Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. Applicability
1. This regulatory permit authorizes the
construction and use of boilers and process heaters, subject to the
requirements established herein, upon notification by the department that the
application (i.e., notification form) submitted in accordance with Subsection I
of this Section has been determined to be complete.
2. This regulatory permit shall not apply to
boilers and process heaters:
a. deemed
insignificant in accordance with item A.1, A.5, or B.32 of the insignificant
activities list in LAC 33:III.501.B.5.Table 1;
b. that combust fuels other than natural gas,
refinery gas, other gas 1 fuel as defined in
40 CFR
63.7575, or ultra low sulfur liquid
fuel as defined in
40 CFR
63.7575; or
c. subject to federal regulations not
identified in Subsection D of this Section.
3. This regulatory permit shall not be used
to authorize a boiler or process heater that, when considering potential
emissions from it and potential emissions from the remainder of the stationary
source, would result in the creation of a major source of criteria pollutants,
hazardous air pollutants, or toxic air pollutants.
B. Definitions
Boiler-as defined in
40 CFR
Process Heater-as defined in
40 CFR
C. Emission Limitations
1. Emission limitations for the boiler or
process heater shall be established by the application (i.e., notification
form) submitted in accordance with Subsection I of this Section.
a. The limitations shall be enforceable by
the department.
b. If actual
emissions exceed these limitations for any reason other than as described in
LAC 33:III.501.C.12, the permittee shall notify the Office of Environmental
Compliance in accordance with Louisiana General Condition XI of LAC
33:III.537.A. For Part 70 sources, the reports required by Paragraph C.2 of
this Section shall satisfy this requirement.
2. The permittee shall address each boiler or
process heater located at a Part 70 source in the submittals required by Part
70 General Conditions K, M, and R of LAC 33:III.535.A. Deviations from the
terms and conditions of this regulatory permit, including the standards
identified in Subsection D of this Section, shall not be considered violations
of the stationary sources Part 70 permit.
D. Boiler and Process Heater Standards. The
permittee shall comply with the provisions of the following federal and state
regulations pertaining to boilers and process heaters, as applicable:
1. LAC 33:III.2201;
2. 40 CFR 60, subpart Db or Dc; and
3. 40 CFR 63, subparts DDDDD or
E. Opacity
1. Smoke. The emission of smoke shall be
controlled so that the shade or appearance of the emission is not darker than
20 percent average opacity, except that the emissions may have an average
opacity in excess of 20 percent for not more than one six-minute period in any
60 consecutive minutes.
Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting
The permittee shall inspect each boiler or process heaters stack for visible
emissions on a daily basis. If visible emissions are not detected during the
initial six minutes of the inspection, the inspection may be concluded. If
visible emissions are detected, the inspection period shall be extended to one
hour (60 consecutive minutes).
If visible emissions are detected for more than one six-minute period over the
60 consecutive minute test period, the permittee shall conduct a six-minute
opacity reading in accordance with Method 9 of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, within 24
c. The permittee shall
notify the Office of Environmental Compliance no later than 30 calendar days
after any Method 9 reading in excess of 20 percent average opacity or, for
Part 70 sources, as defined in LAC 33:III.502.A, in accordance
with Part 70 General Condition R of LAC 33:III.535.A.
d. Records of visible emissions checks shall
be kept on-site for at least five years and shall be made available for
inspection by the Office of Environmental Compliance. These records shall
i. the boiler or process heaters ID
ii. a record if visible
emissions were detected during the initial six minutes of the
iii. a record if
visible emissions were detected for more than one six-minute period over the 60
consecutive minute test period, if required; and
iv. a record and the results of any Method 9
testing conducted.
3. Alternatives
a. As an alternative to the requirement to
conduct Method 9 testing, the permittee may assume that any visible emissions
detected constitute opacity greater than 20 percent. In this case, no visible
emissions detected shall be considered opacity less than or equal to 20
percent, even if a qualitative assessment suggests otherwise.
b. The permittee may determine opacity via
any federally-approved alternative to Method 9 (e.g., Method
c. In lieu of performing
daily visual inspections, the permittee may immediately perform a six-minute
opacity reading in accordance with Method 9.
d. The inspection of each boiler or process
heaters stack for visible emissions may be made using a video camera, provided
the camera is capable of capturing images of the stack and a reasonable
distance above the stack and it set at an angle for visible emissions
4. When the
presence of uncombined water is the only reason for failure of an emission to
meet the requirements of this Subsection, this Subsection shall not
5. This subsection shall not
apply to boilers or process heaters described in LAC 33:III.1107.B.1.
F. Particulate Matter. No person
shall cause, suffer, allow or permit the emission of particulate matter to the
atmosphere in excess of 0.6 pounds per 106 Btu of
heat input.
G. Performance Testing.
The following performance testing requirements shall apply to boilers and
process heaters that have the potential to emit more than 40 tons per year of
nitrogen oxides (NOX) or more than 100 tons per year of carbon monoxide (CO).
1. No later than 180 days after the boiler or
process heater commences operation, the permittee shall conduct a performance
test to determine NOX and CO emissions using Methods 7E (Determination of
Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources) and 10 (Determination of
Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Stationary Sources) of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A.
Each test run shall be conducted within 80 percent of the boiler or process
heaters maximum rated capacity or within 10 percent of the maximum achievable
load. Alternate stack test methods may be used with the prior approval of the
Office of Environmental Assessment.
a. The
permittee shall notify the Office of Environmental Assessment at least 30 days
prior to the performance test in order to provide the department with the
opportunity to conduct a pretest meeting and/or observe the test.
b. The permittee shall submit the performance
test results to the Office of Environmental Assessment no later than 60 days
after completion of the test.
2. This Subsection shall not apply to boilers
or process heaters that remain at a stationary source for less than 12
consecutive months.
3. This
Subsection shall not apply to boilers or process heaters that must conduct a
performance test in accordance with applicable federal requirements as
described in LAC 33:III.323.D. If a performance test is required for only NOx
or CO, but not both, a performance test for the other pollutant shall be
conducted during the performance test required by
40 CFR 60.8
and/or CFR 63.7.
Emissions Inventory. Each stationary source subject to LAC 33:III.919 shall
include emissions from each boiler or process heater authorized by this
regulatory permit in its annual emissions inventory.
I. Notification Requirements
1. Written notification describing the boiler
or process heater shall be submitted to the Office of Environmental Services
using the appropriate form provided by the department.
2. A separate notification shall be submitted
for each boiler or process heater.
J. Fees. Fees for this regulatory permit
shall be as prescribed by fee number 1540 or 1550, as applicable, of LAC
33:III.223, Table 1, or the applicable major or minor modification fee for the
stationary source as determined in accordance with LAC 33:III.211.B, whichever
is lower.
Applicable surcharges as described in LAC 33:III.211.A shall
also be assessed.
K. Boilers
and process heaters authorized by this regulatory permit shall be included in
the next application to renew or modify the stationary sources existing
Promulgated in accordance with