D. 2000
Support Services-support services provide administrative, technical (such as
guidance and health), and logistical support to facilitate and enhance
instruction. These services exist as adjuncts for fulfilling the objectives of
instruction, community services and enterprise programs, rather than as
entities within themselves.
1. 2100* Pupil
Support Services-activities designed to assess and improve the well-being of
students and to supplement the teaching process.
a. 2110 Attendance and Social Work
Services-activities designed to improve student attendance at school that
attempt to prevent or solve student problems involving the home, the school,
and the community.
i. 2111 Supervision of
Attendance and Social Work Services-activities associated with directing,
managing and supervising attendance and social work.
ii. 2112 Attendance Services-activities such
as promptly identifying nonattendance patterns, promoting improved attitudes
toward attendance, analyzing causes of nonattendance, acting early on
nonattendance problems, and enforcing compulsory attendance laws. Specific
activities may include truancy and local law enforcement services.
iii. 2113 Social Work Services-activities
such as investigating and diagnosing student problems arising out of the home,
school, or community; providing casework and group work services for the child,
parent, or both; interpreting the problems of students for other staff members;
and promoting modification of the circumstances surrounding the individual
student and related to his or her problem (excludes special education
iv. 2114 Student Records
Services-activities of acquiring and maintaining records of school attendance,
location of home, family characteristics, and census data. Portions of these
records become a part of each student's cumulative record, which is sorted and
stored for teacher and guidance information. Pertinent statistical reports are
prepared under this function, as well.
v. 2119 Other Attendance and Social Work
Services-attendance and social work services other than those described
b. 2120 Guidance
Services-activities involving counseling with students and parents; consulting
with other staff members on learning problems; evaluating the abilities of
students; assisting students as they make their own educational and career
plans and choices; assisting students in personal and social development;
providing referral assistance; and working with other staff members in planning
and conducting guidance programs for students.
i. 2121 Supervision of Guidance
Services-activities associated with directing, managing and supervising
guidance services.
ii. 2122
Counseling Services-activities concerned with the relationship among one or
more counselors and one or more students as counselees, among students and
students, and among counselors and other staff members. These activities are
designed to help the student understand his or her educational, personal, and
occupational strengths and limitations; relate his or her abilities, emotions,
and aptitudes to educational and career opportunities; utilize his or her
abilities in formulating realistic plans; and achieve satisfying personal and
social development.
iii. 2124
Information Services-activities for disseminating educational, occupational,
and personal social information to help acquaint students with the curriculum
and with educational and career and technical opportunities and requirements.
Such information might be provided directly to students through activities such
as group or individual guidance, or it might be provided indirectly to
students, through staff members or parents.
iv. 2125 Record Maintenance
Services-activities for compiling, maintaining, and interpreting cumulative
records of individual students, including systematic consideration of such
factors as home and family background, physical and medical status,
standardized test results, personal and social development, and school
v. 2126 Placement
Services-activities that help place students in appropriate situations while
they are in school. These placements could be educational situations, part-time
employment while they are in school, and appropriate educational and
occupational situations after they leave school. These activities also help
ease the student's transition from one educational experience to another. The
transition may require, for example, admissions counseling, referral services,
assistance with records, and followup communications with employers.
vi. 2129 Other Guidance services-guidance
services that cannot be classified above.
c. 2130 Health Services-physical and mental
health services that are not direct instruction. Included are activities that
provide students with appropriate medical, dental, and nursing services
(excludes special education services).
2131 Supervision of Health Services- activities associated with directing and
managing health services.
ii. 2132
Medical Services-activities concerned with the physical and mental health of
students, such as health appraisals, including screening for vision,
communicable diseases, and hearing deficiencies; screening for psychiatric
services, periodic health examinations; emergency injury and illness care; and
communications with parents and medical officials (includes psychologists that
are not special education).
2133 Dental Services-activities associated with dental screening, dental care,
and orthodontic activities.
2134 Nursing Services-activities associated with nursing, such as health
inspection, treatment of minor injuries, and referrals for other health
v. 2139 Other Health
Services-health services not classified above.
d. 2140 Psychological and Educational
Assessment Services-activities concerned with administering psychological tests
and interpreting the results; gathering and interpreting information about
student behavior; working with other staff members in planning school programs
to meet the special needs of students as indicated by psychological tests and
behavioral evaluation; and planning and managing a program of psychological
services, including psychological counseling for students, staff and parents
(special education only).
i. 2141 Supervision
of Psychological Services-directing, managing and supervising the activities
associated with psychological services.
ii. 2142 Psychological Testing
Services-activities concerned with administering psychological tests,
standardized tests, and inventory assessments. These tests measure ability,
aptitude, achievement, interests and personality. Activities also include the
interpretation of these tests for students, school personnel, and
iii. 2143 Psychological
Counseling Services-activities that take place between a school psychologist
and one or more students as counselees in which the students are helped to
perceive, clarify, and solve problems of adjustment and interpersonal
iv. 2144
Psychotherapy Services-activities that provide a therapeutic relationship
between a qualified mental health professional and one or more students, in
which the students are helped to perceive, clarify, and solve emotional
v. 2145 Educational
Diagnostic Services-activities that identify and design interventions that
address the academic and behavior needs of struggling students. Other
activities include administering and interpreting assessments that will assist
in identifying educational strengths and weaknesses of students who may be in
need of special education services.
vi. 2149 Other Psychological Services-other
activities associated with psychological services not classified
e. 2150 Speech
Pathology and Audiology Services-activities that identify, assess, and treat
children with speech, hearing, and language impairments.
i. 2151 Supervision of Speech Pathology and
Audiology Services-activities associated with directing, managing and
supervising Speech Pathology and Audiology services.
ii. 2152 Speech Pathology/Therapy
Services-activities that identify children with speech and language disorders;
diagnose and appraise specific speech and language disorders; refer problems
for medical or other professional attention necessary to treat speech and
language disorders; provide required speech treatment services; and counsel and
guide children, parents, and teachers, as appropriate.
iii. 2153 Audiology Services-activities that
identify children with hearing loss; determine the range, nature, and degree of
hearing function; refer problems for medical or other professional attention
appropriate to treat impaired hearing; treat language impairment; involve
auditory training, speech reading (lip-reading), and speech conversation;
create and administer programs of hearing conservation; and counsel children,
parents, and teachers as appropriate.
iv. 2154 Interpretive Services-provides
language interpretation and translation services to deaf and hard of hearing
v. 2159 Other Speech
Pathology and Audiology Services-other activities associated with Speech
Pathology and Audiology services not classified above.
f. 2160 Occupational Therapy and Related
Services-services provided by a qualified occupational therapist to develop and
enhance the independent physical functioning of students with disabilities.
Occupational therapy services provided by schools are for educational purposes
to enable a student with a disability to progress on his or her Individualized
Education Program (IEP).
i. 2161 Occupational
Therapist-assists students who have conditions that are mentally, physically,
developmentally, or emotionally disabling. Occupational Therapists assist
students to develop, recover, or maintain daily living and work
g. 2165
Therapy-treatment of illness or disability.
i. 2166 Physical Therapy-services provided by
a qualified physical therapist to develop and enhance the physical functioning
of students with disabilities so the student can receive FAPE. Physical therapy
services provided by schools are for education purposes to enable a student
with a disability to progress on his/her IEP.
ii. 2167 Recreational Therapy-provides
therapy to remediate functional activities, provide leisure education, for
learning the skills related to leisure involvement, and help the child
participate in recreation.
2168 Rehabilitation Therapy-services provided by qualified personnel in
individual or group sessions that focus specifically on career development,
employment preparation, achieving independence, and integration in the
workplace and community of a student with a disability.
iv. 2169 Orientation and Mobility
Specialist-services provided to blind and visually impaired students.
h. 2170 Support of Individual
Special Needs Students-pupil Support activities designed to improve the
well-being of the special needs student and facilitate the student's ability to
participate and receive services within his/her prescribed educational program.
(e.g., special education child-specific paraprofessional)
i. 2180 Parental/Family
Involvement-activities providing opportunities for parents/guardians to learn
about the intellectual and developmental needs of their children at all ages
and to participate constructively in their children's education. (Includes
activities associated with the education of migrant and homeless children and
youth, such as Homeless Liaison.)
j. 2190 Other Pupil Support Services-other
support services to students not classified elsewhere in 2100 Pupil
2. 2200*
Instructional Staff Services-activities associated with assisting the
instructional staff with the content and process of providing learning
experiences for students.
a. 2210 Improvement
of Instructional Services-activities associated with directing, managing and
supervising the improvement of instructional services.
i. 2211 Regular Education,
Elementary/Secondary Programs-activities associated with directing, managing
and supervising the improvement of instruction in grades K-12.
ii. 2212 Special Education
Programs-activities associated with directing, managing and supervising the
improvement of instruction for students identified as being mentally or
physically disabled.
iii. 2213
Gifted and Talented-activities associated with directing, managing and
supervising the improvement of instruction for students identified as being
mentally gifted or talented.
2214 Other Special Programs-activities associated with directing, managing and
supervising the improvement of instruction for students in special programs:
NCLB Programs, Bilingual Programs, and Headstart/Early Childhood
v. 2215 Career and
Technical Education-activities associated with directing, managing and
supervising the improvement of instruction for students in the career and
technical education programs.
2216 Adult/Continuing Education-activities associated with directing, managing
and supervising the improvement of instruction for students in the adult or
continuing education programs.
2219 Other Education Programs-activities associated with directing, managing
and supervising the improvement of instruction for students in other programs
not identified above.
2220 Instruction and Curriculum Development Services-activities that aid
teachers in developing the curriculum, preparing and utilizing special
curriculum materials, and understanding and appreciating the various techniques
that stimulate and motivate students.
c. 2230 Instructional Staff Training
Services-activities associated with the professional development and training
of instructional personnel. These include activities as in-service training,
workshops, conferences, demonstrations, and courses for college credit (tuition
reimbursement), and other activities related to the ongoing growth and
development of instructional personnel. Training that supports the use of
technology for instructions should be included in this code. The incremental
costs associated with providing substitute teachers in the classroom (while
regular teachers attend training) should be captured from this function code.
All costs should be charged to this code, regardless of whether training
services are provided internally or purchased from external vendors.
i. 2231 Regular
Education-Elementary/Secondary Programs-activities associated with the
professional development and training of instructional personnel in grades
ii. 2232 Special Education
Programs-activities associated with the professional development and training
of instructional personnel for students identified as being mentally or
physically disabled.
iii. 2233
Gifted and Talented-activities associated with the professional development and
training of instructional personnel for students identified as being mentally
gifted or talented.
iv. 2234 Other
Special Programs-activities associated with the professional development and
training of instructional personnel for students in special programs: NCLB
Programs, Bilingual Programs, and Early Childhood Programs.
v. 2235 Career and Technical
Education-activities associated with the professional development and training
of instructional personnel for students in the career and technical education
vi. 2236 Adult/Continuing
Education-activities associated with the professional development and training
of instructional personnel for students in the adult or continuing education
vii. 2239 Other Education
Programs-activities associated with the professional development and training
of instructional personnel for students in other programs, not identified
d. 2250
Library/Media Services-activities concerned with the use of all teaching and
learning resources, including hardware and content materials. Educational media
are defined as any devices, content materials, methods, or experiences used for
teaching and learning purposes. These materials include printed and nonprinted
sensory materials.
i. 2251 Supervision of
Library/Media Services-activities concerned with directing, managing and
supervising educational media services.
ii. 2252 School Library/Media Services-
activities such as selecting, acquiring, preparing, cataloging, and circulating
books and other printed materials; planning the use of the library by students,
teachers and other members of the instructional staff; and guiding individuals
in their use of library books, reference guides and materials, catalog
materials, special collections and other materials, whether maintained
separately or as a part of an instructional materials center. These activities
include developing and acquiring library materials and operating library
facilities. Textbooks are not charged to this function, but rather to function
1000 Instruction.
iii. 2259 Other
Educational Media Services-educational media services other than those
classified above.
2290 Other Instructional Staff Services-services supporting the instructional
staff not properly classified elsewhere in 2200 Instructional Staff
3. 2300*
General Administration-activities concerned with establishing and administering
policy for operating the LEA. These activities do not include the chief
business official here, but include in 2500 Business Services.
a. 2310 Board of Education
Services-activities of the elected body that has been created according to
State law and vested with responsibilities for educational activities in a
given administrative unit.
i. 2311
Supervision of Board of Education Services-activities concerned with directing
and managing the general operation of the Board of Education. These include the
activities of the members of the Board of Education, but does not include any
special activities defined in the other areas of responsibility described
below. They also include any activities of the district performed in support of
the school district meeting. Also charged here are:
(a). the legal activities in interpretation
of the laws and statutes and general liability situations,
(b). the activities of external
ii. 2312 Board
Secretary/Clerk Services-activities required to perform the duties of the
secretary or clerk of the Board of Education.
iii. 2313 Board Treasurer Services-activities
required to perform the duties of treasurer of the Board of
iv. 2314 Election
Services-services rendered in connection with any school system election,
including elections of officers and bond elections.
v. 2315 Tax Assessment and Collection
Services-services rendered in connection with tax assessment and
vi. 2316 Staff
Relations and Negotiations Services-activities concerned with staff relations
systemwide and the responsibilities for contractual negotiations with both
instructional and non-instructional personnel.
vii. 2319 Other Board of Education
Services-board of Education services that cannot be classified under the
preceding areas of responsibility.
b. 2320 Executive Administrative
Services-activities associated with the overall general administration of or
executive responsibility for the entire LEA.
i. 2321 Office of Superintendent
Services-activities performed by the superintendent in generally directing and
managing all affairs of the LEA. These activities include all personnel and
materials in the office of the chief executive officer.
ii. 2322 Community Relations
Services-activities and programs developed and operated systemwide for
improving school/community relations.
iii. 2323 State and Federal Relations
Services-activities associated with developing and maintaining good
relationships with State and Federal officials. The activities associated with
grant procurement are included.
2324 Office of Assistant Superintendent Services-activities performed by
deputy, associate, and assistant superintendents in assisting the
superintendent in generally directing and managing all affairs of the LEA.
Activities of the offices of the deputy superintendent should be charged here,
unless the activities can be placed properly into a service area. In this case,
they would be charged to service area direction in that service area.
v. 2329 Other Executive Administration
Services-other general administrative services that cannot be recorded under
the preceding functions.
4. 2400* School Administration-activities
concerned with the overall administrative responsibility for a school.
a. 2410 Office of the Principal
Services-activities concerned with directing and managing the operation of a
particular school. They include the activities performed by the principal while
he/she supervises all operations of the school, evaluates the staff members of
the school, assigns duties to staff members, supervises and maintains the
records of the school, and coordinates school instructional activities with
those of the LEA. These activities also include the work of the clerical staff
in support of the teaching and administrative duties.
b. 2420 Office of the Assistant Principal
Services-activities performed by assistant principals and other assistants
concerned with directing and managing the operation of a particular school
under the supervision of the principal.
c. 2430 School Chief Executive Officer
Services-activities concerned with the oversight of all school administrative,
operational and business functions of the school including, but not limited to,
the supervision of school administrative personnel such as principals,
assistant principals, etc. (Used primarily for charter schools.)
c. 2490 Other School Administration
Services-other school administrative serves that cannot be recorded under the
previous functions including graduation expenses and fulltime department
chairpersons. (Includes costs associated with the Southern Association
Accreditation fees.)
2500* Business Services-activities concerned with paying, transporting,
exchanging, and maintaining goods and services for the LEA. Included are the
fiscal and internal services necessary for operating the LEA.
a. 2510 Fiscal Services-activities concerned
with the fiscal operations of the LEA. This function includes budgeting,
receiving and disbursing, financial and property accounting, payroll, inventory
control, internal auditing, investments and managing funds.
i. 2511 Supervising Fiscal
Services-activities concerned with directing, managing and supervising the
fiscal services area. They include the activities of the assistant
superintendent, director, or school business official who directs and manages
fiscal activities.
ii. 2512
Budgeting Services-activities concerned with supervising budget planning,
formulation, control and analysis.
iii. 2513 Receiving and Disbursing Funds
Services-fiscal activities including interest on short term loans not included
in debt service, current audit of receipts, pre-audit of requisitions and
purchase orders to determine whether the amounts are within the budgetary
allowances and to determine that such disbursements are lawful expenditures of
the school or LEA. Also includes the management of school funds.
iv. 2514 Payroll Services-activities
concerned with periodically paying individuals entitled to remuneration for
services rendered. Payments are also made for such payroll-associated costs as
federal income tax withholding, retirement, and social security.
v. 2515 Financial Accounting
Services-activities concerned with maintaining records of the financial
operations and transactions of the school system. They include such activities
as accounting and interpreting financial transactions and account
vi. 2516 Internal Auditing
Services-activities concerned with verifying the account records, which
includes evaluating the adequacy of the internal control system, verifying and
safeguarding assets, reviewing the reliability of the accounting and reporting
systems, and ascertaining compliance with established policies and
vii. 2517 Property
Accounting Services-activities concerned with preparing and maintaining current
inventory records of land, building, and equipment. These records are used in
equipment control and facilities planning.
viii. 2519 Other Fiscal Services-fiscal
services that cannot be classified under the preceding functions.
b. 2520 Purchasing
Services-activities concerned with purchasing supplies, furniture, equipment,
and materials used in schools or school system operations.
c. 2530 Warehousing and Distributing
Services-activities concerned with receiving, storing, and distributing
supplies, furniture, equipment, materials, and mail.
i. 2535 Warehouse Inventory
Adjustment-activities involving adjustments to inventories reported on a
consumption basis, in object code 610 Materials and Supplies, 630 Food, or 730
Equipment, or for lost or stolen equipment.
d. 2540 Printing, Publishing, and Duplicating
Services-activities concerned with printing and publishing administrative
publications such as annual reports, school directories, and manuals.
e. 2590 Other Business Services-other
business support services not classified elsewhere in 2500 Business
6. 2600*
Operations and Maintenance of Plant Services-activities concerned with keeping
the physical plant open, comfortable, and safe for use, and keeping the
grounds, buildings, and equipment in effective working condition and state of
repair. These activities include the activities of maintaining safety in
buildings, on the grounds, and in the vicinity of schools.
a. 2610 Supervision of Operation and
Maintenance of Plant Services-activities involved in directing, managing and
supervising the operation and maintenance of school plant facilities.
b. 2620 Operation and Maintenance of
Buildings-activities concerned with keeping buildings clean and ready for daily
use. They include operating the lighting and HVAC systems, minor repairs, and
preventative maintenance. Also included are the costs of building rental and
property insurance.
c. 2630 Care
and Upkeep of Grounds-activities involved in maintaining and improving the
land, (but not the buildings). These include landscaping, grounds maintenance
and the like.
d. 2640 Care and
Upkeep of Equipment-activities involved in maintaining equipment owned or used
by the LEA. They include such activities as servicing and repairing furniture,
machines, and movable equipment.
2650 Vehicle Operation and Maintenance Services (other than student
transportation vehicles)-activities involved in maintaining general purpose
vehicles such as trucks, tractors, graders, and staff vehicles. These
activities are considered regular or preventive maintenance: i.e., repairing
vehicles; replacing vehicle parts; and cleaning, painting, greasing, fueling,
and inspecting vehicles for safety.
f. 2660 Safety and Security-activities
concerned with maintaining a safe and secure environment for students and
i. 2661 Safety-activities concerned
with maintaining a safe environment for students and staff, whether they are in
transit to or from school, on a campus or administrative facility, or
participating in school-sponsored events. These include costs associated with
installing and monitoring school fire alarm systems and providing school
crossing guards as well as other costs incurred in an effort to ensure the
basic safety of students and staff. Costs associated with in-service training
related to school safety, drug and violence prevention training, and
alternative schools are not accounted for under this function.
ii. 2662 Security-activities concerned with
maintaining a secure environment for students and staff, whether they are in
transit to or from school, on a campus or administrative facility, or
participating in school-sponsored events. These include costs associated with
security plan development and implementation, installation of security
monitoring devices (e.g., cameras, metal detectors), security personnel (e.g.,
campus police, security guards) purchase of security vehicles and
communications equipment, and related costs. Costs associated with in-service
training related to school safety, drug and violence prevention training, and
alternative schools should not be accounted for under this function
g. 2690 Other
Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services-operations and maintenance of plant
services that cannot be classified elsewhere in 2600 Operation and Maintenance
of Plant Services.
2700* Student Transportation Services-activities concerned with conveying
students to and from school, as provided by state and federal law. This
function includes trips between home and school, and trips to school
activities, including field trips.
a. 2710
Supervision of Student Transportation Services-activities pertaining to
directing and managing student transportation services.
b. 2720 Regular Transportation-activities
involving the transportation of regular education students.
i. 2721 Vehicle Operation-activities involved
in operating vehicles for student transportation, from the time the vehicles
leave the point of storage until they return to the point of storage. These
activities include driving buses or other student transportation
ii. 2722 Monitoring
Services-activities concerned with supervising students in the process of being
transported between home and school, and between school and school activities.
Such supervision can occur while students are in transit, while they are being
loaded and unloaded, and while the supervisor is directing traffic at the
loading stations.
iii. 2723 Vehicle
Servicing and Maintenance-activities involved in maintaining student
transportation vehicles. It includes repairing vehicle parts; replacing vehicle
parts; and cleaning, painting, fueling, and inspecting vehicles for
c. 2730 Special
Needs Transportation-activities involving the transportation of mentally and
physically disabled students.
i. 2731 Vehicle
Operation-activities involved in operating vehicles for student transportation,
from the time the vehicles leave the point of storage until they return to the
point of storage. These activities include driving buses or other student
transportation vehicles.
ii. 2732
Monitoring Services-activities concerned with supervising students in the
process of being transported between home and school, and between school and
school activities. Such supervision can occur while students are in transit,
which they are being loaded and unloaded, and while the supervisor is directing
traffic at the loading stations.
iii. 2733 Vehicle Servicing and
Maintenance-activities involved in maintaining student transportation vehicles.
These include repairing vehicle parts; replacing vehicle parts; and cleaning,
painting, fueling, and inspecting vehicles for safety.
d. 2790 Other Student Transportation
Services-student transportation services that cannot be classified elsewhere in
2700 Student Transportation Services.
8. 2800* Central Services-activities, other
than general administration, that support each of the other instructional and
supporting services programs. These activities include planning, research,
development, evaluation, information, staff, and administrative technology
a. 2810 Planning, Research,
Development, and Evaluation Services-activities associated with conducting and
managing programs of planning, research development, and evaluation for a
school system on a system-wide basis.
Planning Services-activities concerned with selecting or identifying the
overall, long-range goals and priorities of the organization or program. They
also involve formulating various courses of action needed to achieve these
goals. This process is done by identifying needs and relative costs and
benefits of each course of action.
ii. Research Services-activities concerned
with the systematic study and investigation of the various aspects of
education, undertaken to establish facts and principles.
iii. Development Services-activities in the
deliberate evolving process of improving educational programs such as using the
products of research.
Evaluation Services-activities concerned with ascertaining or judging the value
or amount of an action or an outcome. This evaluation is conducted through the
careful appraisal of previously specified data in light of the particular
situation and the goals previously established.
b. 2820 Information Services-activities
concerned with writing, editing, and preparation of other materials necessary
to disseminate educational and administrative information to students, staff,
managers, and the general public through direct mailing, the various news
media, or personal contact.
i. 2821
Supervision of Information Services-activities concerned with directing,
managing and supervising information services.
ii. 2822 Internal Information
Services-activities concerned with writing, editing, and providing
administrative information to students and staff.
iii. 2823 Public Information
Services-activities concerned with writing, editing, and preparation of other
materials necessary to disseminate educational and administrative information
to the public through various news media or personal contact.
iv. 2824 Management Information
Services-activities concerned with writing, editing, and preparation of other
materials necessary to disseminate to management the information needed to make
logical decisions about the operation of the LEA and information needed to make
logical decisions about the community, state, and nation.
v. 2829 Other Information Services-activities
concerned with function 2820 Information Services not classified
c. 2830
Personnel/Human Resource Services-activities concerned with maintaining
efficient personnel for the school system. It includes such activities as
recruitment and placement, non-instructional staff training, staff transfers,
in-service training, health services, and staff accounting.
i. 2831 Personnel/Human Resource
Director-activities concerned with directing, managing and supervising staff
services. (Only personnel/human resource directors should be reported
ii. 2832 Recruitment and
Placement-activities concerned with employing and assigning personnel for the
LEA. (Personnel directors should be reported in function 2831.)
iii. 2833 Personnel/Human Resource
Information-services rendered in connection with the systematic recording and
summarizing of information relating to staff members employed by the
iv. 2834 Non-Instructional
Personnel/Human Resource Training-activities associated with the professional
development and training of non-instructional personnel. These include such
activities as in-service training, seminars and conferences, continuing
professional education, courses for college credit (tuition reimbursement), and
other activities related to the ongoing growth and development of
non-instructional personnel. The incremental costs associated with providing
temporary employees to perform job duties while regular employees attend
training should be captured in this function code. All costs should be charged
to this code, regardless of whether training services are provided internally
or purchased from external vendors.
v. 2835 Health Services-activities concerned
with medical, dental, and nursing services provided for school district
employees. Included are physical examinations, referrals, and emergency
vi. 2839 Other
Personnel/Human Resource Services-personnel services that cannot be classified
under the preceding functions.
d. 2840 Administrative Technology
Services-activities concerned with supporting the school district's information
technology systems, including supporting, administrative networks, maintaining
administrative information systems and processing data for administrative and
managerial purposes. These activities include expenditures for internal
technology support, as well as support provided by external vendors using
operating funds. These activities include costs associated with the
administration and supervision of technology personnel, systems planning and
analysis, systems application development, systems operations, network support
services, hardware maintenance and support services, and other
technology-related costs.
i. 2841 Technology
Service Supervision and Administration-activities concerned with directing,
managing and supervising data processing services.
ii. 2842 Systems Analysis and
Planning-activities concerned with searching for and evaluating alternatives
for achieving defined objectives, based on judgment and, wherever possible, on
quantitative methods. Where applicable, these activities pertain to the
development of data processing procedures or application to electronic data
processing equipment.
iii. 2843
Systems Application Development-activities concerned with the preparation of a
logical sequence of operations to be performed, either manually or
electronically, in solving problems or processing data. These activities also
involve preparing coded instructions and data for such sequences.
iv. 2844 Systems Operations-activities
concerned with scheduling, maintaining, and producing data. These activities
include operating business machines, data preparation devices, and data
processing machines.
v. 2845
Network Support-activities concerned with network support services.
vi. 2846 Hardware Maintenance and
Support-activities concerned with hardware maintenance and support
vii. 2847 Professional
Development Costs for Administrative Technology Personnel-activities concerned
with the professional development of administrative technology
viii. 2849 Other
Technology Services-activities concerned with function 2840 Administrative
Technology Services not described above.
e. 2890 Other Central Service
Services-activities concerned with function 2800 Central Service Services, not
described above.
2900* Other Support Services-all other support services not classified
elsewhere in the 2000 series, Support Services.