Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. All full-time
peace officers, as defined
40:2403, shall complete a basic training
course as prescribed and certified by the Council on Peace Officers Standards
and Training (POST Council) within one year of employment as a peace officer.
All part-time, reserve, or auxiliary peace officers shall complete a basic
training course within three years of employment as a peace officer. Military
police officers stationed in Louisiana are eligible for certification if they
successfully complete a basic training course prescribed for peace officers and
pass the POST statewide examination.
1. Level
1 Certification for Basic Law Enforcement Peace Officers
a. The student will complete a basic training
course with the minimum number of training hours specified by the council for
full certification. Level 1 certification requires that the student meet the
POST requirements for firearm certification.
b. The curriculum for the basic law
enforcement training course of Level 1 peace officers shall be developed and
approved by the POST council. Curriculum updates shall be authorized and
implemented by the council as needed.
c. The POST Basic Training Curriculum
(utilizing the Adult Learning Model) is required for any basic Level 1 training
class that begins at an accredited academy after July 1, 2018.
d. The council shall conduct a statewide job
task analysis (JTA) at least once every five years to ensure that mandated
standards remain valid and reflect current law enforcement practices. Results
of the analysis shall be used to update the basic curriculum as
2. Level 2
Certification for Basic Correctional Peace Officer
a. The student will complete a training
course with the minimum number of training hours specified by the council and
is limited to those peace officers whose duties are the care, custody, and
control of inmates. The training course consists of corrections core curriculum
plus a sufficient number of hours to obtain POST certification. POST Firearm
certification for Level 2 students is required (effective March 26,
b. Correctional peace
officers with Level 2 certification must meet the POST firearms requirements
for annual requalification as outlined in
§4721. B and
§4721 C
c. The curriculum for the basic training
course for Level 2 correctional officers shall be developed and approved by the
POST Council. Curriculum updates shall be authorized and implemented by the
council as needed.
Level 3 Certification for Jailer Training Officers
a. The student will complete a training
course with the minimum number of training hours specified by the council and
is limited to those correctional officers whose duties are the care, custody,
and control of inmates. This course consists of the core correctional officer
curriculum. POST firearm certification for level 3 students is not required.
B. Students
shall adhere to all standards, rules and regulations established by the
accredited training center. Certification will not be awarded to students who
are physically unable to complete every aspect of the basic training course. A
student may not be certified for successful completion if:
1. the student's excused absences exceed 10
percent of the total hours of instruction;
2. the student fails to achieve a passing
grade of 70 percent or higher on each block of instruction;
3. the student fails to achieve a grade of 80
percent or higher on the requirements for firearm certification;
4. all aspects of the training course have
not been successfully completed.
Students shall be required to pass the POST statewide written examination for
peace officers as prescribed by state law. Seventy percent shall constitute a
passing score. The time limit for completing the statewide written examination
is 90 minutes unless specifically modified by the council.
2. In the event a student fails the written
examination, one retest may be administered if the agency head requests it.
However, the student must wait a minimum of 15 working days before the retest
can be administered with a maximum time limit of 30 working days. If the
respective student fails the retest, the student shall be required to complete
another basic training course and satisfy all POST requirements to obtain
3. Oral testing on
the statewide examination is prohibited.
D. When a basic student injures themselves
during a basic training course, the student must have the nature of the injury
immediately documented. Should the injury later prevent the student from being
tested on a basic training course requirement, then upon written request of the
agency head, the student will have eight weeks from the time of the medical
release to take and pass those course requirements, unless the time between the
academy graduation and medical release exceeds a one year period. In that case,
the student will be required to complete another basic training
NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with
15:1204 and