Louisiana Administrative Code
Part I - Regulations
Chapter 9 - Meat and Meat Products Regulations
Section I-921 - Product Definitions and Standards [Formerly 49:3.0403]
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. Meat. The edible part of the muscle of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats which is skeletal or which is found in the tongue, in the diaphragm, in the heart, or in the esophagus, with or without the accompanying and overlying fat, and the portions of bone, skin sinew, nerve, and blood vessels which normally accompany the muscle tissue, and which are not separated from it in the process of dressing. It does not include the muscle found in the lips, snout or ears.
B. Meat By-Product. Any edible part other than meat which has been derived from one or more cattle, sheep, swine, or goats.
C. Meat Product or Meat Food Product. Any article of food, or any article intended for or capable of being used as human food which is derived or prepared, in whole or in substantial and definite part, from any portion of any cattle, sheep, swine, or goat, except such articles as organotherapeutic substances, meat juice, meat extract, and the like, which are only for medicinal purposes, and are advertised only to the medical profession.
D. The product titled hamburger shall be comprised of wholesome comminuted or ground beef, containing not more than 30 percent beef fat by weight, with or without seasoning (properly labeled). With proper labeling declaration, optional ingredients are monosodium glutamate, salt, sugar, seasonings, spices ascorbic acid, sodium asorbate, erythorbic acid, sodium erythorbate, any other acceptable food additive approved by the department and added water not to exceed 1 percent. No added coloring shall be permitted.
E. Ground Meat. The product titled ground meat shall consist of wholesome comminuted or ground meat from beef, veal, swine, sheep, or goat, individually or collectively, in any combination whatsoever, provided that each specie shall be listed in the ingredient statement in correct order of descending predominance. When consisting of one specie only the product shall be titled ground beef, ground pork, or whatever the case might be. Ground meat shall contain not more than 30 percent meat fat by weight, unless said product is comprised wholly of pork meat, in which case the maximum allowable fat content shall be 50 percent. No added coloring or water shall be perm fitted.
F. Pork Sausage is the sausage product prepared from wholesome pork meat, comprising not more than 50 percent pork fat and not more than 3 percent added water. With proper labeling declaration, optional ingredients permitted are monosodium glutamate, salt, sugar, seasonings, spices, ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, erythorbic acid, sodium erythorbate, water or any other additives approved by the department. The use of coloring is prohibited.
G Specially Meat Products, including patties and products which have been subjected to a particular processing operation such as chopping, grinding, or comminution, such as steaks, chops, steakettes and choppettes, which names in natural form indicate a solid piece of meat, must bear a title descriptive of the product reflecting the processing to which it has been subjected, e.g. chopped veal steaks; or must bear a statement of fact contiguous to the name of the product, such as "chopped, formed and frozen." With proper labeling declaration, optional ingredients permitted are monosodium glutamate, salt, sugar, seasonings, spices, ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, erythorbic acid, sodium erythorbate, or any other additives approved by the department. No added coloring shall be permitted. Further, if extenders or binders, such as cereal, vegetable starch, vegetable flour, soya flour, nonfat dry milk, soya protein concentrate or any other similar product approved by the department are added to the product, the individual and collective amount shall not exceed 3.5 percent, and a statement of fact, such as, "cereal added" or "dry skim milk added," or whichever the case may be, shall appear immediately below and contiguous to the tile in letters of not less than one-half the size of the title, in addition to appropriate inclusion of said ingredients in the ingredient statement. Added water shall not exceed 1 percent.
H. Products titled "liver loaf", "liver paste", "liver cheese", "liver pudding", "liver spread" and the like shall contain not less than 30 percent of liver computed on the weight of fresh liver.
I. The preparation of cooked cured products such as hams, pork shoulders, pork shoulder picnics, pork shoulder butts, and pork loins, either by moist or dry heat, shall not result in the finished cooked articles weighing more than the fresh uncured product; that is, the weight of the finished cooked article plus the weight of the skin, bones, fat, and trimmings removed during the preparations shall not exceed the weight of the fresh uncured product. Such product, under appropriate labeling declaration, may contain up to 10 percent added water in which case the statement "water added" shall appear immediately below and contiguous to the title in type of not less than one-half the size of that used for the title. Products containing added water in excess of 10 percent shall be titled "imitation" and the word "imitation" shall appear immediately before and in type of the same size, style, and prominence as the name of the product being imitated.
J. Formulation and labeling of specialty meat products, such as boudin, shall be approved as provided is §944
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, Title 40, as amended.