E. Procedures
1. Pay Rules
a. 80 hours in a Two-Week Period
i. No inmate shall earn incentive pay for
more than 80 hours in a two-week period, unless specifically authorized by
mutual agreement of the director of prison enterprises and the warden of the
respective institution.
Exception: Governor's mansion
(a). Inmates
assigned to job duties at the governor's mansion shall not be limited to 80
hours in a two-week period.
b. Actual Hours Worked
i. Inmates who are eligible to earn incentive
pay shall be paid only for actual hours worked in their job assignment. Inmates
shall not be paid for time spent away from their job assignment due to
circumstances such as holidays, callouts, duty status, weather, illness,
c. Extra Duty
i. Incentive pay shall not be paid
for extra duty assignments that are imposed as sanctions through the inmate
disciplinary process.
Forfeiture Due to Disciplinary Sanction
i. Any
inmate whose incentive pay is forfeited as a disciplinary sanction shall return
to the "introductory pay level" of $0.02 per hour for a six-month period if his
eligibility to earn incentive pay is reinstated. At the end of the six-month
period, the inmate's pay shall be automatically adjusted to the lowest pay rate
for the assigned job.
Professional Inmate Job Classifications
Inmates who were previously incarcerated and working in a professional inmate
job classification who return to the physical custody of the department shall
not be ensured placement in the previously worked professional inmate job
classification. Placing an inmate in a previously worked professional inmate
job classification shall be at the discretion of the warden or
ii. Once eligible to earn
incentive pay, if a returning inmate is placed in a previously worked
professional inmate job classification, the inmate shall be paid at the lowest
pay rate and shall earn any increases in pay rate by working his way up the pay
scale as if he had not previously worked in the professional inmate job
iii. For the
purpose of this regulation, a professional inmate job classification is defined
as a tutor, mentor, facilitator, American Sign Language interpreter, or counsel
f. Private
Sector/ Prison Industry Enhancement (PS/PIE) Programs or Work Release Programs
i. For the purpose of this regulation, wages
earned from a private sector/prison industry enhancement (PS/PIE) program or a
work release program shall not be considered "incentive pay." Therefore,
inmates employed in any of these programs are eligible to earn good time. The
director of prison enterprises shall establish record-keeping procedures
relating to wages earned by inmates employed in a PS/PIE program which shall
include all mandatory deductions from inmate wages, other deductions such as
child support or garnishment, and the distribution of net inmate wages to
inmate banking.
2. Pay Rates
a. Once eligible to earn incentive pay, each
inmate shall initially be paid an "introductory pay level" of $0.02 per hour
for a period of six months. After six months, the inmate shall be paid at the
lowest pay rate that is commensurate with the job assignment he is placed in by
the institution. In the event of a change in an inmate's job assignment or
custody status, the inmate's rate of compensation shall automatically be
adjusted to the lowest pay rate of the assigned job. If a change in job
assignment is not for disciplinary reasons, the warden may approve the inmate
to be paid at the same rate as the previous job assignment and the rate of
compensation shall not be automatically adjusted to the lowest pay rate of the
new job assignment.
i. Grandfather Clause:
Inmates earning incentive pay prior to effective date of this regulation
(a). Inmates earning incentive pay at any
rate, prior to the effective date of this regulation, shall continue to earn at
these rates. If the inmate is reassigned to a new job or vacates the job for
any reason and it has been determined the rate of pay for the job that he is
leaving should be lower, the next inmate to fill that position shall receive
the adjusted lower rate.
b. An inmate may receive an increase in his
hourly pay rate of no greater than $0.04 per hour on an annual basis unless
specifically authorized by mutual agreement of the director of prison
enterprises and the warden of the respective institution, except as provided
below in Subparagraphs E.2.f.-l of this Section.
c. A series of pay ranges and a standardized
list of job titles shall be established by the director of prison enterprises
and approved by the secretary or designee. The institutions shall be assigned
limits on the total amount of incentive pay paid in certain pay ranges. These
limits shall be derived on a percentage basis determined by the total hours
worked by inmates who are eligible to earn incentive pay at each institution
and shall be approved by the director of prison enterprises and the secretary
or designee. Prison enterprises shall issue reports detailing each
institution's status with regard to their limits on a quarterly basis. Inmate
banking shall monitor the assigned limits to ensure that the institutions
remain within their limits and report discrepancies to the chief of operations,
the appropriate regional warden, the director of prison enterprises and the
warden of the institution.
i. The regional
wardens shall work closely with the director of prison enterprises to ensure
that any institution that exceeds the established limits is brought back into
compliance in an expeditious manner.
ii. Exception: Inmates in PE job titles
(a). Inmates who work in prison enterprises
job titles shall not affect an institution's pay range percentage
d. All
inmates classified in limited duty status and who are eligible to earn
incentive pay shall earn at a rate of no more than $0.04 per hour. This
excludes inmates classified as regular duty with restrictions or those with a
temporary limited duty status.
All inmates classified in working cellblocks and maximum custody field lines
who are eligible to earn incentive pay shall earn at the rate of $0.02 per
f. All inmates assigned as
students to educational or career and technical education programs who are
eligible to earn incentive pay shall be paid at the rate of $0.04 per hour.
i. Exception: Inmates in NOBTS
(a).Inmates enrolled in the New Orleans
Baptist Theological Seminary program shall earn incentive pay at the following
(i). freshmen: $0.14 per
(ii). sophomores: $0.16 per
(iii). juniors: $0.18 per
hour; and
(iv). seniors: $0.20 per
ii. Upon
completion of any educational or career and technical education program, the
inmate may, upon request and at the discretion of the warden and based upon
availability, return to the same job at the same rate of pay he held prior to
enrollment in the program.
g. Inmates assigned to prison enterprises
industrial, agricultural service, or other prison enterprises jobs may be
compensated at a rate up to $0.40 per hour, pursuant to 2009 La. Acts No. 85,
§1 (R.S.
15:873). The pay range for prison enterprises
jobs shall be established by the director of prison enterprises and approved by
the secretary or designee.
Tutors shall earn incentive pay at the following rates:
i. registered academic tutor: $0.25 per
ii. certified academic tutor:
$0.65 per hour;
iii. certified
college tutor: $0.75 per hour;
registered CTE tutor: $0.25 per hour;
v. certified CTE tutor: $0.65 per hour;
vi. lead certified CTE tutor:
$0.75 per hour.
i. Registered
tutors may earn $0.25 per hour during the first 12 months after registration
and may receive an annual increase of $0.05 per hour, up to a maximum of $0.50
per hour. Certified Tutors may earn $0.65 per hour during the first twelve
months after certification and may receive an annual increase of $0.05 per
hour, up to a maximum of $1.00 per hour.
i. Inmates who have successfully completed
the department's American Sign Language Interpreter course and have been hired
as Inmate Sign Language Interpreters shall earn incentive pay at a rate of
$0.75 an hour and may receive an annual increase of $0.05 per hour, up to a
maximum of $1.00.
i. Inmates working as mentors shall earn
incentive pay at the following rates:
mentor: $0.50 per hour;
certified mentor: $0.65 per hour; and
(c). lead certified mentor: $0.75 per
ii. Mentors may
earn $0.50 per hour during the first 12 months in this position and may receive
an annual increase of $0.05 per hour, up to a maximum of $0.65 per hour.
Certified mentors may earn $0.65 per hour during the first 12 months in this
position and may receive an annual increase of $0.05 per hour, up to a maximum
of $0.75 per hour. Lead certified mentors may earn $0.75 per hour during the
first 12 months in this position and may receive an annual increase of $0.05
per hour, up to a maximum of $1.00.
k. Inmates who are assigned to work as
counsel substitutes shall be paid in accordance with their education and years
of legal experience. Incentive pay shall be earned at the following rates:
i. legal worker 1: $0.25 per hour;
(a). Must be enrolled in paralegal classes or
have less than five years legal work experience;
ii. legal worker 2: $0.50 per hour;
(a). must have attained paralegal certificate
or paralegal degree and have less than three years legal work experience or
have five years legal work experience and no paralegal certificate or paralegal
iii. legal worker
3: $0.80 per hour;
(a). must have attained
paralegal certificate or paralegal degree and have a minimum of three years
legal work experience or have ten years legal work experience and no paralegal
certificate or paralegal degree;
iv. counsel substitutes may receive an annual
increase of $0.05 per hour, up to a maximum of $1.00 per hour, at the
discretion of the secretary or designee.
Inmates working as facilitators shall earn incentive pay at the following
(a). Facilitator: $0.20 per
ii. Facilitators may
earn $0.20 per hour during the first 12 months in this position and may receive
an annual increase of $0.05 per hour, up to a maximum of $0.40 per