Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. In order to be classified as, advertised
as, or use the word "hospital" as defined in
§700 in the name of a veterinary
facility, all of the following minimum standards and requirements shall be met.
1. Facility shall have a reception room and
office, or a combination of the two.
2. An examination room separate from other
areas of the facility and of sufficient size to accommodate the doctor,
assistant, patient and client shall be maintained. This room shall have:
a. adequate materials and instrumentation to
perform a thorough physical examination; and
b. adequate lighting to perform a thorough
physical examination; and
immediate access to a sink with hot and cold running water; and
d. an examination table with impervious
surface which can be easily cleaned and disinfected.
3. Facility shall have a surgery room which
is separate and distinct from all other rooms. This room shall have:
a. lighting adequate to perform
b. a surgery table with an
impervious surface which can be cleaned and easily disinfected;
c. appropriate anesthesia
d. oxygen readily
e. emergency drugs for
cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation; and
f. walls and floors constructed with
materials capable of being cleaned and disinfected.
4. Facility shall have a surgical scrub or
preparation area containing pre-anesthetic medications and surgical
5. Facility shall have
access to a diagnostic X-ray machine and development equipment area kept in
compliance with state and federal regulations.
6. A clinical laboratory area shall be
available containing diagnostic laboratory equipment, test kits and materials
to perform necessary tests. This may be an in-house laboratory or an outside
diagnostic laboratory facility which is capable of returning diagnostic results
in 24 hours.
7. Facility shall have
a kennel or housing area where animals can be retained for treatment and
post-surgical observation. This area shall have at a minimum:
a. separate compartments for each animal
which provide for comfortable and sanitary conditions; and
b. exercise areas which provide and allow
effective separation of animals and their waste products and appropriate
8. Facility
shall have adequate indoor lighting for halls, wards, reception areas,
examining rooms and surgical rooms.
B. Clinic
1. In order to be classified as, advertised
as, or use the word "clinic" as defined in
§700 in the name of the facility, all
standards described under
§711 A, shall apply.
2. A facility defined as a clinic is not
required to meet the requirements for kennels as described in
§711.A.7 except where
surgery is being performed.
3. A
clinic performing surgery shall provide adequate kennel facilities as per
§711.A.7 until the
patient is discharged.
C. A mobile clinic as
defined in
§700 shall have a permanent base of
operations with a published address, telephone facilities for making
appointments or responding to emergencies, and the following.
1. A veterinarian operating or working in a
mobile clinic must have a written agreement with a local veterinary hospital or
clinic to provide hospitalization, surgery, and radiology if these services are
not available at the mobile clinic. Local means within a
30-mile radius.
2. A veterinarian
operating or working in a mobile clinic must have a written agreement with a
local veterinary hospital or clinic to provide emergency services and must
display a notice to that effect in public view. The phone number and address
for this emergency service provider must be provided to each patron of the
mobile clinic. Local means within a 30-mile radius.
3. A veterinarian operating or working in a
mobile clinic must remain on site until all patients are discharged to their
owners and must maintain autonomy for all medical decisions made.
4. A physical examination and history must be
taken for each patient at a mobile clinic and the medical records for such
patients must meet the requirements for record keeping in
§701 These records must be maintained
by the veterinarian for five years and must remain accessible to the client for
that period.
5. The veterinarian
operating or working in a mobile clinic is responsible for consultation with
clients and referral of patients when disease is detected or suspected. The
veterinarian is also responsible for information and recommendations given to
the client by the mobile clinic's staff.
6. The veterinarian operating or working in a
mobile clinic must have his current Louisiana veterinary license on display to
the clients.
7. Operation of the
veterinary medical mobile clinic requires the following:
a. a clean, safe location;
b. the mobile clinic must meet local
sanitation regulations;
c. lined
waste receptacles;
d. fresh,
running water for cleaning and first aid;
e. examination areas with good lighting and
smooth, easily disinfected surfaces;
f. examination and surgery preparation
g. surgical area must be
sterile, and the surgery table must have an impervious surface which can be
cleaned and easily disinfected;
drugs must be kept according to federal, state, and local laws. If controlled
drugs are kept on the premises, they must be kept in a locking, secure cabinet
for storage and an accurate controlled substance log must be maintained and
available for inspection;
i. all
equipment must be kept clean and in working order;
j. the mobile clinic must have the capability
to deal with sudden emergencies and should have oxygen, resuscitation drugs and
equipment, treatment for shock, and fluid administration materials readily
available; and
k. the mobile
clinic must have all biomedical waste properly disposed of and must have
documentation to prove that fact on the premises for inspection.
D. Emergency Facilities
1. An
emergency facility as
defined in
§700 shall have the following:
a. doctors;
b. support staff;
c. instrumentation;
d. medications; and
e. diagnostic equipment sufficient to provide
an appropriate level of emergency care during all hours of operation.
2. If an emergency facility offers
surgery services and retains patients in the emergency facility, all facility
standards pertaining to hospital facilities as defined in
§711.A shall be
furnished and maintained.
E. A wellness or preventative care clinic
shall have a published physical address for the specific location, telephone
facilities for responding to emergency situations, and the following.
1. The veterinarian operating or providing
permissible services in a wellness or preventative care clinic shall have a
prior written agreement with a local veterinary hospital or clinic, within a 30
mile or 30 minutes travel time, to provide laboratory services,
hospitalization, surgery, and/or radiology, if these services are not available
at the wellness or preventative care clinic.
2. The veterinarian operating or providing
permissible services in a wellness or preventative care clinic shall have a
prior written agreement with a local veterinary hospital or clinic, within a 30
mile or 30 minutes travel time, to provide emergency care services. A notice of
available emergency care services, including the telephone number and physical
address of the local veterinary hospital or clinic, shall be posted in a
conspicuous place at the wellness or preventative care clinic, and a copy of
the notice or information shall be given to each client prior to the
administration of a vaccine, the performance of an examination and/or a
diagnostic procedure to promote good health.
3. The veterinarian operating or providing
permissible services in a wellness or preventative care clinic shall physically
remain on site until all patients are discharged to their respective owners, or
authorized agents.
4. The
veterinarian operating or providing permissible services in a wellness or
preventative care clinic shall comply with the requirements for record keeping
regarding the storage, maintenance and availability to the client of the
medical records for the patients as set forth in the board's rules on record
keeping. The veterinarian operating or providing permissible services in a
wellness or preventative care clinic shall be the owner of the medical records
of the patients.
5. The
veterinarian operating or providing permissible services in a wellness or
preventative care clinic shall be responsible for consultation with clients and
the prompt referral of patients when disease, illness or a medical condition is
6. The veterinarian
operating or providing permissible services in a wellness or preventative care
clinic shall be responsible for the information and representations provided to
the clients by the staff at the wellness or preventative care clinic.
7. The veterinarian operating or providing
permissible services in a wellness or preventative care clinic shall have his
license or current renewal, in good standing, to practice veterinary medicine
in Louisiana on display in a conspicuous place at each location of a wellness
or preventative care clinic.
Operation of a wellness or preventative care clinic shall also have the
following on site at each location:
a. a
clean, safe location;
b. meet local
and state sanitation requirements;
c. lined waste receptacles;
d. fresh, running water for cleaning purposes
and first aid;
e. an examination
area with good lighting and smooth, easily disinfected surfaces;
f. all drugs, medicines, or chemicals shall
be stored, inventoried, prescribed, administered, dispensed, and/or used in
accordance with federal, state and local laws and rules;
g. all equipment shall be kept clean and in
proper working order;
h. the
ability to address sudden life-threatening emergencies which may arise,
including the availability, on site, of oxygen, resuscitation drugs, treatment
for shock, and fluid administration materials; and
i. the proper disposal of biomedical waste
and the required facilities, on site, for such disposal, as well as
documentation on site to verify the proper disposal of biomedical waste.
9. The veterinarian
operating or providing permissible services in a wellness or preventative care
clinic shall make all decisions which involve, whether directly or indirectly,
the practice of veterinary medicine and will be held accountable for such
decisions in accordance with the Veterinary Practice Act, the board's rules,
and other applicable laws.
10. The
veterinarian operating or providing permissible services in a wellness or
preventative care clinic shall be responsible for compliance with all standards
and requirements set forth in the Veterinary Practice Act, the board's rules,
and other applicable laws.
11. The
veterinarian operating or providing permissible services in a wellness or
preventative care clinic shall provide a copy of any signed written agreement,
including renewal, extension or amendment, required by this rule to the board
prior to commencement of the terms of the agreement.
12. The veterinarian operating or providing
permissible services in a wellness or preventative care clinic shall provide
the board, upon written demand, a copy of the written agreement with the local
veterinary hospital or clinic required by this rule.
F. A mobile practice vehicle shall comply
with the following requirements.
1. A mobile
practice vehicle shall provide veterinary care where the patient is not taken
into the vehicle.
2. A mobile
practice vehicle may be an extension of an existing hospital and/or clinic
defined in
§700 The hospital or clinic associated
with the mobile practice vehicle shall operate in compliance with
Subsections 711.A and
3. The veterinarian operating or
providing veterinary care in a mobile practice vehicle which does not have the
capabilities of providing aftercare and/or emergency care services, and/or
which is not an extension of an existing hospital or clinic, shall have a prior
written agreement with a local veterinary hospital or clinic, within a 30 mile
or 30 minutes travel time, to provide aftercare and/or emergency care services.
The written agreement to provide aftercare and/or emergency care services in
this Rule shall not be required if the mobile practice vehicle is an extension
of an existing hospital or clinic, and/or has the capabilities of providing
aftercare and/or emergency care services.
4. A notice of available aftercare and/or
emergency care services, including the telephone number and physical address of
the local veterinary hospital or clinic, or hospital or existing clinic
associated with the mobile practice vehicle if applicable, shall be posted in a
conspicuous place in or on the mobile practice vehicle, and a copy of the
notice or information shall be given to each client prior to the provision of
veterinary care.
5. The
veterinarian operating or providing veterinary care in a mobile practice
vehicle shall physically remain on site until all patients are discharged to
their respective owners, or authorized agents.
6. The veterinarian operating or providing
veterinary care in a mobile practice vehicle shall comply with the requirements
for record keeping regarding the storage, maintenance and availability to the
client of the medical records for the patients as set forth in the board's
rules on record keeping.
7. The
veterinarian operating or providing veterinary care in a mobile practice
vehicle shall comply with the requirements for maintaining, administering,
dispensing, and prescribing any drug, medicine, chemical, and/or biological
agent as set forth in the board's rules.
8. The veterinarian operating or providing
veterinary care in a mobile practice vehicle shall be responsible for the
information and representations provided to the clients by the staff of the
mobile practice vehicle.
9. The
veterinarian operating or providing veterinary care in a mobile practice
vehicle shall have his license or current renewal, in good standing, to
practice veterinary medicine in Louisiana on display in a conspicuous place on
or in the mobile practice vehicle.
10. The veterinarian operating or providing
veterinary care in a mobile practice vehicle shall make all decisions which
involve, whether directly or indirectly, the practice of veterinary medicine
and will be held accountable for such decisions in accordance with the
Veterinary Practice Act, the board's rules, and other applicable
11. The veterinarian
operating or providing veterinary care in a mobile practice vehicle shall be
responsible for compliance with all standards and requirements set forth in the
Veterinary Practice Act, the board's rules, and other applicable
12. The veterinarian
operating or providing veterinary care in a mobile practice vehicle shall
provide the board, upon written demand, a copy of the written agreement with
the local veterinary hospital or clinic required by this rule, if such is not
the hospital or clinic associated with the mobile practice vehicle and/or the
mobile practice vehicle does not have the capabilities of providing aftercare
and/or emergency care services.
Promulgated in accordance with
37:1518 et