Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. Basic Considerations. These standards
encompass the overall practices and procedures that the program needs to ensure
that survivors receive the services they are eligible for, interested in and in
need of. Also, that those services are delivered in a manner which is survivor
centered, non-judgmental, culturally sensitive and protects the dignity and
right to self determination of the survivor. These standards include procedures
for documentation of services, incident reporting, and grievance procedures
addressing the relationship between philosophy and practice.
B. Standards
1. General Administration
a. The executive director exercises full
responsibility for the day-to-day management of the organization.
b. Staff is responsible for implementing
c. The program maintains
an internal structure for efficient and effective administration.
d. The service delivery plan fulfills the
program's mission.
e. Services are
survivor centered, non-judgmental, culturally sensitive and strive to empower
persons served.
f. The organization
measures the efficiency and effectiveness of its management function.
g. Programs are conducted in accord with
applicable professional, ethical and legal principles.
h. Service statistics are maintained and used
in accord with acceptable practices.
i. The program identifies the area and
population it serves in its brochures and reports.
j. The program recognizes and respects the
autonomy, dignity and rights of program participants.
k. Relevant goals, objectives and plans are
established for service delivery management.
l. The program seeks to serve persons who
need its services and works to eliminate barriers to the provision of quality
service to those who seek service.
m. The program provides access to crisis
information and shelter 24 hours a day.
n. The program conducts intake services in
accordance with acceptable practices.
o. The program conducts orientation for
persons to be served. Persons is defined to include adults and
p. The program has a
system for case management. It regularly plans, monitors and assesses the
progress of each person served.
The program designs communal living policies which stress non-violence, are
fair and survivor centered. Policy enforcement balances the rights of survivors
with the need to ensure safety for survivors who choose not to follow
r. The program works
collaboratively with other family violence programs throughout the state and in
other states as appropriate to meet the safety and security needs of
2. Assessing
for Appropriate Services
a. Within initial
contacts with survivors, staff assesses for the following:
i. eligibility for support and intervention
ii. immediate
iii. batterer's potential
for lethality;
iv. closely analyze
batterer dynamics in same sex relationships to assure the person requesting
services is the survivor, rather than the perpetrator;
v. special delivery needs based on a
vi. special needs based
on the requirements of a person's self-identified religious, cultural, ethnic,
geographic or other affiliation(s);
vii. other appropriate services.
3. Appointments and
Availability of Services
a. Intervention
staff, whether shelter or nonresidential, is provided during times when most
survivors need to access and receive services.
b. Survivors are informed of the process by
which they may gain access, informally and by appointment, to advocates within
the program in which they are receiving services.
c. At the time appointments are made, staff
assists individual survivors in developing a safety plan, as necessary, for
traveling to and from appointments.
4. Grievance Policy and Procedures
a. The program develops, and exercises the
use of, when appropriate, a written grievance policy to be given to every
survivor upon admission to services. The procedures shall include, but not be
limited to:
i. procedures to follow in the
event a survivor believes they have been denied services;
ii. procedures to follow in the event a
survivor is dissatisfied with the quality of services;
iii. procedures to follow in the event a
survivor is dissatisfied with behaviors of a staff person.
5. Incident Reports
a. The organization provides a written policy
to assure serious incidents are properly reconciled. Individual reports will be
written for any injuries, accidents, unusual events or circumstances involving
staff, volunteers, visitors, vendors, or survivors. Staff are informed
regarding what would constitute each. Provisions are made for evaluation of
severity of the incident and any follow-up actions needed.
6. Community Relations
a. The program is readily identifiable and
visible among its potential users, peer organizations and appropriate publics.
Public relations and public education materials are available in other
languages for any ethnic group with a presence in the community and the
geographic area served and for special needs populations.
b. Policies for community relations and fund
development are comprehensive and practical.
c. Relevant goals objectives and plans are
established for community relations and fund development.
d. Community relations and fund development
are conducted in accordance with applicable professional and ethical and legal
e. The program uses
designated personnel to implement its policies and procedures for community
relations and financial development.
f. The program follows acceptable practices
for public disclosure.
g. The
program has accurate statistical data relevant to its services readily
h. The program conducts
a public education program that raises the community's awareness of the causes,
implications and the appropriate community response to family
i. The program conducts a
public relations program that projects an accurate positive image throughout
its service area and raises the community's understanding of and support for
its services.
j. The public
education and public relations efforts reflect the program's philosophy and
that philosophy is consistent with that of the OWS.
Promulgated in accordance with
46:2122 B and