Louisiana Administrative Code
Part I - General Administration
Subpart 3 - Licensing and Certification
Chapter 44 - Abortion Facilities
Subchapter B - Administration and Organization
Section I-4423 - Staffing Requirements, Qualifications, and Responsibilities

Universal Citation: LA Admin Code I-4423

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024

A. General Provisions. An outpatient abortion facility shall have enough qualified personnel as indicated under this Chapter who are available to provide direct patient care as needed to all patients and to provide administrative and nonclinical services needed to maintain the operation of the outpatient abortion facility in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.

B. Administrator. The outpatient abortion facility shall have an administrator designated by the governing body who is responsible for the day-to-day management, supervision, and operation of the outpatient abortion facility. The administrator shall be a full-time employee, available and on-site, during the designated business hours.

1. Qualifications. The administrator shall be at least 18 years of age and possess a high school diploma or equivalent.

2. The outpatient abortion facility shall designate a person to act in the administrators absence, and shall ensure this person meets the qualifications of the administrator pursuant to this Chapter. The outpatient abortion facility shall maintain documentation on the licensed premises identifying this person and evidence of their qualifications.

3. Duties and Responsibilities. The administrator shall be responsible for:
a. employing licensed and non-licensed qualified personnel to provide the medical and clinical care services to meet the needs of the patients being served;

b. ensuring that upon hire and prior to providing care to patients, each employee is provided with orientation, training, and evaluation for competency as provided in this Chapter;

c. ensuring that written policies and procedures for the management of medical emergencies and the immediate transfer to a hospital of patients and born alive infants regardless of gestational age requiring emergency medical care beyond the capabilities of the outpatient abortion facility are developed, implemented, monitored, enforced, and annually reviewed, and readily accessible to all staff;

d. ensuring that emergency medical equipment and medications that will be used to provide for basic life support until emergency medical services arrive and assume care are maintained in proper working order and are available for use on a day-to-day basis on the licensed premises;

e. ensuring that a licensed physician, who has admitting privileges at a hospital located not further than 30 miles from the location at which the abortion is performed or induced and provides obstetrical or gynecological health care services, to facilitate emergency care is on the licensed premises when a patient is scheduled to undergo an abortion procedure;

NOTE: The Department acknowledges that federal litigation is pending on the issue of admitting privileges. As such, licensing provisions regarding admitting privileges will only be enforced pursuant to Order, Judgment, Stipulation, or Agreement in the matter entitled June Medical Services LLC, et al versus Caldwell, et al, Case No. 3:14-cv-525, United States District Court, Middle District, and any matter consolidated with such matter.

f. ensuring that disaster plans for both internal and external occurrences are developed, implemented, monitored, enforced, and annually reviewed and that annual emergency preparedness drills are held in accordance with the disaster plan. The outpatient abortion facility shall maintain documentation on the licensed premises indicating the date, type of drill, participants, and materials;

g. ensuring that a licensed medical professional trained in CPR and trained in the use of emergency medical equipment is on the licensed premises at all times when abortion procedures are being performed;

h. ensuring that patient medical records are completely and accurately documented in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter within 30 days from the abortion procedure; and

i. maintaining current credentialing and/or personnel files on each employee that shall include documentation of the following:
i. a completed employment application;

ii. job description;

iii. a copy of current health screening reports conducted in accordance with the outpatient abortion facility policies and procedures and in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances, including department rules, and regulations;

iv. documentation that each employee has successfully completed orientation, training, and evaluation for competency related to each job skill as delineated in their respective job description;

v. documentation that all licensed nurses have successfully completed a Basic Life Support course; and

vi. other pertinent information as required by the outpatient abortion facility's policies and procedures, including but not limited to, prohibited activity, e.g. presenting or otherwise delivering any instruction or program on any health topic, including but not limited to human sexuality or family planning, to students at a public elementary or secondary school, or at a charter school that receives state funding or knowingly providing any materials or media regarding human sexuality or family planning for distribution or viewing at a public elementary or secondary school, or at a charter school that receives state funding requirements in accordance with applicable state laws, rules and regulations.

4. All credentialing and/or personnel files shall be current and maintained on the licensed premises at all times.

C. Medical Staff. The outpatient abortion facility shall provide medical and clinical services. The outpatient abortion facility shall employ qualified medical staff to meet the needs of the patients. No person shall perform or induce an abortion unless that person is a physician who meets the following qualifications and requirements.

1. Qualifications. Each member of the facility's medical staff shall be a physician, as defined in this Chapter, who meets the following requirements:
a. is currently licensed to practice medicine in the state of Louisiana;

b. is in good standing currently with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners;

c. is currently enrolled in, or has completed, a residency rotation in obstetrics and gynecology or family medicine; and

d. is not restricted from performing such services and whose license is not restricted from performing such services at an abortion facility.

2. Physician Requirements. On the date the abortion is performed or induced, the physician performing or inducing the abortion shall:
a. have active admitting privileges at a hospital that is located not further than 30 miles from the location at which the abortion is performed or induced and that provides obstetrical or gynecological health care services; and

NOTE: The Department acknowledges that federal litigation is pending on the issue of admitting privileges. As such, licensing provisions regarding admitting privileges will only be enforced pursuant to Order, Judgment, Stipulation, or Agreement in the matter entitled June Medical Services LLC, et al versus Caldwell, et al, Case No. 3:14-cv-525, United States District Court, Middle District, and any matter consolidated with such matter.

b. provide the pregnant woman with all of the following before the abortion is performed or induced:
i. a telephone number by which the pregnant woman may reach the physician or licensed nurse or PA employed by the facility by which the abortion was performed or induced, who has 24 hours per day access to the womans medical records so that the woman may request assistance related to any complications that arises from the performance or induction of the abortion, or to ask health-related questions regarding the abortion; and

ii. the name and telephone number of the hospital nearest to the home of the pregnant woman at which an emergency arising from the abortion would be treated.

3. Medical Director. The outpatient abortion facility shall have a medical director designated and approved by and accountable to the governing body who is responsible for all medical care provided to patients in the facility, and for the ethical and professional practices of the medical staff.
a. When an outpatient abortion facility has only one medical staff member, that individual shall serve as medical director.

b. The outpatient abortion facility shall designate a physician, as defined in this Chapter, to act in the medical directors absence. The outpatient abortion facility shall maintain documentation on the licensed premises identifying this physician and evidence of his/her qualifications.

c. Duties and Responsibilities. The medical director shall be responsible for:
i. developing, implementing, enforcing, monitoring, and annually reviewing written policies and procedures governing the medical and clinical services at the outpatient abortion facility, including, but not limited to:
(a). pre-operative procedures, intraoperative procedures, post-operative care and procedures, discharge, and follow-up care;

(b). laboratory services;

(c). infection control;

(d). pharmaceutical services, including, but not limited to, identifying the drugs dispensed and/or administered to patients on the licensed premises;

(e). anesthesia services;

(f). emergency medical treatment, including, but not limited to:
(i). identifying emergency medical equipment and medications that will be used to provide for basic life support until emergency medical services arrive and assume care;

(ii). identifying and ensuring that a supply of emergency drugs for stabilizing and/or treating medical and surgical complications are maintained on the licensed premises;

(iii). identifying and ensuring that each patient, before an abortion is performed or induced, is given by the physician performing or inducing the abortion, a telephone number of the hospital nearest to the home of the pregnant woman at which an emergency arising from the abortion would be treated; and

(iv). identifying and ensuring that each patient, before an abortion is performed or induced, is given by the physician performing or inducing the abortion, a telephone number by which the pregnant woman may reach the physician, or licensed nurse or PA employed by the physician or facility at which the abortion was performed or induced, who has 24 hours per day access to the woman's relevant medical records so that the woman may request assistance related to any complication that arises from the performance or induction of the abortion, or to ask health-related questions regarding the abortion;

(g). patient medical records and reporting requirements;

(h). the examination of fetal tissue;

(i). the disposition of medical waste;

(j). physical environment; and

(k). quality assurance and performance improvement (QAPI) program;

ii. developing, implementing, enforcing, monitoring, annually reviewing written bylaws, rules, policies, and procedures for self-governing of the professional activity of all medical staff members including, but not be limited to:
(a). the structure of the medical staff;

(b). review of the credentials, and training, and competency of each medical staff member to perform medical and clinical services, at least every two years, and to delineate and to recommend approval for individual privileges;
(i). the recommendation shall be in writing and maintained on the licensed premises in the credentialing file;

(ii). verification that each member of the medical staff is a physician who possesses a current license to practice medicine in Louisiana, is in good standing with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, and whose license does not restrict the physician from performing the services at the outpatient abortion facility;

(iii). evaluation for competency and past performance of each medical staff member, at a minimum, annually, which shall include monitoring and evaluation of patient care provided;

(iv). medical staff discipline; and

(v). grievance process;

iii. monitoring and reviewing, at a minimum, quarterly, in collaboration with the QAPI team/committee, the medical and clinical services provided by the outpatient abortion facility to ensure acceptable levels of quality of care and services;

iv. reviewing reports of all accidents or unusual incidents occurring on the licensed premises and reporting to the administrator potential health and safety hazards;

v. ensuring that each patient receiving medical and clinical services is under the professional care of a member of the medical staff who shall assess, supervise, and evaluate the care of the patient;

vi. ensuring that a member of the medical staff remains on the licensed premises until each patient is assessed to be awake, alert, and medically stable prior to discharge; and

vii. ensuring that a member of the medical staff shall be either present or immediately available by telecommunications to the staff when there is a patient on the licensed premises.

D. Nursing Staff. The outpatient abortion facility shall provide nursing services and shall employ qualified nursing staff to meet the needs of the patients.

1. Registered Nurse. The outpatient abortion facility shall have a registered nurse (RN) who is responsible for the overall direction of all nursing staff and nursing services provided.
a. Qualifications. The RN shall:
i. have a current, unrestricted Louisiana registered nurse license; and

ii. be in good standing with the Louisiana State Board of Nursing.

2. Duties and Responsibilities. The RN shall be responsible for:
a. developing, implementing, enforcing, monitoring, and annually reviewing written policies and procedures governing the following:
i. nursing personnel, including, but not limited to:
(a). developing a job description that delineates responsibilities and duties for each category of licensed and non-licensed nursing staff consistent with acceptable nursing standards of practice;

(b). orientation;

(c). training; and

(d). evaluation for competency;

ii. nursing care and services consistent with accepted nursing standards of practice;

b. assigning duties and functions to each licensed and non-licensed employee commensurate with his/her licensure, certification, experience, and competence consistent with acceptable nursing standards of practice;

c. verifying that each licensed nurse possesses a current and unrestricted license to practice nursing in Louisiana and is in good standing with their applicable state licensing board;

d. ensuring that the number of nursing staff on duty is sufficient to meet the needs of the patient(s);

e. ensuring that at least one licensed nurse is present when there is a patient receiving or recovering from an abortion procedure on the licensed premises;

f. ensuring that each licensed nurse working at the outpatient abortion facility has successfully completed a basic life support course; and

g. developing, implementing, enforcing, monitoring, and reviewing annually in collaboration with the medical director, written policies and procedures establishing a formalized program of in-service training and evaluation for competency for each category of licensed and non-licensed nursing staff and for all nursing care and services provided at the outpatient abortion facility.
i. The RN shall ensure that the training is related to each job skill as delineated in their respective job description.

ii. The RN shall ensure an evaluation for competency is performed for each category of licensed and non-licensed nursing staff and for all nursing care and services provided.

iii. The RN shall maintain documentation in the personnel file of each nursing staff member evidencing the content of the training that was provided, including the name of the evaluator, date, nurses name, and documents provided.

iv. The RN shall maintain documentation in the personnel file of each nursing staff member evidencing that an evaluation for competency was conducted, including the name of the evaluator, date, nurses name, and a notation that the nurse is competent in each job skill as delineated in their respective job description.

E. Orientation and Training. The administrator shall develop, implement, enforce, monitor, and annually review, in collaboration with the medical director and registered nurse, written policies and procedures regarding orientation and training of all employees.

1. Orientation. Upon hire and prior to providing care to patients, all employees shall be provided orientation related to the outpatient abortion facility's written policies and procedures governing the following:
a. organizational structure;

b. confidentiality;

c. grievance process;

d. disaster plan for internal and external occurrences;

e. emergency medical treatment;

f. program mission;

g. personnel practices;

h. reporting requirements; and

i. basic skills required to meet the health needs of the patients.

2. Training. Upon hire, and at a minimum, annually, all employees shall be provided training in each job skill as delineated in their respective job description.
a. Medical training of a licensed medical professional shall only be provided by a medical professional with an equivalent or higher license.

b. Training of a non-licensed employee related to the performance of job skills relative to medical and clinical services shall only be provided by a licensed medical professional consistent with the applicable standards of practice.

c. All training programs and materials used shall be available for review by HSS.

d. The administrator shall maintain documentation of all of the training provided in each employees personnel files.

F. Evaluation for Competency. Upon hire, and at a minimum, annually, the outpatient abortion facility shall conduct an evaluation for competency of all employees related to each job skill as delineated in their respective job description.

1. The evaluation for competency shall include the observation of job skills and return demonstration by the employee.

2. Evaluation for competency of a licensed medical professional shall only be provided by a medical professional with an equivalent or higher license.

3. Evaluation for competency of a non-licensed employee related to the performance of job skills relative to medical and clinical services shall only be provided by a licensed medical professional consistent with their applicable scope of practice.

4. The administrator shall maintain documentation of all evaluations for competencies in each employees personnel file.

G. Health Screening. The outpatient abortion facility shall develop, implement, enforce, monitor, and annually review written policies and procedures governing health screening of personnel in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and department rules and regulations. The administrator shall maintain documentation of health screening reports in each employees personnel file.

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:2175.1 et seq.

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