G. Orientation and In-Service Training
1. All staff shall receive orientation prior
to providing services and/or working in the center.
2. All direct care staff shall receive
orientation, at least 40 hours of which is in crisis services and intervention
3. All direct care staff
and other appropriate personnel shall receive in-service training at least once
a year, at least twelve hours of which is in crisis services and intervention
4. All staff shall
receive in-service training according to center policy at least once a year and
as deemed necessary depending on the needs of the clients.
5. The content of the orientation and
in-service training shall include the following:
b. grievance process;
c. fire and disaster plans;
d. emergency medical procedures;
e. organizational structure and reporting
f program
g. personnel policies
and procedures;
h. detecting and
mandatory reporting of client abuse, neglect or misappropriation;
i. an overview of mental health and substance
abuse, including an overview of behavioral health settings and levels of
j. detecting signs of illness
or dysfunction that warrant medical or nursing intervention;
k. side effects and adverse reactions
commonly caused by psychotropic medications;
l. basic skills required to meet the health
needs and challenges of the client;
m. components of a crisis cycle;
n. recognizing the signs of anxiety and
escalating behavior;
o. crisis
intervention and the use of non-physical intervention skills, such as
de-escalation, mediation conflict resolution, active listening and verbal and
observational methods to prevent emergency safely situations;
p. therapeutic communication;
q. client's rights;
r. duties and responsibilities of each
s. standards of conduct
required by the center including professional boundaries;
t. information on the disease process and
expected behaviors of clients;
levels of observation;
maintaining a clean, healthy and safe environment and a safe and therapeutic
w infectious diseases and
universal precautions;
x. overview
of the Louisiana licensing standards for crisis receiving centers;
y. basic emergency care for accidents and
emergencies until emergency medical personnel can arrive at center;
z. regulations, standards and
policies related to seclusion and restraint, including the safe application of
physical and mechanical restraints and physical assessment of the restrained
6. The
in-services shall serve as a refresher for subjects covered in
7. The orientation and
in-service training shall:
a. be provided only
by staff who are qualified by education, training, and experience;
b. include training exercises in which direct
care staff members successfully demonstrate in practice the techniques they
have learned for managing the delivery of patient care services; and
c. require the direct care staff member to
demonstrate competency before providing services to clients.