Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 6, December 1, 2024
200.080-200.120, Chapters
635.095, and
640.120 authorize the Justice
and Public Safety Cabinet and the Department of Juvenile Justice to promulgate
administrative regulations for the proper administration of the cabinet and its
programs. This administrative regulation establishes requirements for the youth
activity fund for department facilities and juvenile personal funds accounts
for juvenile detention centers, youth development centers, and group
Section 1. Juvenile Accounts
for Juvenile Detention Centers, Youth Development Centers, and Group Homes.
(1) A juvenile may have a personal financial
account. The personal account shall be maintained by the DJJ facility in an
account at a local bank or other financial depository. A juvenile's individual
funds received from allowance, work detail, work release, and money sent to a
juvenile from outside the facility shall be deposited in the juvenile's
account. If any interest is earned from the bank on the account, it shall
become part of the Youth Activity Fund account and used for the benefit of the
(2) A juvenile may
request a statement of deposits and expenditures for the juvenile's individual
account on a periodic basis.
(3) If
a juvenile has sufficient funds in the juvenile's personal account to meet the
minimum deposit requirements for the outside bank at which the youth activity
fund account is maintained, the juvenile may open an interest-bearing personal
account at the bank. The parent or guardian of the juvenile shall be
responsible for opening and maintaining the bank account for the juvenile. A
juvenile shall be given notice when his or her funds are sufficient to permit
the juvenile to establish a personal account.
Section 2. Youth Activity Fund Account.
(1) Each facility operated by the department
shall establish an account with a local bank or other financial depository.
This account shall be called the youth activity fund account. The facility
shall deposit all funds earned through work projects, sales of articles
produced by juveniles, and private donations received by a facility into the
youth activity fund account. The funds shall be used for the benefit of the
juveniles in general.
(2) The
facility shall maintain an adequate accounting system to ensure an accurate
accounting of the funds deposited in the youth activities fund
Section 3.
Trustees and Management.
(1) The facility
manager shall serve as primary trustee of the facility's youth activity fund
account. The facility's office coordinator shall be the secondary trustee. The
facility manager may designate a third trustee. The final trustee shall be the
non-governmental accounts contact person in the fiscal branch.
(2) All checks written from the activity fund
account shall require signatures from two (2) trustees.
(3) Bank statements for each account shall be
reconciled monthly.
(4) The
facility shall maintain a ledger for the youth activity funds. The ledger shall
record receipts, disbursements, and maintain a positive balance.
(5) All disbursements of the fund shall be
covered by a sufficient balance in the account at the time of expending or
obligating. All disbursements from the account shall be properly documented
with a receipt or invoice and have two-party verification. Disbursements shall
not be made in cash.
(6) The youth
activity account fund shall not be used for disbursements for items or services
for staff.
(7) If for any reason
the facility or program discontinues operation or discontinues the youth
activity fund, the assets of the fund shall be frozen with no new activity
obligations. Any remaining balance shall be assigned to the youth activity fund
at another facility or program.