Louisiana Administrative Code
Part I - Architects
Chapter 5 - Election of Nominees to Fill Vacancy
Section I-507 - Voting
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. All licensed architects residing in Louisiana shall have the right to vote in the election of nominees to fill the vacancy for any district. If nominees are being elected for more than one district, a licensed architect may choose to vote in one or more but less than all district elections, and no ballot shall be voided for that reason. However, any ballot containing more than three votes or fewer than three votes for candidates in any one district will be voided in its entirety. No write-in candidates will be allowed, and any ballot containing a vote for a write-in candidate will be voided in its entirety.
B. Ballots shall be returned in the official return envelopes provided by the board to the board office in Baton Rouge. The voting architect shall sign and provide his or her license number in the upper left-hand corner of the return envelope.
C. The ballot shall not be valid unless the signature and license number appear on the return envelope, and the return envelope is received by the board office on or before the deadline. Ballots returned in an envelope other than the official return envelope provided by the board shall not be voided for that reason, provided the signature and license number of the voting architect appear on the return envelope, and the return envelope is received by the board office on or before the deadline.
D. The deadline for returning the ballots will be fixed by the president and will be at least 14 calendar days after the ballots are mailed to all licensed architects. Ballots received after the deadline shall not be counted.
E. Upon receipt, each return envelope shall be stamped by the board office showing the date received.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:144.