Louisiana Administrative Code
Part V - Child Welfare
Subpart 21 - Residential Licensing
Chapter 73 - Child Placing Agencies-General Provisions
Section V-7311 - Licensing Requirements-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

Universal Citation: LA Admin Code V-7311

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024

A. General Provisions

1. Any provider with a valid child-placing agency license upon the effective date of these standards shall meet all of the requirements herein, unless otherwise stated.

2. Prior to beginning operation, it is mandatory to obtain a license from DCFS by meeting all requirements noted herein.

3. Licensing Section shall determine the period for which a license is valid. A license is valid for the period for which it is issued unless it is modified, revoked, or suspended.

4. A license shall be valid only for a particular owner and only for the address on the license and is not transferable to another person, juridical entity, location, or subject to sale. Any change of ownership or change of location automatically renders the license null and void. A change of ownership of the property on which the licensed child-placing agency is located shall not affect the license; however, loss of the right to use the premises by the licensee (whether through eviction, termination of lease, etc.) shall void the license as provided above.

5. With the exception of a change of ownership application, an application from a new provider for the same program shall not be processed if an application or license is currently on file with the Licensing Section for the same physical address.

6. The license shall be displayed in a prominent place at the CPA. Child placing agencies operated by a church or religious organization are exempt from this requirement provided the license is available upon request.

7. DCFS representatives shall be admitted into the child-placing agency office without delay and shall be given immediate access during regular business hours to all records and areas of a child-placing agency office, including but not limited to its grounds. DCFS representative shall also be given immediate access to transitional placing locations and children/youth. Provider shall facilitate the coordination of visits to prospective and certified foster/adoptive parents' homes chosen by DCFS licensing staff.

8. In order to maintain a license, a CPA shall operate at least one day per week for at least four consecutive hours. This four hour timeframe shall occur Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30 am and 5 pm.

9. If any area of a child-placing agency office is set aside for private use, DCFS representatives shall be permitted to verify that no child/youth is present in that portion and that the private areas are inaccessible to children/youth.

10. DCFS staff shall be allowed to confidentially interview any staff member, child/youth, and prospective and certified foster/adoptive parents as determined necessary by DCFS.

11. All new construction or renovation to a currently licensed child-placing agency requires approval from the Office of State Fire Marshal as noted in §7313 B, Office of Public Health, city fire (if applicable), and the Licensing Section prior to a child or children/youth occupying the new space.

12. The provider shall notify the Licensing Section in writing of a child placing office closure of more than 14 calendar days. Notification shall be submitted within five calendar days prior to the scheduled closure or within three calendar days of an unscheduled closure. Notification shall include child-placing agency's name, license number, dates, the reason for closure, and provider signature. Closures of more than 30 calendar days render the license null and void.

13. Prior to closure, the provider shall make adequate preparation and arrangements for the care, custody, and control of any children in the care, custody, and/or control of the provider.

14. The email address provided to the Licensing Section on the licensing application is the official email address unless the provider subsequently submits written notification of a change of email address to the Licensing Section and the request is acknowledged as received by licensing staff.

15. The provider shall make any information required by the Licensing Section as outlined in the current standards and any information reasonably related to determine compliance with these standards available to the department.

16. The provider shall show proof of compliance with all relevant standards and requirements established by federal, state, local, and municipal regulatory bodies.

B. Fees and Notification of Changes-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. All fees are non-refundable and shall be payable to DCFS Licensing Section by money order, certified check, or electronic payment, if available.

2. In accordance with R.S 46:1406(F), there shall be a non-refundable fee of $50 for a license or renewed license, payable to the department with the initial licensing application, CHOL application, CHOW application, and prior to the last day of the anniversary month of the license.

3. A non-refundable fee of $5 is required to issue a duplicate license with no changes.

4. A non-refundable fee of $25 is required when a change to the license is requested or noted by licensing staff.

5. The provider shall notify the Licensing Section on a DCFS change of information form prior to making changes to child-placing agency operations as noted below. There is no fee charged when the request is noted on the renewal application and all required inspections and approvals are received prior to the expiration of the current license; however, the change shall not be effective until the first day of the month following the expiration of the current license.
a. Removal of a service (foster care services, adoption services, or transitional placing services) is effective upon receipt of a completed change of information form.

b. Name change is effective when the following are received by the licensing section:
i. completed change of information form; and

ii. $25 non-refundable change fee.

c. Change to add foster care services or adoption services is effective when the following are received and approved by the licensing section:
i. completed change of information form;

ii. $25 non-refundable change fee; and

iii. inspection by the Licensing Section noting compliance with regulations regarding the service which will be provided.

d. Change to add transitional placing services is effective when the following are received and approved by the licensing section:
i. completed change of information form;

ii. $25 non-refundable change fee;

iii. current approvals as noted in §7313 B;

iv. inspection of each transitional placing location by the Licensing Section noting compliance with regulations regarding the service which will be provided; and

v. copy of property insurance or rental insurance coverage for each transitional placing location;

e. Change to add an additional transitional placing location under current CPA license is effective when the following are received and approved by the licensing section:
i. completed change of information form;

ii. $25 non-refundable change fee;

iii. current approvals as noted in §7313 B;

iv. inspection of each transitional placing location by the Licensing Section noting compliance with regulations regarding the service which will be provided; and

v. copy of property insurance or rental insurance coverage for each transitional placing location;

f. Change to age range for which services are provided is effective when the following are received and approved by the licensing section:
i. completed change of information form and;

ii. $25 non-refundable change fee;

g. Change in program director is effective when the following are received and approved by the licensing section:
i. completed change of information form;

ii. documentation of program director's qualifications as noted in §7313.H 6;

iii. three signed letters of reference dated within 12 months prior to hire attesting affirmatively to his/her character, qualifications, and suitability to manage the program;

iv. CBC clearance dated within 45 days of hire;

v. Louisiana state central registry clearance dated within 45 days of hire; and

vi. if an individual resided in a state other than Louisiana in the previous five years, state central registry clearance from those states dated within 120 days of hire.

6. If a child-placing agency is found to be non-compliant with regard to a particular service offered or with a particular age group of children/youth, DCFS may require the child-placing agency to cease providing the service and/or restrict the age of the children/youth for which the child-placing agency is licensed to provide services.

C. Renewal of License-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. The license shall be renewed on an annual basis prior to the last day of the anniversary month of the license.

2. The provider shall submit, prior to the license expiration date, a completed renewal application form and $50 non-refundable fee. The following documentation shall also be included:
a. current Office of Fire Marshal approval for occupancy as noted in §7313,B;

b. current Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services approval as noted in §7313 B;

c. current city fire department approval as noted in §7313 B;

d. copy of current general liability coverage;

e. copy of current property insurance or rental insurance coverage for each transitional placing locations;

f. copy of current insurance coverage for child-placing agency and staff vehicles used to transport children/youth;

g. copy of a criminal background clearance or current attestation forms as referenced in §7309.A for all owners and program directors as required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15.587.1;

h. copy of state central registry clearances or current attestation forms referenced in §7309.B for all owners and program directors as required by R.S. 46:1414.1; and

i. copy of the completed reasonable and prudent parent authorized representative form if providing transitional placing services.

3. Prior to renewing the child-placing agency's license, an on-site inspection shall be conducted to ensure compliance with all licensing laws and standards. If the child-placing agency is found to be in compliance with the licensing laws and standards, and any other required statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations, the license shall be renewed for a 12 month period.

4. If areas of noncompliance or deficiencies are cited and have not been corrected or new deficiencies or areas of non-compliance are cited prior to the expiration of the license, the department may issue an extension of the license not to exceed 60 days.

5. When it is determined by the department that such non-compliances or deficiencies have been corrected and no new areas of noncompliance or deficiencies have been cited, a license shall be issued through the last day of the anniversary month.

6. If it is determined that all areas of noncompliance or deficiencies have not been corrected or new areas of noncompliance or deficiencies have been cited prior to the expiration date of the extension, the department may revoke the license.

D. Change of Location (CHOL)-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. When a provider changes the physical location of the child-placing agency office, it is considered a new operation and a new license is required prior to opening. The license at the existing location shall not transfer to the new child-placing agency location.

2. After the child-placing agency's new location has been determined, a complete CHOL licensing packet shall be submitted to the licensing section. A complete CHOL licensing packet shall include:
a. completed application and $50 non-refundable fee;

b. current Office of Fire Marshal approval for occupancy as noted in §7313 B;

c. current Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services approval as noted in §7313 B;

d. current city fire department approval as noted in §7313 B;

e. city or parish building permit office approval for new construction or renovation

f. local zoning approval, if applicable;

g. organizational chart or equivalent list of staff positions and supervisory chain of command;

h. verification of experience and educational requirements for the program director if current director is replaced;

i. list of consultant/contract staff to include name, contact info, and responsibilities;

j. list of all staff (paid, non-paid, and volunteers) and their position;

k. copy of the completed reasonable and prudent parent authorized representative form if providing transitional placing services;

l. three signed reference letters dated within 12 months prior to hire for program director if a new director is hired attesting affirmatively to his/her character, qualifications, and suitability to manage the program;

m. copy of current general liability insurance coverage;

n. copy of current property insurance coverage or rental insurance coverage for each transitional placing location;

o. copy of current insurance coverage for child-placing agency and staff vehicles used to transport children/youth;

p. list of youth currently being served in transitional placing;

q. documentation of new Louisiana State Police fingerprint based satisfactory criminal record checks for owners of the agency, as required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1, dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309 A;

r. documentation of new Louisiana state central registry clearance forms for owners dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309 B;

s. documentation of out of state central registry clearance forms for owners dated no earlier than 120 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309.B if the owner has resided out of state since receiving a clearance from that state;

t. documentation of new national criminal background checks through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for currently certified foster/adoptive parents and any member of the parent's household aged 18 years and older, excluding youth in DCFS custody, in accordance with R.S. 46:51.2 for any crime enumerated under R.S. 15:587.1 and Public Law 105-89. These checks shall be dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7315 B;

u. documentation of new state central registry clearance forms for currently certified foster/adoptive parents and any member of the parent's household aged 18 years and older, excluding youth in DCFS custody. Louisiana checks shall be dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309 B;

v. documentation of out of state central registry clearance forms for foster/adoptive parents and household members age 18 years and older, excluding youth in DCFS custody, dated no earlier than 120 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309.B if the foster/adoptive parents has resided out of state since receiving a clearance from that state;

w. documentation of new Louisiana State Police fingerprint based satisfactory criminal record checks for all staff of the agency, as required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1. CHOLs occurring April 1, 2019 or after, CBCs shall be dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license;

x. documentation of new Louisiana state central registry clearance forms for all staff (paid, non-paid, and volunteers) and contractors dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license;

y. documentation of out of state central registry clearance forms for staff ( paid, non-paid, and volunteers) and contractors dated no earlier than 120 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309.B if the staff or contractor has resided out of state since receiving a clearance from that state; and

z. any other documentation or information required by the department for licensure.

3. Services shall not be provided at the new location until a license is issued for that location.

4. The license for the new location may be effective upon receipt of all items listed in §7311.D.2 with the approval of DCFS, however; it shall not be effective prior to the first day operations begin at the new location.

5. The license for the old location shall be null and void on the last day services were provided at that location, but no later than the effective date of the new location's license. The child-placing agency shall submit documentation noting the last day services will be provided at the old location.

E. Change of Ownership (CHOW)-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. Any of the following constitutes a change of ownership for licensing purposes:
a. change in the federal tax id number;

b. change in the state tax id number;

c. change in profit status;

d. any transfer of the business from an individual or juridical entity to any other individual or juridical entity;

e. termination of services by one owner and beginning of services by a different owner without a break in services to the children/youth; and/or

f. addition of an individual, with the exception of a board member, to the existing ownership on file with the licensing section.

2. When a child-placing agency changes ownership, the current license is not transferable. Prior to the ownership change and in order for a new license to be issued, the new owner shall submit a CHOW application packet containing the following:
a. completed application and $50 non-refundable fee;

b. current Office of Fire Marshal approval for occupancy from current owner as noted in §7313 B;

c. current Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services approval from current owner as noted in §7313 B;

d. current city fire department approval, if applicable; as noted in §7313 B;

e. city or parish building permit office approval for renovations or new construction;

f. local zoning approval, if applicable;

g. organizational chart or equivalent list of staff titles and supervisory chain of command;

h. verification of experience and educational requirements for the program director if new owner replaces current director;

i. list of consultant/contract staff to include name, contact info, and responsibilities;

j. list of all staff (paid, non-paid, and volunteers) and their position;

k. copy of the completed reasonable and prudent parent authorized representative form if providing transitional placing services;

l. three signed reference letters dated within three months prior to hire for program director if new owner replaces current director attesting affirmatively to his/her character, qualifications, and suitability to manage the program;

m. copy of current general liability coverage;

n. copy of current property insurance or rental insurance coverage for each transitional placing locations;

o. copy of current insurance for child-placing agency and staff owned vehicles used to transport children/youth;

p. documentation of new Louisiana State Police fingerprint based satisfactory criminal record checks for owners or current attestation forms as referenced in §7309 A, as required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1. These checks shall be dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license;

q. documentation of new Louisiana state central registry clearance forms for owners or attestation forms dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309 B;

r. documentation of out of state central registry clearance forms for owners dated no earlier than 120 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309.B if the owner has resided out of state since receiving a clearance from that state;

s. documentation of new Louisiana State Police fingerprint based satisfactory criminal record checks for all staff of the agency, as required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1, dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license;

t. documentation of new Louisiana state central registry clearance forms for all staff (paid, non-paid, and volunteers) and contractors dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license;

u. documentation of out of state central registry clearance forms for staff ( paid, non-paid, and volunteers) and contractors dated no earlier than 120 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309.B if the staff or contractor has resided out of state since receiving a clearance from that state;

v. documentation of new national criminal background checks through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for currently certified foster/adoptive parents and any member of the parent's household aged 18 years and older, excluding youth in DCFS custody, in accordance with R.S. 46:51.2 for any crime enumerated under R.S. 15:587.1 and Public Law 105-89. These checks shall be dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license;

w. documentation of new Louisiana state central registry clearance forms for currently certified foster/adoptive parents and any member of the parent's household aged 18 years and older, excluding youth in DCFS custody. These checks shall be dated no earlier than 45 days prior to the issue date of the new license;

x. documentation of out of state central registry clearance forms for foster/adoptive parents and household members age 18 years and older, excluding youth in DCFS custody, dated no earlier than 120 days prior to the issue date of the new license as noted in §7309.B if the foster/adoptive parents have resided out of state since receiving a clearance from that state;

y. any other documentation or information required by the department for licensure.

3. The prior owner's current Office of State Fire Marshal and Office of Public Health approvals are only transferrable for 60 calendar days. The new owner shall obtain approvals dated after the effective date of the new license from these agencies within 60 calendar days. The new owner will be responsible for forwarding the approval or extension from the Office of the State Fire Marshal and the Office of Public Health as noted in §7313.B to the Licensing Section on or prior to the sixtieth day in order for their license to be extended.

4. A licensing inspection shall be conducted within 60 calendar days of the license being issued to verify compliance with the licensing standards.

5. All staff/children/youth information shall be updated under the new ownership prior to or on the last day services are provided by the existing owner.

6. If all information in §731 I.E.2 of this section is not received prior to or on the last day services are provided by the existing owner, the new owner shall not operate until a license is issued. The new owner is not authorized to provide services until the licensure process is completed in accordance with §7311.E 2

7. In the event of a change of ownership, the children/youth records shall remain with the new child-placing agency.

8. A child-placing agency facing adverse action shall not be eligible for a CHOW. An application involving a child-placing agency facing adverse action shall be treated as an initial application rather than a change of ownership application.

F. Change in Ownership Structure-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. Although the following does not constitute a change of ownership for licensing purposes, a change of information form is required. The change of information form shall be submitted to the Licensing Section within 14 calendar days of the change:
a. if individual ownership, upon death of the spouse; or

b. if individual ownership, upon death of the spouse and execution of the estate, if the surviving spouse remains as the only owner.

2. The change of information form shall be submitted to the Licensing Section within seven calendar days of the change:
a. if individual ownership, undergoing a separation or divorce, until the judicial termination of the community aquets and gains is signed by both parties;

b. change in board members for churches, corporations, limited liability companies, universities, or governmental entities; or

c. removal of any person from the existing ownership structure under which the child-placing agency is currently licensed.

G. Denial, Revocation, or Non-Renewal of License-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. Even if a child-placing agency is otherwise in compliance with these standards, an application for a license may be denied, or a license revoked or not renewed for any of the following reasons:
a. cruelty or indifference to the welfare of the children/youth in care;

b. violation of any provision of the standards, rules, regulations, or orders of the department;

c. disapproval from any agency whose approval is required for licensing;

d. any validated instance of abuse, neglect, corporal punishment, physical punishment, or cruel, severe or unusual punishment as noted on the state central registry, if the owner is responsible or if the staff member who is responsible remains in the employment of the licensee;

e. any validated instance of abuse, neglect, corporal punishment, physical punishment, or cruel, severe or unusual punishment as noted on the state central registry, in a foster/adoptive home if the home remains certified;

f. closing with no plans for reopening and no means of verifying compliance with minimum standards for licensure;

g. any act of fraud such as falsifying or altering documents required for licensure;

h. refusing to allow the Licensing Section staff to perform mandated duties, i.e., denying entrance to the agency, not cooperating with licensing mandates, intimidation or threats to DCFS staff, etc.;

i. the owner, director, officer, board member, or any person designated to manage or supervise the provider or any staff providing care, supervision, or treatment to a child/youth has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any offense listed in R.S. 15:587.1 or to any offense involving a juvenile victim. A copy of a criminal record check performed by the Louisiana State Police (LSP) or other law enforcement provider, or by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), or a copy of court records in which a conviction or plea occurred, indicating the existence of such a plea or conviction shall create a rebuttal presumption that such a conviction or plea exists;

j. the provider, after being notified that an officer, director, board member, manager, supervisor, or any employee has been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to any offense referenced above, allows such officer, director, or employee to remain employed, or to fill an office of profit or trust with the provider. A copy of a criminal record check performed by the LSP or other law enforcement provider, or by the FBI, or a copy of court records in which a conviction or plea occurred, indicating the existence of such a plea or conviction shall create a rebuttal presumption that such a conviction or plea exists;

k. failure of the owner, director, or any employee to report a known or suspected incident of abuse or neglect to child protection authorities;

l. revocation or non-renewal of a previous license issued by a state or federal provider;

m. a history of non-compliance with licensing statutes or standards, including but not limited to failure to take prompt action to correct deficiencies, repeated citations for the same deficiencies, closure to avoid revocation, or revocation or denial of any previous license issued by the department;

n. failure to submit an application for renewal or required documentation or to pay required fees prior to the last day of the anniversary month;

o. operating any unlicensed agency, program, or facility;

p. permitting an individual to be on the premises or to have access to children/youth when listed on the state central registry;

q. own a child-placing agency and have been convicted of or have pled guilty or nolo contender to any crime in which an act of fraud or intent to defraud is an element of the offense; or

r. failure of the child-placing agency to decertify a foster/adoptive home after licensing violations are noted and not timely corrected which pose an imminent risk to the health and/or safety of children/youth placed in the home.

H. Posting of Notices of Revocation-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. The DCFS shall prominently post a notice of revocation action at each public entrance of the child-placing agency within one business day of such action. This notice shall remain visible to the general public, other placing agencies, parents, guardians, and other interested parties of individuals that receive services from the provider.

2. It shall be a violation of these rules for a provider to permit the obliteration or removal of a notice of revocation that has been posted by the department. The provider shall ensure that the notice continues to be visible to the general public, other placing agencies, parents, guardians, and other interested parties throughout the pendency of any appeal of the revocation.

3. The provider shall notify the department's licensing management staff verbally and in writing immediately if the notice is removed or obliterated.

4. Failure to maintain the posted notice of revocation required under these rules shall be grounds for denial, revocation, or non-renewal of any future application or license.

I. Appeal Process for Denial, Non-Renewal, or Revocation-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. The DCFS Licensing Section, shall advise the applicant, program director or owner by letter of the reasons for revocation of the license, or denial of an application, and the right of appeal. If the director or owner is not present at the agency, delivery of the written reasons for such action may be made to any staff of the agency. Notice to a staff person shall constitute notice to the child-placing agency of such action and the reasons thereof. A request for appeal shall include a copy of the letter from the Licensing Section that notes the reasons for revocation, denial, or non-renewal, together with the specific areas of the decision the appellant believes to be erroneous and/or the specific reasons the decision is believed to have been reached in error, and shall be mailed to: Department of Children and Family Services, Appeals Section, P.O. Box 2944, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9118.

2. A provider shall have 15 calendar days from receipt of the letter notifying of the revocation to request an appeal in accordance with R.S. 46:1420. Provider may continue to operate during the appeal process as provided in the Administrative Procedure Act.

3. If the provider's license will expire during the appeal process, the provider shall submit prior to its license expiration date, a complete renewal packet as noted in §731 l.C. Each provider is solely responsible for obtaining the application form. All information shall be received on or postmarked by the last day of the month in which the license expires or the provider shall cease operation by the close of business on the expiration date noted on the license. A complete renewal packet includes:
a. completed application form;

b. non-refundable $50 fee;

c. current Office of State Fire Marshal approval for occupancy as noted in §7313 B;

d. current Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services approval as noted in §7313 B;

e. current city fire department approval, if applicable; as noted in §7313 B;

f. copy of current general liability coverage;

g. copy of current property insurance or rental insurance coverage for each transitional placing locations;

h. copy of current insurance coverage for child-placing agency and staff owned vehicles used to transport children/youth;

i. copy of a criminal background clearance or current attestation forms as referenced in §7309.A for all owners and program directors as required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15.587.1;

j. copy of state central registry clearance forms as referenced in §7309.B and §7313.1 10 for all owners and program directors as required by R.S. 46:1414.1; and

k. copy of the completed reasonable and prudent parent authorized representative form if providing transitional placing services.

4. A provider shall have 30 calendar days from receipt of the letter notifying of the denial of an application for a license to request an appeal.

5. The appeals section shall notify the Division of Administrative Law of receipt of an appeal request. Division of Administrative Law shall conduct a hearing. The appellant will be notified by DAL of the decision, either affirming or reversing the original decision of DCFS.

6. If the decision of DCFS is affirmed or the appeal dismissed, the provider shall terminate operation of the child-placing agency immediately. If the provider continues to operate without a license, the DCFS may file suit in the district court in the parish in which the child-placing agency is located for injunctive relief.

7. If the revocation or non-renewal decision of DCFS is reversed, the license will be re-instated and the appellant may continue to operate. If the denial of application decision is reversed, DCFS will begin processing the application for licensure.

J. Disqualification of Agency and Provider-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. If a child-placing agency's application is denied, license revoked or not renewed due to failure to comply with state statutes and/or licensing rules, the department shall not process a subsequent application from the provider for that child-placing agency or any other license issued by DCFS for a minimum period of 24 months after the effective date of denial or revocation or non-renewal or a minimum period of 24 months after all appeal rights have been exhausted, whichever is later (the disqualification period). Any pending application by the same provider shall be treated as an application for a new agency for purposes of this section and shall be denied and subject to the disqualification period. Any subsequent application for a license shall be reviewed by the Secretary or her designee prior to a decision being made to grant a license. The department reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether to issue any subsequent license.

2. Any voluntary surrender of a license by a child-placing agency facing the possibility of adverse action against its license (revocation or non-renewal) shall be deemed to be a revocation for purposes of this rule and shall trigger the same disqualification period as if the license had actually been revoked

3. In the event a license is revoked or renewal is denied, (other than for cessation of business or non-operational status), or voluntarily surrendered to avoid adverse action any owner, officer, member, manager, program director, or executive director of such licensee shall be prohibited from owning, managing, directing, or operating another licensed agency for a period of not less than two years from the date of the final disposition of the revocation or denial action. If the action was not appealed, the effective date is the last day for which an appeal could have been requested. The lapse of two years shall not automatically restore a person disqualified under this provision. The department, at its sole discretion, may determine that a longer period of disqualification is warranted under the facts of a particular case.

4. If a license is revoked or not renewed or application denied or refused, an application or license shall also be denied or refused to any affiliate of the licensee or applicant. The disqualification period provided in this section shall include any affiliate of the provider.

K. Complaint Process-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. In accordance with R.S. 46:1418, the department shall investigate all complaints (except complaints concerning the prevention or spread of communicable diseases), including complaints alleging abuse or neglect. All licensing complaint investigations shall be initiated within 30 days.

2. All licensing complaint investigations shall be unannounced.

3. Providers shall advise staff, foster/adoptive parents, and youth in the transitional placing program of the licensing authority of DCFS and that they may contact the Licensing Section with any unresolved complaints. Providers shall post the current telephone number, email address, and mailing address of the Licensing Section in the child-placing agency office in an area regularly utilized by staff. Documentation of notification of the licensing authority of DCFS to foster/adoptive parents and youth in the transitional placing program shall consist of a signed and dated statement by the foster/adoptive parents and the youth.

L. Corrective Action Plans-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. A corrective action plan (CAP) shall be submitted for all deficiencies noted by Licensing Section staff regarding any licensing law or standard, or any other required statute, ordinance, or standard. The request for submission of the CAP does not restrict the actions which may be taken by DCFS. If the department does not specify an earlier timeframe for submitting the CAP, the CAP shall be submitted within 10 calendar days from receipt of the deficiencies. Receipt of the deficiencies by any staff person constitutes notice to the child-placing agency. The CAP shall include a description of how the deficiency will be corrected, the date by which correction(s) will be completed, and outline the steps the child-placing agency plans to take in order to prevent further deficiencies from being cited in these areas, and the plan to maintain compliance with the licensing standards. If the CAP is not sufficient and/or additional information is required, the provider shall be notified and informed to submit additional information within five calendar days. If it is determined that all areas of noncompliance or deficiencies have not been corrected, the department may revoke the license.

2. Provider may challenge a specific deficiency or any information within a cited deficiency which the provider contends is factually inaccurate. The provider shall have one opportunity to request a review of a licensing deficiency within the timeframe specified for the submission of the CAP. A statement of why the deficiency is being disputed and supporting documents (if applicable) shall be submitted with the corrective action plan within the timeframe specified for the submission of the CAP.

3. The statement of deficiencies for which a review has been requested will not be placed on the internet for viewing by the public until a decision has been reached. As a result of the licensing deficiency review request, a deficiency may be upheld with no changes, the deficiency may be removed, or the deficiency may be upheld and revised to include pertinent information that was inadvertently omitted. Once a decision has been reached, provider will be informed in writing of the decision and the reason for the decision. If information within the deficiency was cited in error or the cited deficiency is revised by the DCFS Licensing Section staff, provider will receive a revised "statement of deficiencies" with the decision letter. If any enforcement action was imposed solely because of a deficiency or finding that has been deleted through the licensing deficiency review process, the action will be rescinded.

M. Critical Violations/Fines-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. In accordance with R.S. 46:1430, when a provider is cited for violations in the following areas, the department may at its' discretion elect to impose sanctions, revoke a license, or both:
a.§7309 A, §7313.1 9, §7313.L 5, and/or §7313.M 1-criminal background check;

b.§7313.N 2, N.6, and/or N.7-critical incidents; and/or

c.§7319 D, §7321 H, and/or §7323.F 2-5- supervision.

2. The option of imposing other sanctions shall not limit the right of DCFS to revoke and/or not renew a provider's license to operate if it determines that the violation poses an imminent threat to the health, safety, rights, or welfare of a child/youth. Only when the department finds that the violation does not pose an imminent threat to the health, safety, rights, or welfare of a child/youth will the department consider sanctions in lieu of revocation or non-renewal; however, the absence of such an imminent threat does not preclude the possibility of revocation or non-renewal in addition to sanctions, including fines.

3. In determining whether multiple violations of one of the above categories have occurred, both for purposes of this section and for purposes of establishing a history of noncompliance, all such violations cited during any 24-month period shall be counted.

4. For the first violation of one of the aforementioned categories, if the department does not revoke or not renew the license, the department may issue a formal warning letter noting the department's intent to take administrative action if further violations of the same category occur.

5. The warning letter shall include a directed corrective action plan (CAP) which shall outline the necessary action and timeframe for such action that a provider shall take in order to maintain compliance with the licensing standards. The provider shall acknowledge receipt of the warning letter by submitting a written response to the CAP within 10 calendar days of receipt of the letter. Failure by the provider to submit requested information and/or failure to implement the CAP as evidenced by a repeated violation of the same category of the standards may result in either the assessment of a civil fine, revocation/non-renewal of license, or both.

6. For the second violation of one of the same aforementioned categories within a 24-month period, provider may be assessed a civil fine of up to $250 per day for a violation in each of the aforementioned categories (if same category cited twice) and fined for each day the provider was determined to be out of compliance with one of the aforementioned categories according to the schedule of fines noted in §73ll.M.7-9.

7. The base fine level for all violations shall be $200 per day. From the base fine level, factor in any applicable upward or downward adjustments, even if the adjustment causes the total to exceed $250. If the total fine after all adjustments exceeds $250, reduce the fine for the violation to $250 as prescribed by law.
a. When the violation resulted in death or serious physical or emotional harm to a child/youth or placed a child/youth at risk of death or serious physical or emotional harm, the fine shall be increased by $50.

b. When the provider had a previous license revoked for the same critical violation cited, the fine shall be increased by $25.

c. When the critical violation was cited and occurred despite the objective good faith best efforts of licensee to comply, the fine shall be decreased by $25.

d. When the cited critical violation was for a certified criminal background check not being renewed upon expiration as required, the fine shall be decreased by $25.

e. When the cited critical violation was for criminal background check not being completed prior to hire, the fine shall be increased by $25.

f. When the provider self reports the critical incident which resulted in the death or serious physical or emotional harm to the child/youth; however it is reported outside of the timeframe as specified by licensing regulations, the fine shall be decreased by $25.

g. When the provider fails to report the critical incident which resulted in the death or serious physical or emotional harm to the child/youth, the fine shall be increased by $25.

h. When a critical violation for supervision was cited due to staff not providing supervision as required to youth in transitional placing program, the fine shall be increased by $25.

i. When a critical violation for supervision was cited due to staff not conducting required visits to the foster/adoptive parent or child, the fine shall be increased by $25.

8. For the third violation of one of the same aforementioned categories within a 24 month period, the provider's license may be revoked.

9. The aggregate fines assessed for violations determined in any consecutive 12 month period shall not exceed $2,000 as prescribed by law. If a critical violation in a different category is cited by DCFS that warrants a fine and the provider has already reached the maximum allowable fine amount that could be assessed by the department in any consecutive 12 month period and the department does not revoke or not renew the license, the department may issue a formal warning letter noting the department's intent to take administrative action if further violations of the same category re-occur. The warning letter shall include a directed CAP which shall outline the necessary action and timeframe for such action that a provider shall take in order to maintain compliance with the licensing standards. The Provider shall acknowledge receipt of the warning letter by submitting a written response to the CAP within 10 calendar days of receipt of the letter. Failure by the provider to submit requested information and/or failure to implement the CAP as evidenced by a repeated violation of the same category of the standards may result in revocation/non-renewal of license.

N. Departmental Reconsideration and Appeal Procedure for Fines-Foster Care, Adoption, Transitional Placing

1. When a fine is imposed under these standards, the department shall notify the program director or owner by letter that a fine has been assessed due to deficiencies cited at the child-placing agency and the right of departmental reconsideration. The notification may be sent by certified mail or hand delivered to the child-placing agency. If the program director or owner is not present at the child-placing agency, delivery of the written reason(s) for such action may be made to any staff of the child-placing agency. Notice to a staff person shall constitute notice to the child-placing agency of such action and the reasons therefore. The letter shall specify the dates and the violation cited for which the fine(s) shall be imposed. Fines are due within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the letter unless the provider request a reconsideration of the fine assessment. The provider may request reconsideration of the assessment by asking DCFS for such reconsideration in writing within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the letter. A request for reconsideration shall include a copy of the letter from the Licensing Section that notes the reasons for assessment of the fine together with the specific reasons the provider believes assessment of the fine to be unwarranted and shall be mailed to Department of Children and Family Services, Licensing Section, P.O. Box 260036, Baton Rouge, LA 70826. If the provider withdraws the request for reconsideration, the fine is payable within seven calendar days of the withdrawal or on the original date that the fine was due, whichever is later.

2. The department shall advise the program director or owner by letter of the decision of DCFS after reconsideration and the right to appeal. The notification may be sent by certified mail or hand delivered to the child-placing agency. If the program director or owner is not present at the child-placing agency, delivery of the written decision may be made to any staff of the child-placing agency. Notice to a staff person shall constitute notice to the child-placing agency of such action.
a. If DCFS finds that the licensing section's assessment of the fine is justified, the provider shall have 15 calendar days from the receipt of the reconsideration letter to appeal the decision to the Division of Administrative Law (DAL). A request for appeal shall include a copy of the letter from the Licensing Section that notes the reasons for assessment of the fine and a copy of the reconsideration decision letter together with the specific areas of the decision the appellant believes to be erroneous and/or the specific reasons the decision is believed to have been reached in error, and shall be mailed to Department of Children and Family Services, Appeals Section, P.O. Box 2944, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9118.

b. The DCFS appeals section shall notify the DAL of receipt of an appeal request. DAL shall conduct a hearing in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act and shall render a decision. The appellant will be notified by DAL of the decision, either affirming or reversing the DCFS's decision.

c. If the provider has filed a timely appeal and the DCFS's assessment of fines is affirmed by an administrative law judge of the DAL, the fine shall be due within 30 calendar days after mailing notice of the final ruling from DAL or, if a rehearing is requested, within 30 calendar days after the rehearing decision is rendered. The provider shall have the right to seek judicial review of any final ruling of the administrative law judge as provided in the Administrative Procedure Act. If the appeal is dismissed or withdrawn, the fines shall be due and payable within seven calendar days of the dismissal or withdrawal. If a judicial review is denied or dismissed, either in district court or by a court of appeal, the fines shall be due and payable within seven calendar days after the provider's suspensive appeal rights have been exhausted.

3. If the provider does not appeal within 15 calendar days of receipt of the DCFS's reconsideration decision, the fine is due within 30 calendar days of receipt of the DCFS's reconsideration decision and shall be mailed to Department of Children and Family Services, Licensing Section, P.O. Box 260036, Baton Rouge, LA 70826. If the provider files a timely appeal, the fines shall be due and payable on the date set forth in §7311.N.2.c If the provider withdraws the appeal, the fine is payable within seven calendar days of the withdrawal or on the original date that the fine was due, whichever is later.

4. If the provider does not pay the fine within the specified timeframe, the license shall be immediately revoked and the DCFS shall pursue civil court action to collect the fines, together with all costs of bringing such action, including travel expenses and reasonable attorney fees. Interest shall begin to accrue at the current judicial rate on the day following the date on which the fines become due and payable.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 46:1407(D).

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