Louisiana Administrative Code
Part I - Regulations
Chapter 4 - Water Vending Machines Regulations
Section I-401 - Definitions [Formerly 49:2.1200]
Water Vending Machine-any self-service device which, upon insertion of money or tokens or upon receipt of payment by other means, dispenses unit servings of water in bulk into a container, without the necessity of refilling the machine between each operation.
Permit-shall mean and be limited to a permit issued under and pursuant to the provisions of these regulations.
Vended Water-that water dispensed by means of a water vending machine.
Person-any individual, public or private corporation, company, association, partnership, municipality or any other legal entity or its legal representative, agent or assigns.
Operator-any person who owns or operates a water vending machine.
Potable Water-water which meets the requirements of Chapter VIII of the Louisiana State Sanitary Code of January 1, 1977 and any subsequent revisions.
Spring Water-water obtained from a water source which flows naturally from an underground spring or is obtained from such spring by means of drilling and/or pumps.
United States Pharmacopeia-the "Pharmacopeia of the United States of America prepared under authority of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention"; a book of standards for drugs, tests, waters and reagents.
Purified Water-water produced by distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis or other methods as defined in the current edition of the "United States Pharmacopeia".
Non-Toxic Materials-materials which are free of substances which may render the water injurious to health or which may adversely affect the flavor, color, odor or microbiological quality of the water.
Approved-approved in writing by the designated representative of the State Health Officer.
Sanitary-promoting or pertaining to health and, therefore, free of harmful or deleterious contaminants.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, Title 40, as amended.