Louisiana Administrative Code
Part XV - Radiation Protection
Chapter 10 - Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers; Inspections
Section XV-1013 - Notifications and Reports to Individuals
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. Radiation exposure data for an individual and the results of any measurements, analyses, and calculations of radioactive material deposited or retained in the body of an individual shall be reported to the individual as specified in this Section. The information reported shall include data and results obtained pursuant to the Louisiana Radiation Protection Regulations (LAC 33:Part XV), orders or license conditions, as shown in records maintained by the licensee or registrant pursuant to LAC 33:XV.476. Each notification and report shall be in writing and shall include:
"This report is furnished to you under the provisions of the Louisiana Radiation Protection Regulations, LAC 33:XV.Chapter 10. You should retain this report for further reference."
B. Each licensee or registrant shall furnish to all workers, annually, a written report of the worker's exposure to radiation or radioactive material as shown in records maintained by the licensee or registrant in accordance with LAC 33:XV.476.
C. Each licensee or registrant shall furnish to each worker a written report of the worker's exposure (mrem) to radiation or radioactive material upon termination of employment. Such report shall be furnished within 30 days from the time of termination of employment or within 30 days after the exposure of the individual has been determined by the licensee or registrant, whichever is later. The report shall cover each calendar quarter in which the worker's activities involved exposure to sources of radiation and shall include the dates and locations of work under the license or registration in which the worker participated.
D. When a licensee or registrant is required, in accordance with LAC 33:XV.486, 487, or 488, to report to the department any exposure of an identified occupationally exposed individual, or an identified member of the public, to radiation or radioactive material, the licensee or the registrant shall also provide the individual a written report on his or her exposure data included therein. Such reports shall be transmitted at a time not later than the transmittal to the department.
E. At the request of a worker who is terminating employment in a given calendar quarter with the licensee or registrant in work involving a radiation dose, or of a worker who while employed by another person, is terminating an assignment to work involving a radiation dose in the licensee's facility in that calendar quarter, each licensee shall provide to each such worker, or to the worker's designee, at termination, a written report regarding the radiation dose received by that worker from operations of the licensee during that specifically identified calendar quarter or fraction thereof, or provide a written estimate of that dose if the finally determined personnel monitoring results are not available at that time. Estimated doses shall be clearly indicated as such.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2001 et seq.