attending physician.
r. Participation in Resident and Family
i. A resident has the right to
organize and participate in resident groups in the facility.
ii. A resident's family has the right to meet
in the facility with the families of other residents in the facility.
iii. The facility must provide a resident or
family group, if one exists, with private space.
iv. Staff or visitors may attend meetings at
the group's invitation.
v. The
facility must provide a designated staff person responsible for providing
assistance and responding to written requests that result from group
vi. When a resident or
family group exists, the facility must listen to the views and act upon the
grievances and recommendations of residents and families concerning proposed
policy and operational decisions affecting resident care and lift in the
Representative Payee
i. Residents receiving
Social Security benefits shall have the right to make an application with the
Social Security Administration to designate a representative payee.
ii. If residents receiving Social Security
benefits are incapable of managing their personal funds and have no legal
representative, the facility may notify the Social Security Administration and
request that a representative payee be appointed.
N. Violation of Rights.
Any person who submits or reports a complaint concerning a suspected violation
of residents' rights or concerning services or conditions in a facility or who
testifies in any administrative or judicial proceeding arising from such
complaint, shall have immunity from any criminal or civil liability therefor
unless that person has acted in bad faith with malicious purpose or if the
court finds that there was an absence of a justifiable issue of either law or
fact raised by the complaining party.
O. Bill of Rights. Resident Bill of Rights
shall be prominently displayed in accessible areas at a proper height and in a
size print which is appropriate to elderly individuals having impaired vision.
The Bill of Rights shall include the following assurances in addition to the
above mentioned rights. All facilities shall adopt and make public a statement
of the rights and responsibilities of residents residing in the facility and
shall treat all individuals in accordance with the provisions of the statement.
1. Each nursing facility shall provide a copy
of the statement required by R.S. 40:20108(A) to each resident, sponsor, and/or
the resident's legal representative upon or before admission to the facility
and to each staff member. The statement shall also advise the resident,
sponsor, and/or responsible party that the nursing facility is not responsible
for the actions or inactions of other persons or entities not employed by the
facility, such as the treating physician, pharmacist, sitter, or other such
persons or entities employed or selected by the resident, sponsor, and/or
responsible party. Each facility shall prepare a written plan and provide
appropriate staff training to implement the provisions of
40:2010.6 et seq., but not limited to
explanation of the following:
a. the resident
rights and the staff's responsibilities in the implementation of those
b. the staff's obligation
to provide all residents who have similar needs with comparable services as
required by state licensure standards.
2. Any violation of the residents' rights in
40:2010.6 et seq. shall constitute grounds
for appropriate action by the Department of Health and Hospitals. Residents
shall have a private right of action to enforce these rights as set forth in
T.S. 40:2010.9. The state courts shall have jurisdiction to enjoin a violation
of residents' rights and assess fines for violations not to exceed $100 per
individual violation.
Civil and Religious Liberties. Residents shall have the right to civil and
religious liberties including but not limited to the following:
1. knowledge of available choices;
2. the right to independent personal
3. the right to
encouragement and assistance from facility staff in exercising these rights to
the fullest extent possible;
4. the
right to participate in social, religious, and community activities that do not
interfere with the rights of other residents in the facility; and
5. the resident has the right to exercise his
or her rights as a resident of the facility and as a citizen or resident of the
United States.
Freedom from Restraints and Abuse. Residents shall have the right to be free
from verbal, sexual, physical or mental abuse, corporal punishment, involuntary
seclusion, and any physical and chemical restraints imposed for the purpose of
discipline or convenience and not required to treat the resident's medical
symptoms. Bed-rails used during sleeping hours at the request of the resident's
legal representative or responsible party are not restraints. Restraints may
only be imposed:
1. to insure the physical
safety of the resident;
2. only
upon written order of a physician that specifies the duration, type of
restraint, and circumstances under which the restraints are to be used except
in emergency circumstances;
3. in
case of an emergency, physical restraint may only be applied by a qualified
licensed nurse who shall document in the medical record the circumstances
requiring the necessity for use of the restraint;
4. in case of emergency, a chemical restraint
may be used by a qualified licensed nurse if authorized by the attending
physician. The necessity for the use of the chemical restraint shall be
documented in the medical record as well a monitoring of vital signs after the
drug has been administered. In this case, the attending physician shall be
consulted immediately thereafter;
a. as needed
or PRN antipsychotic drugs should only be used when the resident has a
"specific condition" for which antipsychotic drugs are indicated and one of the
following circumstances exists:
i. the as
needed or PRN does is being used to titrate the resident's total daily dose up
or down or is being used to manage unexpected harmful behaviors that cannot be
managed without antipsychotic drugs. Under this circumstance, a PRN
antipsychotic drug may be used no more than twice in any 7 days period without
an assessment or the cause for the resident's behavioral symptoms and the
development of a plan of care designed to attempt to reduce or eliminate the
cause(s) for the harmful behavior;
5. psychopharmacologic drugs may be
administered only on the orders of a physician and only as part of a plan
(included in the written Plan of Care) designed to eliminate or modify the
symptoms for which the drugs are prescribed (Applicable only to Medicaid
6. bedrails and
geri-chairs, if used for the purpose of restricting free movement, are
considered restraints. Before using such methods, the facility should first
attempt to use less restrictive alternatives. If these alternatives are found
to be ineffective in the context of treating the resident's medical symptoms,
the facility may apply them within the context of individualized care planning.
The facility should also monitor in a way that promotes the highest practicable
physical, mental and psychosocial well-being of the resident. If the use is
associated with a decline in the resident's functional ability, such as
increased agitation, the interdisciplinary team should reassess the resident's
7. if the restraint is used
to enable the resident to attain or maintain his or her highest practicable
level of functioning, a facility must have evidence of consultation with
appropriate health professionals, such as occupational or physical therapists.
The consultation should consider the use of less restrictive therapeutic
intervention prior to using restraints for such purposes.
R. Housing
1. All residents shall be housed without
regard to race, color, or national origin. Bi-racial occupancy of rooms and
wards on a non-discriminatory basis shall be required.
2. Residents shall not be asked if they are
willing to share a room with a person of another race, color, or national
3. Resident transfers shall
not be used to evade compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
a. Open Admission Policy. An open admission
policy and desegregation of facilities shall be required, particularly when the
facility previously excluded or primarily served residents of a particular
race, color, or national origin. Facilities which exclusively serve residents
of one race have the responsibility for taking corrective action, unless
documentation is provided that this pattern has not resulted from
discriminatory practices.
Restricted Occupancy. A facility owned or operated by a private organization
may restrict occupancy to members of the organization without violating Civil
Rights compliance, provided membership in the organization and admission to the
facility is not denied on the basis of race, color, or national
Resident Services. All residents shall be provided medical, non-medical, and
volunteer services without regard to race, color, or national origin. All
administrative, medical, and non-medical services are covered by this
T. Facility Personnel
1. Attending physicians shall be permitted to
provide resident services without regard to race, color, or national
2. Other medical,
paramedical, or non-medical persons, whether engaged in contractual or
consultative capacities, shall be selected and employed in a non-discriminatory
manner. Opportunity shall not be denied to qualified persons on the basis of
race, color, or national origin.
Dismissal from employment shall not be based upon race, color, or national
U. Advance
Directives. Each resident shall be:
afforded the opportunity to participate in the planning of his medical
b. encouraged and
assisted throughout his/her period of stay to exercise his/her rights as a
patient and as a citizen; and
treated with consideration, respect,and full recognition of his/her dignity and
2. Nursing facilities must:
a. provide all adult individuals with written
information about their rights under state law to make health care decisions
including the right to accept or refuse treatment and the right to execute
advance directives;
b. document in
the resident's medical record whether or not he/she has signed an advance
c. not discriminate
against an individual based on whether he/she has executed an advanced
directive; and
d. provide facility
and community with education on advance directives.
NOTE: If an advance directive has been executed, a copy
shall be kept in the medical record.
3. Definitions
Attending Physician-the
physician who has primary responsibility for the treatment and care of the
Declaration-a witnessed document, statement, or expression
voluntarily made by the declarant, authorizing the withholding or withdrawal of
life-sustaining procedures, in accordance with requirements of Louisiana Law. A
declaration may be made in writing, orally, or by other means of nonverbal
Life-sustaining Procedure-any medical procedure or
intervention which within reasonable medical judgement, would serve only to
prolong the dying process for a person diagnosed as having a terminal and
irreversible condition. A "life-sustaining procedure" shall not include any
measure deemed necessary to provide comfort care.
Physician-a physician or
surgeon licensed by the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners.
Qualified Resident-a
resident diagnosed and certified in writing as having a terminal and
irreversible condition by two physicians, one of whom shall be the attending
physician, who have personally examined the resident.
Terminal and Irreversible
Condition-a condition caused by injury, disease, or illness which
within reasonable medical judgement, would produce death and for which the
application of life-sustaining procedures would serve only to postpone the
moment of death.
Written Policy
a. All facilities shall have an
appropriate written policy and procedure regarding the decision to have
life-sustaining procedures withheld or withdrawn in instances where such
residents are diagnosed as having a terminal and irreversible
b. If the policies of a
nursing facility preclude compliance with the declaration of a resident or
preclude compliance with provisions pertaining to a representative acting on
behalf of a qualified resident, the nursing facility shall take all reasonable
steps to effect the transfer of the resident to a facility in which the
provisions of his/her declaration can be carried out.
5. Facility Responsibility
a. Physician orders shall:
i. be based on the medical examination of the
resident's immediate and long-term needs;
ii. document that the condition is terminal
and irreversible;
NOTE: Two physicians must document that the resident has
a terminal and irreversible condition ("Qualified Resident");
iii. prescribe a planned regimen of total
care for the resident which shall include special exceptions to the treatment
b. Plan of care
i. Include a statement indicating that
a valid declaration has been made; and
ii. Include measures to ensure the comfort
care of the resident during the dying process.
e. Nursing Notes. Charting shall be done as
often as necessary but at least every eight hours during the time that
life-sustaining procedures are withheld or withdrawn.
6. Declaration. The declaration may be
executed at any time by the individual or legal representative. The declaration
is not activated until two physicians determine that the resident has a
terminal or irreversible condition. For purposes of clarity in the event the
document must be executed, the resident should be advised that it should be
specific as to what measures the resident does and does not want.
7. Do Not Resuscitate - DNR Order. If the
responsible physician finds that resuscitation would be medically
inappropriate, a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order becomes effective only upon the
informed choice of a competent resident or by agreement of the family members
as a class if the resident is incompetent. A signed DNR order must be witnessed
by two persons not related by blood or marriage and who would not be entitled
to any portion of the estate. The DNR is not a decision that can be made by a
physician or facility committee acting alone.
Promulgated in accordance with