Louisiana Administrative Code
Part V - Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Materials
Subpart 1 - Department of Environmental Quality-Hazardous Waste
Chapter 1 - General Provisions and Definitions
Section V-199 - Appendices-Appendices A and B
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
A. Appendix A- Equations for the Development of Soil and Groundwater Standards
SoilNHEM-Carcinogenic Effects-Organic Constituents (mg/kg):
Parameter |
Definition (units) |
Input Value |
SoilNHEM |
NHEM industrial risk-based chemical concentration in soil/ sediment (mg/kg) |
-- |
TR |
Target excess individual lifetime cancer risk (unitless) |
10-5 |
SFo |
Oral cancer slope factor ((mg/kg-day)-1) |
CSa |
SFi |
Inhalation cancer slope factor ((mg/kg-day)-1) |
CSa |
BWa |
Average adult body weight (kg) |
70b |
ATc |
Averaging time -carcinogens (yr) |
70b |
EFi |
Industrial exposure frequency (days/yr) |
250b |
EDi |
Industrial exposure duration (yr) |
25b |
IRSi |
Industrial soil ingestion rate (mg/day) |
50b |
IRAa |
Adult inhalation rate (m3/day) |
20c |
VFi |
Industrial soil-to-air volatilization factor (m3/kg) |
CSd |
SAi |
Skin surface area for an industrial worker (cm2/day) |
3,300c |
AFi |
Soil-to-skin adherence factor for an industrial worker (mg/cm2) |
0.2c |
Dermal absorption factor (unitless) |
CSc |
a Chemical-specific; refer to EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html) or other appropriate EPA reference.
b Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide , EPA 1996.
c Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment) , EPA/540/R-99/005.
d Chemical-specific; refer to EQ5.
e Chemical-specific; refer to Table A-1.
SoilNHEM-Carcinogenic Effects-Inorganic Constituents (mg/kg):
Parameter |
Definition (units) |
Input Value |
Soil NHEM |
NHEM industrial risk-based chemical concentration in soil/ sediment (mg/kg) |
-- |
TR |
Target excess individual lifetime cancer risk (unitless) |
10 -5 |
SF o |
Oral cancer slope factor ((mg/kg-day)-1) |
CS b |
BW a |
Average adult body weight (kg) |
70 b |
AT c |
Averaging time - carcinogens (yr) |
70 b |
EF i |
Industrial exposure frequency (days/yr) |
250 b |
ED i |
Industrial exposure duration (yr) |
25 b |
IRS i |
Industrial soil ingestion rate (mg/day) |
50 b |
SA i |
Skin surface area for an industrial worker (cm2/day) |
3,300 c |
AF i |
Soil-to-skin adherence factor for an industrial worker (mg/cm2) |
0.2 c |
Dermal absorption factor (unitless) |
CS d |
a Chemical-specific; refer to EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html) or other appropriate EPA reference.
b Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide , EPA 1996.
c Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment), EPA/540/R-99/005.
d Chemical-specific; refer to EQ5.
e Chemical-specific; refer to Table A-1.
SoilNHEM-Noncarcinogenic Effects-Organic Constituents (mg/kg):
Parameter |
Definition (units) |
Input Value |
SoilNHEM |
NHEM industrial risk-based chemical concentration in soil/ sediment (mg/kg) |
-- |
Target hazard quotient (unitless) |
10 |
RfDo |
Oral reference dose (mg/kg-day) |
CSa |
RfDi |
Inhalation reference dose (mg/kg-day) |
CSa |
BWa |
Average adult body weight (kg) |
70b |
ATni |
Averaging time-noncarcinogens, industrial (yr) |
25b |
EFi |
Industrial exposure frequency (days/yr) |
250b |
EDi |
Industrial exposure duration (yr) |
25b |
IRSi |
Industrial soil ingestion rate (mg/day) |
50b |
IRAa |
Adult inhalation rate (m3/day) |
20c |
VFi |
Industrial soil-to-air volatilization factor (m3/kg) |
CSd |
SAi |
Skin surface area for an industrial worker (cm2/day) |
3,300c |
AFi |
Soil-to-skin adherence factor for an industrial worker (mg/cm2) |
0.2c |
Dermal absorption factor (unitless) |
CSc |
a Chemical-specific; refer to EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html) or other appropriate EPA reference.
b Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide , EPA 1996.
c Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment) , EPA/540/R-99/005.
d Chemical-specific; refer to EQ5.
e Chemical-specific; refer to Table A-1.
SoilNHEM-Noncarcinogenic Effects-Inorganic Constituents (mg/kg):
Parameter |
Definition (units) |
Input Value |
SoilNHEM |
NHEM industrial risk-based chemical concentration in soil/ sediment (mg/kg) |
-- |
Target hazard quotient (unitless) |
10 |
RfDo |
Oral reference dose (mg/kg-day) |
CSa |
BWa |
Average adult body weight (kg) |
70b |
ATni |
Averaging time - noncarcinogens, industrial (yr) |
70b |
EFi |
Industrial exposure frequency (days/yr) |
250b |
EDi |
Industrial exposure duration (yr) |
25b |
IRSi |
Industrial soil ingestion rate (mg/day) |
50b |
SAi |
Skin surface area for an industrial worker (cm2/day) |
3,300c |
AFi |
Soil-to-skin adherence factor for an industrial worker (mg/cm2) |
0.2c |
Dermal absorption factor (unitless) |
CSd |
a Chemical-specific; refer to EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html) or other appropriate EPA reference.
b Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide , EPA 1996.
c Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment) , EPA/540/R-99/005.
d Chemical-specific; refer to EQ5.
e Chemical-specific; refer to Table A-1.
VFi-Volatilization Factor-Organic Constituents (m3/kg):
Parameter |
Definition (units) |
Input Value |
VFi |
Industrial soil-to-air volatilization factor (m3/kg) |
-- |
DA |
Apparent diffusivity (cm2/s) |
-- |
Q/C |
Inverse of the mean concentration at the center of source (g/m2-s per kg/m3) |
79.25 |
T |
Exposure interval -industrial (s) |
7.9E+08a |
p b |
Dry soil bulk density (g/cm3) |
1.7b |
[THETA] a |
Air-filled soil porosity (Lair/Lsoil) |
n-[THETA]w |
n |
Total soil porosity (Lpore/Lsoil) |
1 - (pb/ps) |
[THETA] w |
Water-filled soil porosity (Lwater/Lsoil) |
0.21b |
p s |
Soil particle density (g/cm3) |
2.65b |
Di |
Diffusivity in air (cm2/s) |
CSc |
H' |
Henry's Law Constant (dimensionless) |
CSc,d |
Dw |
Diffusivity in water (cm2/s) |
CSc |
Kd |
Soil-water partition coefficient (cm3/g) = Koc x foc |
CSc |
Koc |
Soil organic carbon partition coefficient (cm3/g) |
CSc |
foc |
Fractional organic carbon in soil (g/g) = percent organic matter/174 (ASTM 2974) |
0.006b |
a Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide , EPA 1996.
b LDEQ default value.
c Chemical-specific.
d H' = H x 41 where: H = Henry's Law Constant (atm-m3/mol); R = Universal Law Constant (0.0000821 atm-m3/mole- oK); and T = Absolute temperature of soil (oK) [273 + oC (25oC)].
Table A-1 |
Dermal Absorption Factors 1 |
Constituent |
ABS (unitless) |
Arsenic |
0.03 |
Cadmium |
0.001 |
Chlordane |
0.04 |
2,4-D |
0.05 |
0.03 |
Gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane |
0.04 |
0.03 |
Pentachlorophenol |
0.25 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls |
0.14 |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons |
0.13 |
Other semivolatile organic constituents |
0.10 |
Other inorganic constituents (metals) |
0 |
Volatile constituents |
0 |
1 Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment) , Interim Guidance. EPA 2004. EPA/540/R-99/005.
GWNHEM-Carcinogenic Effects-Volatile Constituents (mg/l):
Parameter |
Definition (units) |
Input Value |
NHEM chemical concentration in groundwater (mg/l) |
-- |
TR |
Target excess individual lifetime cancer risk (unitless) |
10-5 |
SFo |
Oral cancer slope factor ((mg/kg-day)-1) |
CSa |
SFi |
Inhalation cancer slope factor ((mg/kg-day)-1) |
CSa |
ATc |
Averaging time -carcinogens (yr) |
70b |
EFni |
Industrial exposure frequency (days/yr) |
350b |
IRWadj |
Age-adjusted water ingestion rate (L-yr/kg-day) |
1.1b |
IRAadj |
Age-adjusted inhalation rate (m3-yr/kg-day) |
11b |
Kw |
Water-to-indoor air volatilization factor (L/m3) |
0.5c,d |
DF |
Dilution and Attenuation Factor (unitless) |
100c |
a Chemical-specific: refer to EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html) or other appropriate EPA reference.
b Human Health Medium-Specific Screening Levels, EPA Region VI, 2003.
c Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part B, Development of Risk-Based Preliminary Remedial Goals) , EPA 1991.
d The water-air concentration relationship represented by the volatilization factor (Kw) is applicable only to chemicals with a Henry's Law Constant of greater than 1E-05 atm-m3/mole and a molecular weight of less than 200 g/mole.
GWNHEM-Noncarcinogenic Effects-Volatile Constituents (mg/l):
Parameter |
Definition (units) |
Input Value |
NHEM chemical concentration in groundwater (mg/l) |
-- |
Target hazard quotient (unitless) |
10 |
RfDi |
Inhalation reference dose (mg/kg-day) |
CSa |
RfDo |
Oral reference dose (mg/kg-day) |
CSa |
BWa |
Average adult body weight (kg) |
70b |
ATnni |
Averaging time -noncarcinogens, non-industrial (yr) |
30b |
EFni |
Non-industrial exposure frequency (days/yr) |
350b |
EDni |
Industrial exposure duration (yr) |
30b |
IRWa |
Adult water ingestion rate (L/day) |
20b |
IRAa |
Adult inhalation rate (m3/day) |
20b |
Kw |
Water-to-indoor air volatilization factor (L/m3) |
0.5c,d |
DF |
Dilution Factor (unitless) |
100 |
a Chemical-specific: refer to EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html) or other appropriate EPA reference.
b Human Health Medium-Specific Screening Levels, EPA Region VI, 2003.
c Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part B, Development of Risk-Based Preliminary Remedial Goals) , EPA 1991.
d The water-air concentration relationship represented by the volatilization factor (Kw) is applicable only to chemicals with a Henry's Law Constant of greater than 1E-05 atm-m3/mole and a molecular weight of less than 200 g/mole.
GWNHEM-Carcinogenic Effects-Non-Volatile Constituents (mg/l):
Parameter |
Definition (units) |
Input Value |
NHEM chemical concentration in groundwater (mg/l) |
-- |
TR |
Target excess individual lifetime cancer risk (unitless) |
10-5 a |
SFo |
Oral cancer slope factor ((mg/kg-day)-1) |
CSb |
ATc |
Averaging time -carcinogens (yr) |
70a |
EFni |
Non-industrial exposure frequency (days/yr) |
350a |
IRWadj |
Age-adjusted water ingestion rate (L-yr/kg-day) |
1.1a |
DF |
Dilution Factor (unitless) |
100 |
a Chemical-specific; refer to EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html) or other appropriate EPA reference.
b Human Health Medium-Specific Screening Levels, EPA Region VI, 2003.
GWNHEM-Noncarcinogenic Effects-Non-Volatile Constituents (mg/l):
Parameter |
Definition (units) |
Input Value |
NHEM chemical concentration in groundwater (mg/l) |
-- |
Target hazard quotient (unitless) |
10 |
RfDo |
Oral reference dose (mg/kg-day) |
CSa |
BWa |
Average adult body weight (kg) |
70b |
ATnni |
Averaging time -noncarcinogens, non-industrial (yr) |
30b |
EFni |
Non-industrial exposure frequency (days/yr) |
350b |
EDni |
Non-industrial exposure duration (yr) |
30b |
IRWa |
Adult water ingestion rate (L/day) |
2b |
DF |
Dilution Factor (unitless) |
100 |
a Chemical-specific; refer to EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/index.html) or other appropriate EPA reference.
b Human Health Medium-Specific Screening Levels, EPA Region VI, 2003.
B. Appendix B- Examples of Potentially Incompatible Waste1
Group 1 Materials |
Group 1-A: |
Acetylene sludge |
Alkaline caustic liquids |
Alkaline cleaner |
Alkaline corrosive liquids |
Alkaline corrosive battery fluid |
Caustic wastewater |
Lime sludge and other corrosive alkalis |
Lime wastewater |
Lime and water |
Spent caustic |
Group 1-B: |
Acid sludge |
Acid and water |
Battery acid |
Chemical cleaners |
Electrolyte, acid |
Etching acid liquid or solvent |
Pickling liquor and other corrosive acids |
Spent acid |
Spent mixed acid |
Spent sulfuric acid |
Potential Consequences: |
Heat generation or violent reaction |
Group 2 Materials |
Group 2-A: |
Aluminum |
Beryllium |
Calcium |
Lithium |
Magnesium |
Potassium |
Sodium |
Zinc powder |
Other reactive metals and metal hydrides |
Group 2-B: |
Any waste in Group 1-A or 1-B |
Potential Consequences: |
Fire or explosion; generation of flammable hydrogen gas |
Group 3 Materials |
Group 3-A: |
Alcohols |
Water |
Group 3-B: |
Any concentrated waste in Group 1-A or 1-B |
Calcium |
Lithium |
Metal hydrides |
Potassium |
SO2Cl2, SOCl2, PCl3, CH3SiCl3 |
Other water-reactive waste |
Potential Consequences: |
Fire, explosion, or heat generation; generation of flammable or toxic gases |
Group 4 Materials |
Group 4-A: |
Alcohols |
Aldehydes |
Halogenated hydrocarbons |
Nitrated hydrocarbons |
Unsaturated hydrocarbons |
Other reactive organic compounds and solvents |
Group 4-B: |
Concentrated Group 1-A or 1-B wastes |
Group 2-A wastes |
Potential Consequences: |
Fire, explosion, or violent reaction |
Group 5 Materials |
Group 5-A: |
Spent cyanide and sulfide solutions |
Group 5-B: |
Group 1-B wastes |
Potential Consequences: |
Generation of toxic hydrogen cyanide or hydrogen sulfide gas |
Group 6 Materials |
Group 6-A: |
Chlorates |
Chlorine |
Chlorites |
Chromic acid |
Hypochlorites |
Nitrates |
Nitric acid, fuming |
Perchlorates |
Permanganates |
Peroxides |
Other strong oxidizers |
Group 6-B: |
Acetic acid and other organic acids |
Concentrated mineral acids |
Group 2-A wastes |
Group 4-A wastes |
Other flammable and combustible wastes |
Potential Consequences: |
Fire, explosion, or violent reaction |
1 Source: "Law, Regulations, and Guidelines for Handling of Hazardous Waste." California Department of Health, February 1975.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2180 et seq. and, in particular, 2186(A)(2).