C. The department
shall conduct a NEPA-type review of construction projects proposed for funding
through the CWSRF, if required. This review shall be conducted as early as
possible in project formulation to ensure that all projects comply with
applicable local, state, and federal laws, and departmental rules relating to
the protection and enhancement of the environment. Based upon the department's
review, it shall make a formal determination regarding the potential social and
environmental impacts of the proposed project. The determination shall include
any necessary mitigation measures as a condition of financial assistance. No
financial assistance shall be provided until a final environmental
determination has been made. Any public, private, or governmental entity shall
be allowed to seek any administrative or legal review provided by law from the
department determinations. Applicants to the CWSRF shall obtain guidance from
the department regarding the scope of the environmental review to be conducted,
and the environmental information the applicant is required to submit in
support of the proposed project. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult
with the department in the early stage of project formulation. This
consultation is to determine whether a project is eligible to be categorically
excluded from a substantive environmental review, determine alternatives to the
proposed project for evaluation, and/or identify potential environmental issues
which may impact its application.
1. The
determinations that will apply to construction projects proposed to be
implemented include a determination to:
issue a categorical exclusion (CE);
b. issue a finding of no significant impact
(FONSI); or
c. require an
environmental impact statement (EIS).
2. A project may be categorically excluded
from a substantive environmental review if the project fits within a category
of actions identified in Subparagraph C.2.c of this Section that are eligible
for exclusion and the project does not involve any extraordinary circumstances
identified in Subparagraph C.2.d of this Section. Applicants are not required
to prepare an environmental information document (EID) or preliminary
engineering report (PER) for projects that are being considered for CE. An
environmental assessment (EA) is not required if the project is categorically
a. If a project is determined to be
categorically excluded, a written CE determination shall be prepared by the
department and published in the official parish journal at the location of the
project. The CE determination constitutes a final decision of the
administrative authority.
b. The
department may identify categories of actions that do not individually,
cumulatively over time, or in conjunction with other actions, have a
significant effect on the quality of the human environment. These do not
include projects that provide a capacity to serve a population 30 percent
greater than the existing population, that directly or indirectly involve
upgrading, or that extend infrastructure systems primarily for the purposes of
future development.
Department-identified CEs include, but may not be limited to:
i. actions at facilities involving routine
facility maintenance, repair, and groundskeeping; minor rehabilitation,
restoration, renovation, or revitalization of existing facilities;
replacement as defined in LAC 33:IX.2105, of equipment;
acquisition and installation of equipment (including equipment needed solely
for purposes of emergency preparedness); or construction of new minor ancillary
facilities adjacent to or on the same property as existing
ii. actions relating to
existing infrastructure systems (i.e., sewer systems, drinking water supply
systems, and stormwater systems that include combined sewer overflow systems)
that involve minor upgrading, minor expansion of system capacity or
rehabilitation (i.e., functional replacement) of the existing system and system
components, (i.e., sewer collection network and treatment system; the system to
collect, treat, store, and distribute drinking water; and stormwater systems,
including combined sewer overflow systems) or construction of new minor
ancillary facilities adjacent to or on the same property as existing
facilities. This category does not include actions that:
(a). involve new or relocated discharges to
surface or ground water;
(b). will
likely result in the substantial increase in the volume or the loading of
pollutant to the receiving water;
(c). will provide capacity to serve a
population 30 percent greater than the existing population;
(d). are not supported by the state, other
regional growth plan, or strategy; or
(e). directly or indirectly involve or relate
to upgrading or extending infrastructure systems primarily for the purposes of
future development; and
iii. actions in unsewered communities
involving the replacement of existing on-site systems, providing the new
on-site systems do not result in substantial increases in the volume of
discharge, or the loadings of pollutants from existing sources, or relocating
an existing discharge.
d. Extraordinary circumstances that would
preclude issuance of a CE include, but are not limited to, the following:
i. the proposed project is likely to have
potentially significant environmental impacts on the quality of the human
environment either individually or cumulatively over time;
ii. the proposed project is likely to have
disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on
any community including minority communities, low income communities, or
federally-recognized Native American tribal communities;
iii. the proposed project is likely to
significantly affect federally listed, threatened, endangered species, or their
critical habitat;
iv. the proposed
project is likely to significantly affect national natural landmarks or any
property with nationally significant architectural, historic, prehistoric,
archeological, or cultural value, including but not limited to, property listed
on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places;
v. the proposed project is likely to
significantly affect environmentally important natural resource areas such as
wetlands, floodplains, significant agricultural lands, aquifer recharge zones,
coastal zones, barrier islands, wild and scenic rivers, and significant fish or
wildlife habitat;
vi. the proposed
project is likely to cause significant adverse air quality effects;
vii. the proposed project is likely to have a
significant effect on the pattern, type of land use (i.e., industrial,
commercial, agricultural, recreational, or residential), growth and
distribution of population including altering the character of existing
residential areas, or not consistent with state government, local government,
or federally-recognized Native American tribe approved land use plans, or
federal land management plans;
viii. the proposed project is likely to cause
significant public controversy about a potential environmental impact of the
proposed project; and
ix. the
proposed project is likely to conflict with federal, state, local government,
federally-recognized Native American tribe, federal environmental, resource
protection, or land use laws or regulations.
e. A CE determination shall be rescinded if:
i. the proposed project no longer complies
with the applicable 40 CFR Part 6 criteria for CE due to project changes;
ii. new information involves or
relates to at least one of the extraordinary circumstances, or otherwise
indicates serious environmental issues exist.
f. When the department has determined that a
CE is to be rescinded based upon this criteria, the department shall prepare a
notice of intent (NOI) to rescind the CE previously applied to the project and
require the preparation of an EID or EIS.
3. A FONSI may be prepared based on a
proposed project's EA, which will be prepared based on a substantive
environmental review conducted by the department and supported by an EID
prepared in conjunction with the facility plan (FP) prepared by the applicant.
If the EA supports the finding that the proposed project will not have a
significant effect on the human environment or includes any commitments to
mitigation that render the impacts of the proposed project insignificant, then
the administrative authority will issue a FONSI. If the EA does not support a
FONSI, then an EIS shall be prepared.
4. An EIS may be required based on a proposed
project's EA, which will be prepared based on a substantive environmental
review conducted by the department and supported by an EID prepared in
conjunction with the PER prepared by the applicant. An EIS may also be required
without an EA when the proposed project is deemed a major action significantly
affecting the quality of the human environment. A project normally requires an
EIS if the administrative authority determines:
a. the project will significantly affect the
pattern and type of land use (i.e., industrial, commercial, recreational, or
residential), or growth and distribution of the population;
b. the proposed project is inconsistent with
federal, state, local government, federally-recognized Native American tribe,
or federal environmental, resource protection, or land-use laws and management
plans for protection of the environment;
c. the project is likely to significantly
affect environmentally important resources such as:
i. wetlands;
ii. significant agricultural lands;
iii. aquifer recharge zones;
iv. threatened and endangered species or
their habitats;
v. coastal
vi. barrier
vii. wild and scenic
viii. significant fish or
wildlife habitat;
ix. national
natural landmarks; and/or
x. any
property on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places;
d. the project is
likely to directly or indirectly, through induced development, involve
uncertain environmental effects, produce significant cumulative impacts in
conjunction with other government projects, or have significant adverse effects
upon local ambient air quality, local noise levels, surface water reservoirs,
or navigation projects.
5. Amended Projects, Previous Environmental
Determinations, and Usage of Other Relevant Environmental Documents by the
a. In the event that changes are
made to a project after an environmental determination has been issued, the
administrative authority shall, prior to approval, examine the plans and
specifications, loan application, and related documents for consistency with
the environmental determination. Based upon the department's review of the
amended project, the administrative authority shall:
i. reaffirm and amend, as necessary, the
original determination through the issuance of a statement of
ii. rescind a CE and
issue a NOI that the preparation of an EID or an EIS will be
iii. revise a FONSI and
make available to the public;
rescind a FONSI and issue a NOI that the preparation of an EIS will be
v. revise a record of
decision (ROD) associated with an EIS and make available to the public;
vi. rescind a ROD via the
issuance of a NOI that financial assistance will not be provided.
b. The administrative authority
may accept and adopt previous NEPA environmental determinations (i.e., CE,
EA/FONSI, and EIS/ROD) issued within the last five years with the submittal of
an application to the CWSRF. Acceptance of previous environmental
determinations shall be affirmed through the issuance of a statement of
findings. Otherwise, the administrative authority shall re-evaluate the
project, environmental conditions, public views, and may reaffirm the original
environmental determination, or have a new environmental review conducted in
accordance with Subsection A of this Section.
c. The administrative authority may review
relevant planning, decision making, and/or environmental review documents to
determine if the proposed project or any of its alternatives have previously
been considered. The department may adopt the existing document, or incorporate
by reference, any pertinent part of that document.
6. Construction Prior to Environmental Review
a. An applicant may, at the applicant's risk,
commence construction of part of the proposed project prior to completion of
the necessary environmental review when that part of the project will:
i. immediately remedy a severe public health,
water quality, or environmental problem;
ii. not preclude any identified reasonable
iii. not cause
significant direct or indirect environmental impacts including those which
cannot be acceptably mitigated without completing the entire project;
iv. not be significantly controversial
concerning a potential environmental impact; and
v. all other parts of the proposed project
remain subject to the completion of the environmental review process prior to
b. The
administrative authority shall make a determination of eligibility for work
performed under Subparagraph C.6.a of this Section after submittal, approval of
the PER, and completion of the environmental review. There is no guarantee that
work undertaken prior to the loan award will be eligible for funding.