Louisiana Administrative Code
Part I - General Administration
Subpart 5 - Health Planning
Chapter 125 - Facility Need Review
Subchapter B - Determination of Bed, Unit, Facility, or Agency Need
Section I-12513 - Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, no ICF-DD shall be certified or enrolled to participate in the Title XIX program unless the FNR program has granted an approval for an additional ICF-DD facility or additional ICF-DD beds to be enrolled in the Title XIX program.
B. The geographic service area for a proposed or existing ICF-DD facility is designated as the LDH administrative region in which the facility or proposed facility is or will be located. The administrative regions and the parishes that comprise these regions are as follows:
C. The beds and population of the geographic service area where the facility is located, or is proposed to be located, will be considered in determining the need for the facility or additional beds. The beds that are counted in determining the need for community and group homes are licensed and approved Medicaid-enrolled beds as of the due date for a decision on application.
D. Data sources utilized include information compiled by the FNR program and the middle population projections recognized by the State Planning Office as official projections. The population projections utilized are those for the year that the beds are to be enrolled in the Medicaid program.
E. In accordance with the department's policy of least restrictive environment, there is currently no identified need for additional facilities with 16 or more beds. Therefore, applications for facilities of 16 or more beds shall not be accepted for review, and applications to increase existing facilities to 16 or more beds shall not be accepted for review.
F. At the present time, the recommended bed-to-population ratio for community and group homes has been achieved. However, special needs and circumstances may arise that the department may consider as indicators of need for additional beds such as occupancy rates, availability and accessibility of clients in need of placements, patient origin studies, and requests for special types of beds or services.
G. If the department determines that there is a need for beds in a parish with an average annual occupancy in excess of 93 percent, a Request for Proposals (RFP) or Request for Applications (RFA) will be issued. No applications will be accepted under these provisions unless the department declares a need and issues a RFP or RFA. Applications will be accepted for expansion of existing facilities and/or for the development of new facilities. However, no applications will be considered for any facility with 16 or more beds.
H. The FNR committee will review the proposals and independently evaluate and assign points to each of the following 10 items on the application for the quality and adequacy of the response to meet the need of the project:
I. A score of 0-20 will be given to the applicant's response to each item using the following guideline:
J. In the case of a tie for the highest score for a specific facility or additional beds, the FNR committee will conduct a comparative review of the top scoring proposals that will include prior compliance history. The FNR committee may request and review data from OCDD and HSS on prior compliance history. Subject to Subsection L of this Section, the FNR committee will make a decision to approve one of the top scoring applications based on the comparative review of the proposals.
K. If no proposals are received that adequately respond to the need, the FNR committee may opt not to approve an application. However, the evaluation period may be extended, if provided for in the RFP or RFA.
L. At the end of the 90-day review period, each applicant will be notified of the department's decision to approve or disapprove the application. However, the evaluation period may be extended, if provided for in the RFP or RFA. Applicants will be given 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification by the department in which to file an appeal.
M. Proposals approved under these provisions are bound to the description in the application with regard to type of beds and/or services proposed as well as to the location as defined in the RFP issued by the department.
N. Prior approval from the OCDD is required before admission of all Medicaid recipients to facilities in beds approved to meet a specific disability need identified in an RFP issued by the department.
O. Exception for approved beds in downsizing large residential ICF-DD facilities (16 or more beds).
P. Exception for Additional Beds for Certain ICFs-DD
Q. Group and community home beds shall be enrolled in the Title XIX program within 12 months of the date of approval by the FNR program.
R. Approval of a group or community home bed shall be revoked when the OCDD advises that the bed that was approved for Title XIX reimbursement to meet a specific disability need identified in a RFP issued by the department, is not being used to meet that identified need based on the facility serving a Medicaid recipient in the bed without prior approval from the OCDD.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:2116 et seq.