Louisiana Administrative Code
Part XI - Office of Conservation-Pipeline Division
Subpart 2 - Underwater Obstructions
Chapter 25 - Compressed Natural Gas
Section XI-2505 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. The following words and terms, when used in this Chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
Approved- acceptable to the Commissioner of Conservation.
Cascade Storage System- storage of CNG in multiple cylinders.
CNG Cylinder- a cylinder or other container designed for use or used as part of a CNG system.
CNG Facility- a nonvehicular CNG system.
CNG System- a system of safety devices, cylinders, piping, fittings, valves, compressors, regulators, gauges, relief devices, vents, installation fixtures, and other CNG equipment intended for use or used in any building or public place by the general public or in conjunction with a motor vehicle fueled by CNG and any system of equipment designed to be used or used in the compression, sale, storage, transportation for delivery, or distribution of CNG in portable CNG cylinders, but does not include a natural gas pipeline located upstream of the inlet of the compressor.
Commissioner- the Commissioner of Conservation of the state of Louisiana.
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)- natural gas which is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases and vapors, consisting principally of methane (CH4) in gaseous form that is compressed and used, stored, sold, transported, or distributed for use by or through a CNG system.
CNG Cargo Tank- a container in accordance with American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) or Department of Transportation (DOT) specifications and used to transport CNG for delivery.
Cylinder Service Valve- a hand-wheel-operated valve connected directly to a CNG cylinder.
Dispensing Station- a CNG installation that dispenses CNG from any source by any means into fuel supply cylinders installed on vehicles or into portable cylinders.
Filled by Pressure- a method of transferring CNG into cylinders by using pressure differential.
Fuel Supply Cylinder- a cylinder mounted in a vehicle for storage of CNG as fuel supply to an internal combustion engine.
Manifold- the assembly of piping and fittings used for interconnecting cylinders.
Mobile Fuel System- any CNG system installed on a vehicle designed to furnish CNG to any apparatus that uses or consumes CNG.
Motor Vehicle- a self-propelled vehicle licensed for highway use or used on a public highway.
Outlet- a site operated by a certified CNG facility at which the business conducted materially duplicates the operations for which the facility is initially granted a certificate. Elements to be considered in determining the existence of an outlet include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. storage of CNG on the site;
2. sale or distribution of CNG from the site;
3. supervision of employees at the site;
4. proximity of the site to other outlets;
5. communication between the site and other outlets; and
6. nature of activities.
Person- an individual, sole proprietor, partnership, joint venture, corporation, or other entity.
Point of Transfer- the point where the fueling connection is made.
Pressure Relief Valve- a device designed to prevent overpressure of a normally charged cylinder.
Settled Pressure- the pressure in a container at 70°F, which cannot exceed the marked service or design pressure of the cylinder.
Transport- any vehicle or combination of vehicles and CNG cylinders designed or adapted for use or used principally as a means of moving or delivering CNG from one place to another. This shall include, but not be limited to, any truck, trailer, semitrailer, cargo tank, or other vehicle used in the distribution of CNG.
Ultimate Consumer- the individual controlling CNG immediately prior to its ignition.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:751 and 752.