Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Within seven calendar days of the first day present at the center, and prior to
assuming sole responsibility for any children, each staff member shall receive
center-specific orientation to the policies and practices of the center that at
a minimum shall include information on the center:
1. child abuse identification and reporting,
including phone numbers for mandatory reporting and suspected child abuse and
2. location of emergency
exits and emergency preparedness plans;
3. handling of emergencies due to
food/allergic reactions;
location of first-aid supplies;
list of children with allergies, children with disabilities, and children with
special health care needs;
identification of critical staff including but not limited to staff trained in
CPR and first aid and staff who can administer medicine;
7. child release policies and
8. child-to-staff
ratio policies;
9. daily
10. opening
11. closing policy;
12. transportation policy and
vehicle inspection procedures.
B. Within seven calendar days of the first
day present at the center, and prior to assuming sole responsibility for any
children, each staff member shall complete the LDE Key Training Module 1 and
the DCFS online Mandated Reporter Training. Key Training Module 1 shall at a
minimum include information on the following:
1. general emergency preparedness, including
natural disasters and man-caused events;
2. professionalism;
3. health and safety, which includes: daily
observations, supervision regulations, daily attendance, child to staff ratios,
improper discipline, prohibited discipline, prevention of shaken baby syndrome,
prevention of abusive head trauma and child maltreatment, food safety, choking
risks recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect;
4. administration of medication consistent
with standards for parental consent;
5. prevention and response to emergencies due
to food and allergic reactions;
appropriate precautions in transporting children, if applicable;
7. public health policies, prevention and
control of infectious diseases, including immunization information;
8. handling and storage of hazardous
materials and the appropriate disposal of bio-contaminants;
9. pediatric first aid and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR);
10. prevention
of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleep practices;
11. outdoor play practices;
12. environmental safety; and
13. building and physical premises safety,
including identification of and protection from hazards, bodies of water and
vehicular traffic;
14. child
release practices; and
15. critical
incident practices and licensing regulations
C. Within 30 calendar days of the first day
present at the center and prior to assuming sole responsibility for any
children, each staff member shall complete the LDE Key Orientation Training
Modules 2 and 3, that at a minimum shall include information on the following:
1. child development;
2. child guidance;
3. learning activities;
4. health and safety; and
5. early learning development
D. All staff
members responsible for transporting children shall receive additional
orientation training in the following areas prior to assuming transportation
1. transportation regulations,
including the modeling of how to properly conduct a vehicle passenger check and
demonstration by staff to director on how to conduct a vehicle passenger
2. proper use of child
safety restraints required by state law;
3. proper loading, unloading, and tracking of
children as required by state law;
4. location of first aid supplies;
5. emergency procedures for the
vehicle, including actions to be taken in the event of accidents or
NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
17:6 and
17:407.40(A)(1) and