A. Every
application shall include the following.
Mapping and Descriptions
a. Data and
information relating to areas proposed to be served is required in order to
confirm that the project is serving eligible areas, to accurately score the
application; and track progress and completion of the project if awarded. If
documentation is deemed insufficient, the office reserves the right to request
additional supporting documentation. If the proposed project would result in
the provision of broadband service to areas that are not eligible for funding,
those ineligible areas shall be identified in the application along with the
eligible areas. An applicant is allowed to propose construction of broadband
infrastructure to GUMBO-ineligible locations if the proposed project includes
GUMBO-eligible locations, and the applicant reports this intention. An
applicant may not use any GUMBO grant funding to build to these ineligible
locations. Broadband infrastructure deployment to ineligible areas must result
as a natural byproduct of broadband infrastructure deployment to eligible
areas, and an applicant is not allowed to use any GUMBO grant funding for
deployment to ineligible areas. Any potential grant awardee proposing to build
broadband infrastructure to GUMBO-ineligible areas will be subjected to
additional and rigorous auditing and control standards to ensure compliance
with all applicable state and federal law. In no instance shall the number of
ineligible locations proposed exceed 25 percent of the number of GUMBO-eligible
locations contained within an application.
b. Data and information included shall be
relevant to the proposed project area and include the number of prospective
broadband recipients that will be served and have access to broadband as a
result of the project. For the proposed area to be served, the total cost per
prospective broadband recipient must be provided, as well as the GUMBO cost per
prospective broadband recipient.
The office reserves the right to request any additional data and technical
information the office deems necessary.
d. Additionally, applicants may also submit
applications for areas where transmission speeds are advertised as reliably
meeting or exceeding 100:20 Mbps, if indisputable data is available to
establish, to the satisfaction of the office, at its sole discretion, that
delivered transmission speeds are reliably less than 100:20 Mbps. Such data
should be statistically significant and fully support the application. In no
instance should such data provide conflicting data points.
e. Data Submission Requirements
i. Address-Level Data-data shall be submitted
at the address level. Such individual addresses shall be submitted in shapefile
and table format, and shall be inclusive of longitudinal and latitudinal
coordinates, specific to each individual address. Should such an address be
assigned a specific geolocator number or other specific identifier by the
federal government prior to submission to the office, relative to federal
broadband availability mapping efforts, such identifier shall be included with
each address. Such addresses shall also be denoted by individual points within
the shapefile. Locations projected to be served must be digitally submitted in
a GIS shapefile or kml file format and should be georeferenced to either the
Louisiana North State Plane NAD83 (US Feet) coordinate system or the Louisiana
South State Plane NAD83 (US Feet) coordinate system. Service to any prospective
broadband recipient should be referenced. Data and information submitted
through mapping files shall match the information and data entered into the
application. Any discrepancy in the data and information entered into the
application and submitted in any associated files, including mapping files, may
be grounds for administrative rejection of the application, without the
opportunity for remedy by the applicant. The Office may provide a common data
dictionary prior to the opening of any grant application period.
f. Additional Data Sets
i. To assist in clarifying or providing for a
greater level of detail regarding the areas and locations to be served by a
proposed project, additional data sets may be provided within the application.
These data sets should serve as supporting information to the required data
listed above and should not be submitted as an alternative. This information
will be evaluated as supporting information, only.
Examples of additional data include, but are not limited
* Scrubbed data (no raw data) from citizen survey results or
demand aggregation results, with speed tests. This data must identify the areas
that have less than 100:20 service.
* Affidavits from citizens or other individuals certifying
one or more of the following:
* they are not able to receive broadband service; or
* the only available service is cellular or satellite;
* the only broadband service available by the existing
providers is less than 100:20 service.
2. Assessment of the Current Level of
Broadband Access in the Proposed Deployment Area
a. The application requires an assessment of
the current level of broadband access in the proposed deployment area. Within
this section of the application, the applicant should describe what they
believe to be the current level of service within the area and provide the data
source or methodology used to capture this information. Raw data may be
submitted as part of the assessment.
3. Attestation of Project Area Eligibility
a. Applicants are required to sign the
statement of attestation to attest to the office that the project area
identified within the application is eligible as of the close of the applicable
application period, as defined by Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2370.1 through
2370.16 and this Part, to the best of their knowledge. The attestation
statement and signature shall be included as part of the application.