Any application for a permit shall be on a form as prescribed by the State
Health Officer and shall contain the following:
1. name and principal address of the
2. address of the
proposed water vending machine location. A separate application for permit must
be filed for each water vending machine location.
3. signature of a responsible officer of the
firm and his/her title;
4. any
additional information needed for the orderly maintenance of records and data
processing requirements;
5. the
model number or name of the water vending machine;
6. evidence with respect to each model of
machine intended to be used, that:
a. said
model complies with the construction standards of the National Sanitation
Foundation (NSF) and/or the National Automated Merchandising Association (NAM
A). Such standards are available from the National Sanitation Foundation, 3475
Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 and/or the National Automated
Merchandising Association, 7 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, Illinois 60603;
b. all exterior and interior surfaces and
component parts of said machine are designed and constructed to permit easy
cleaning and maintenance;
c. all
parts and surfaces of said machine with which the water comes into contact are
non-toxic, corrosion resistant, non-absorbent material capable of withstanding
repeated cleaning and sanitizing treatment.
d. said machine has a recessed or guarded
corrosion resistant dispensing spout;
e. all treatment of the vended water by
distillation, ion-exchange filtration, ultraviolet light, reverse osmosis,
mineral addition or any other process is done in a manner so as to accomplish
its intended purpose of purifying water;
f all vending machines are located in an area
that can be maintained in clean condition and in a manner that avoids insect
and rodent harborage.
g. the source
of water supply is from a community water supply approved by the State Health
Officer as defined in the State Sanitary Code, Sect. 8.1;
h. all machines have a system of collection
and handling of drip, spillage and overflow of water;
i. all connections with the public water
supply have a backflow prevention device approved by the State Health
j. all vending machines
display, in a position clearly visible to customers, the following information:
the name, license number and address of the operator, the fact that the water
is obtained from a public water supply, a statement describing the treatment
process; if no treatment process is utilized, then a statement to that fact,
chemical names and concentrations of any preservatives or additives and a local
telephone number than may be called for further information, service or
k. prior to delivery
into the customer's container, water vended by the machine is disinfected by
ultraviolet light or other method approved by the Health Officer;
l. all water vending machines are equipped
with monitoring devices designed to shut down operation of the machine when the
disinfection unit fails to function;
m. all vending machines are equipped with a
self-closing, tight-fitting door on the vending compartment;
n. no vended water is described on a machine
or elsewhere as "spring water" or "purified water" unless such water conforms
to the definition contained in this Part.
o. activated carbon, if used, complies with
the American Water Works Association (A WW A) specifications for granular,
activated carbon used in the treatment of potable water (A WWA B
p. all vending machines
are maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, free from dirt and