Louisiana Administrative Code
Title 28 - EDUCATION
Part LI - Bulletin 1963-Louisiana Arts Content Standards
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section LI-105 - Definitions
Assessment-a process through which evidence is gathered in a range of content areas to determine both a student's understanding and the ability to apply that understanding.
Benchmark-a broad statement of process and/or content that is used as a reference to develop curricula and to assess student progress.
Content Area-a field of study or branch of knowledge formally referred to as a subject area or discipline.
Content Standard-a description of what students should know and be able to do through subject matter, knowledge, proficiencies, etc., gained as a result of their education.
Focus-a statement describing the importance of a content strand.
Foundation Skills-processes that are common to all areas and levels of education and that are intended to suggest methods and objectives of instructional strategies.
Framework-a document for a content area that reflects national standards and provides a guiding vision of its content and purpose.
Integrated-the combining the elements across the strands within a particular content area or framework.
Interdisciplinary-the combining of the elements across the various content areas or frameworks.
Performance Standards-the level of knowledge or proficiency that students should manifest as a result of their education.
Strands-categories within particular content areas, which may vary from discipline to discipline. Strands are interrelated and should be integrated, rather than taught in isolation.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:24.4 et seq.