B. Requirements for Written Examinations. All
examinations must:
1. be designed to test an
individual's knowledge and understanding of the topics listed in LAC
33:XV.599.Appendix A or equivalent Nuclear Regulatory Commission
2. be written in a
multiple-choice format; and
3. have
test items drawn from a question bank containing psychometrically valid
questions based on the material in LAC 33:XV.599.Appendix A.
A. An independent
certifying organization shall:
1. be an
organization such as a society or association, whose members participate in, or
have an interest in, the fields of industrial radiography;
2. make its membership available to the
general public nationwide that is not restricted because of race, color,
religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability;
3. have a certification program open to
nonmembers, as well as members;
be an incorporated, nationally recognized organization, that is involved in
setting national standards of practice within its fields of
5. have an adequate
staff, a viable system for financing its operations, and a policy and decision
making review board;
6. have a set
of written organizational bylaws and policies that provide adequate assurance
of lack of conflict of interest and a system for monitoring and enforcing those
bylaws and policies;
7. have a
committee, whose members can carry out their responsibilities impartially, to
review and approve the certification guidelines and procedures, and to advise
the organization's staff in implementing the certification program;
8. have a committee, whose members can carry
out their responsibilities impartially, to review complaints against certified
individuals and to determine appropriate sanctions;
9. have written procedures describing all
aspects of its certification program;
10. maintain records of the current status of
each individual's certification and the administration of its certification
11. have procedures to
ensure that certified individuals are provided due process with respect to the
administration of its certification program, including the process of becoming
certified and any sanctions imposed against certified individuals;
12. have procedures for proctoring
examinations, including qualifications for proctors. These procedures shall
ensure that the individuals proctoring each examination are not employed by the
same company, corporation, or a wholly-owned subsidiary of such company or
corporation as any of the examinees;
13. exchange information about certified
individuals with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other independent
certifying organizations and/or agreement states and allow periodic review of
its certification program and related records; and
14. provide a description to the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission of its procedures for choosing examination sites and for
providing an appropriate examination environment.