Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. Applicability
1. This regulatory permit authorizes the
construction and use of storage vessels, subject to the requirements
established herein, upon notification by the department that the application
(i.e., notification form) submitted in accordance with Subsection G of this
Section has been determined to be complete.
2. This regulatory permit shall not apply to
storage vessels:
a. deemed insignificant in
accordance with item A.2, A.3, A.8, A.10, B.31, B.39, or B.44 of the
insignificant activities list in LAC 33:III.501.B.5;
b. that utilize a closed vent system and
control device to comply with an applicable requirement, except that storage
vessels employing carbon adsorbers solely to mitigate odors shall be
c. capable of maintaining
working pressures sufficient at all times under normal operating conditions to
prevent vapor or gas loss to the atmosphere; or
d. subject to federal regulations not
identified in Subsection D of this Section.
3. This regulatory permit shall not be used
to authorize a storage vessel that, when considering potential emissions from
it and potential emissions from the remainder of the stationary source, would
result in the creation of a major source of criteria pollutants, hazardous air
pollutants, or toxic air pollutants.
B. Definitions
Storage Vessel- any tank, reservoir, or
container used for the storage of volatile organic compounds. Storage vessels
do not include:
a. process tanks as
defined in
CFR 60.111b; and
b. vessels permanently attached to motor
vehicles such as trucks, railcars, barges, or ships.
C. Emission Limitations, Monitoring,
Recordkeeping, and Reporting
1. Emission
limitations for the storage vessel shall be established by the application
(i.e., notification form) submitted in accordance with Subsection G of this
a. The limitations shall be
enforceable by the department.
If actual emissions exceed these limitations for any reason other than as
described in LAC 33:III.501.C.12, the permittee shall notify the Office of
Environmental Compliance in accordance with Louisiana general condition XI of
LAC 33:III.537.A. For part 70 sources, the reports required by Paragraph C.3 of
this Section shall satisfy this requirement.
2. The permittee shall monitor and record the
throughput of the storage vessel during each calendar month. Records shall be
retained as described in Louisiana general condition X of LAC
3. The permittee
shall address each storage vessel located at a part 70 source in the submittals
required by part 70 general conditions K, M, and R of LAC 33:III.535.A.
Deviations from the terms and conditions of this regulatory permit, including
the standards identified in Subsection D of this Section, shall not be
considered violations of the stationary sources part 70 permit.
D. Storage Vessel Standards. The
permittee shall comply with the provisions of the following federal and state
regulations pertaining to storage vessels, as applicable:
1. LAC 33:III.2103 and 2131;
2. 40 CFR 60, subpart Kb;
3. 40 CFR 61, subpart FF; and
4. 40 CFR 63, subparts G, R, U, CC, OO, SS,
E. Floating
Roofs. The intent of this Subsection is to avoid having a vapor space between
the floating roof and the stored liquid for extended periods.
1. An internal or external floating roof
shall be floating on the liquid surface at all times except:
a. when it must rest on the leg supports
during the initial fill;
b. after
the storage vessel has been completely emptied and degassed; or
c. when the storage vessel is completely
emptied before being subsequently refilled.
2. When the floating roof is resting on the
leg supports, the process of filling, emptying, or refilling shall be
continuous and shall be accomplished as soon as practical.
3. Storage vessels where liquid is left on
walls, as bottom clingage, or in pools due to floor irregularities are
considered completely empty.
F. Emissions Inventory. Each stationary
source subject to LAC 33:III.919 shall include emissions from each storage
vessel authorized by this regulatory permit in its annual emissions
G. Notification
1. Written notification
describing the storage vessel shall be submitted to the Office of Environmental
Services using the appropriate form provided by the department.
2. A separate notification shall be submitted
for each storage vessel.
H. Fees. Fees for this regulatory permit
shall be as prescribed by fee number 1670 of LAC 33:III.223, Table 1.
Applicable surcharges as described in LAC 33:III.211. A shall also be
I. Storage vessels
authorized by this regulatory permit shall be included in the next renewal or
modification of the stationary sources existing permit.
Promulgated in accordance with