Louisiana Administrative Code
Part LIII - Pharmacists
Chapter 17 - Institutional Pharmacy
Subchapter B - Emergency Drug Kits
Section LIII-1713 - Emergency Drug Kit Requirements
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. Emergency Use. An EDK is solely intended for the immediate therapeutic emergency needs of a resident or patient.
B. Security. The EDK shall be tamper-evident and shall be maintained in a secure enclosure located within the institutional facility and shall be available for emergency use by authorized personnel only.
C. Exterior Identification and Labeling. The EDK shall be clearly labeled to indicate that it is an emergency drug kit. In addition, the attached exterior label shall have an inventory of contents and contact information of the provider pharmacy.
D. Labeling. Medications stored in an EDK shall bear a label with the following minimum information:
E. Storage. All drugs in an EDK shall be stored to ensure a proper environment for the preservation of the drugs. If federal or state laws or regulations require adequate storage outside the EDK, documentation shall be kept with the EDK properly identifying this special storage requirement and drug(s) involved.
F. Policies and Procedures. Policies and procedures shall be maintained by the provider pharmacy and the applicant facility to implement the EDK requirements.
G. Accountability. Documented medical practitioner's orders and proof of use shall be provided when an EDK inventory is utilized. Medication administered to patients from the EDK shall be documented with the following information, in accordance with the institutional facility policy manual, that shall be immediately reduced to writing and a copy delivered to the provider pharmacy:
H. Records. Records shall be readily retrievable and comply with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
I. Inspection
J. The placement of controlled dangerous substances in an EDK in non-federally registered long-term care facilities shall be deemed in compliance with the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 provided that:
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:1182.