Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 6, December 1, 2024
605.110(3) requires that
children maintained in a facility or program operated or contracted by the
Department of Juvenile Justice or the Cabinet for Health and Family Services
shall, so far as possible, receive a common school education.
605.110(3)(d) requires the
department to promulgate administrative regulations governing the education of
state agency children. This administrative regulation establishes requirements
governing the Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency
Section 1. Definitions.
(1) "Average daily membership" means the
average number of state agency children on the KECSAC designated child count
(2) "Department" means the
Department of Juvenile Justice.
"Educational administrative staff" means a principal, assistant principal,
supervisor, coordinator, director, pupil personnel worker, or guidance
counselor employed or contracted by the Kentucky Educational Collaborative for
State Agency Children to provide education services.
(4) "Extended school calendar" means 230
school days, of which at least 210 shall be instructional days and the
remainder shall be determined by the local school district, as required in
158.070. It is recommended that three (3) of
the noninstructional days be used for professional development designed for
state agency children teachers.
"Individual education program" or "IEP" means the written statement that meets
the requirements of
707 KAR
1:320 for state agency children identified as a child
with an educational disability as governed by
707 KAR
"Individual plan of instruction" or "IPI" means the instructional plan required
for state agency children not identified as having educational disabilities
established in
707 KAR
"Individual treatment plan" or "ITP" means a social and behavioral intervention
plan, including the plan for educational instruction, that is developed for
each state agency child being served by a Program.
(8) "KDE" means the Kentucky Department of
(9) "KECSAC" means
Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children.
(10) "Local school district" means the school
district where a state agency child is provided educational services.
(11) "On-site state agency school program"
means a school program operated on the campus of a residential facility or day
treatment program.
(12) "Program"
means a state operated or contracted institution or facility, including day
treatment facility, that is responsible for safety, security, and meeting the
educational needs of a state agency child.
(13) "Program director" means the
administrator at a Program that is responsible for the safety and security of
youth and staff and the operation of the Program.
(14) "Rated capacity" means the capacity of
the program as determined by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services or the
Department of Juvenile Justice in the Justice and Public Safety
(15) "School" means the
site where the educational program for state agency children is
(16) "School
administrator" means the lead teacher, principal, or lead educator designated
by the local district or by KECSAC to be responsible for the operation of the
daily education program, and may be the program director of a facility, if the
program director has appropriate educational certification.
(17) "State agencies" means the Department of
Juvenile Justice (DJJ), the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, and the Cabinet
for Health and Family Services (CHFS).
(18) "State agency children" or "SAC" is
defined by
(19) "State agency children's fund" means
appropriations to support
158.135 previously known as out-of-district
(20) "Teacher preparation"
means those courses provided by a public or private college or university that
lead to teacher certification.
"Therapeutic foster care state agency child" means a youth in therapeutic
foster care as defined by
(22) "Treatment" means the total array of
services utilized to produce a positive change in a child served by a
Section 2.
(1) An interagency advisory group
for KECSAC, composed of representatives of the state agencies, KDE, the State
Agency Children School Administrators' Association and a superintendent from a
school district that provides education to SAC, shall provide recommendations
for policy and procedure development. The interagency advisory group shall
meet, at a minimum, biannually.
Contracting procedures.
(a) The department
shall contract with a university training resource center for the establishment
of KECSAC. KECSAC shall be responsible for the oversight or administration of
state and federal education funding and the provision of educational services
to state agency children. KECSAC shall be financed by the state agency
children's fund. KECSAC shall have knowledge and experience in the following:
1. Appropriate statutes and administrative
regulations related to Kentucky's system of schools;
2. State and federal statutes pertaining to
youth with educational disabilities, e.g. Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act,
20 U.S.C.
1400 through
1450, as amended,, and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act,
29 U.S.C.
3. Kentucky Unified Juvenile Code, enacted as
KRS Chapters 600 through 645, and the operation of agency programs for juvenile
offenders, status offenders and dependent children; and
4. Research regarding the education of
at-risk, incarcerated and difficult to motivate youth.
(b) KECSAC shall plan programs and state
agency children's fund budgets cooperatively with the state agencies, KDE and
local school districts providing programs to state agency children. Local
school districts shall be notified of projected funding levels by KECSAC by
December 1, for the following school year.
(c) The KECSAC annual applications to the
department shall constitute the biennial plan. The applications shall contain
educational goals and objectives for the biennium for which funding is
requested. The goals and objectives shall be consistent with appropriate
statutes and administrative regulations related to the system of common schools
and the mandates of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The
educational goals and objectives shall be compatible with and complementary to
the treatment goals for state agency children. The application shall also
include strategies for enhancing teacher preparation and professional
development for teachers in local districts serving SAC.
(d) KECSAC, with the cooperation of the state
agencies and KDE, shall develop written procedures for the operation of the
state-wide education system for state agency children.
(3) Staffing.
(a) Teachers and other educational staff
shall be employed or contracted by a local school district.
1. If the local school district is not
willing to participate in providing the educational personnel for the state
agency children in a Program for the extended school calendar of this
administrative regulation, KECSAC shall:
a. Be
notified in writing by that local school district of the school district's
intent not to provide an extended school calendar at least two (2) years prior
to the date that the school district plans to stop providing an extended school
calendar; and
(i) Contract with another school district for
educational staff; or
(ii) Contract
or employ teachers or educational administrative staff.
2. When filling a teacher or an
educational administrative staff vacancy in a state-operated or contracted
facility, the local school district or KECSAC shall provide the state agency
program director an opportunity to interview prospective new teachers or
educational administrative staff for the on-site state agency school program.
The state agency program director shall provide the local school district with
interview results regarding the applicant's suitability for teaching in the
on-site state agency school program.
(b) Educational administrative staff and
teachers employed or contracted by KECSAC to provide educational services for
the extended school calendar shall meet Kentucky education certification
requirements and shall be evaluated. KECSAC shall evaluate all KECSAC staff
employed by the contracted university.
(c) Educational staff employed by a school
district shall be evaluated in accordance with local school district
(d) Each on-site state
agency school program shall designate a school administrator.
(e) Education staff employed or contracted by
KECSAC to provide educational services for the extended school calendar shall
be compensated at rates at least commensurate with public school employees with
comparable qualifications, experience and assignments in the school district
where the Program is located.
On-site state agency school programs shall have sufficient teachers as
specified in
707 KAR 1:350
with appropriate certification to serve youth identified with educational
disabilities in accordance with
707 KAR 1:002 and
707 KAR
Other specific services identified in an IEP by the admission and release
committee as needed for a youth with educational disabilities may be accessed
by KECSAC contracting for appropriate extended school calendar services. KECSAC
shall comply with the administrative regulations relating to youth with
disabilities as provided in 707 KAR Chapter 1. The extended school calendar may
be modified if the SAC in therapeutic foster care are included in the school
district's extended school program as approved by KECSAC.
(4) Policy application. Interagency
agreements, including program goals and objectives, shall be developed between
each local school district and treatment provider regarding their mutual
responsibility for education and care of state agency children. This agreement
shall be reviewed annually. If a conflict arises between the local agencies
regarding the development or fulfillment of the interagency agreement by either
party, it shall be resolved by KECSAC.
(5) Student eligibility. If a specific
activity (e.g., football or debate) is not provided to youth in a state or
private contracted agency program, the youth shall not lose eligibility to
participate based on the requirements in
KAR 7:065. Eligibility shall be figured on a
month-to-month basis (e.g., nine (9) months in a state agency facility without
a formal football program shall leave nine (9) months of eligibility in a local
school district). The eligibility period shall not exceed one (1) additional
year. Other eligibility criteria shall be met by the youth.
Section 3. Finance.
(1) The amount of funds generated by state
agency children under the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK)
Program as specified in
157.360 for the guaranteed SEEK base and
adjustments shall be sent to the school district providing education for state
agency children to be used pursuant to Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) negotiated
with KECSAC.
(2) Distribution of
state agency children's funds shall be as follows:
(a) State agency children's funds shall be
used to fund the Memorandum of Agreement with KECSAC.
(b) State agency children's funds may be used
for educational services which benefit state agency programs in a collective
(c) State agency children's
funds may be used as matching funds if the match shall increase the amount of
funds available to educate state agency children.
(d) After the items in paragraphs (a), (b),
and (c) of this subsection have been funded, the remainder of the state agency
children's fund appropriation shall be divided by the total number of state
agency children to be educated. The resulting per pupil amount shall be
allocated for each state agency child.
(3) KECSAC shall be considered the same as a
school district for the generation, application, distribution and
accountability of state and federal funds, other than SEEK, available to
educate on-site state agency school children.
(4) An annual memorandum of agreement shall
be negotiated between KECSAC and each school district providing education to
state agency children. The MOA shall be signed and returned to KECSAC within
ninety (90) days of issuance. KECSAC may decrease funding by quarterly
increments for noncompliance with the submission deadline. Attachments shall
include the state approved budget format. All funds expended for SAC shall be
included in the annual school audit. An itemized budget shall be part of the
MOA. State agency children's fund distribution shall be based upon SAC average
daily membership (ADM) or rated capacity.
Noncompliance with the MOA provisions may result in decreasing SACF allocation
as determined by KECSAC. The withholding of funds shall be temporary provided
that the school district becomes compliant by the end of the fiscal
(b) For a new or expanded
program, the state agency children's fund shall be allocated based on the rated
or licensed capacity if opened during the first three (3) quarters of the
fiscal year. A program opened or expanded during the last quarter of the fiscal
year shall receive funding based on the rated or licensed capacity for the
initial fifteen (15) months of operation. A new or expanded program may be
funded at a lower per-pupil amount based on availability of state agency
children's funds.
(a) Each biennium, KECSAC, in consultation
with the state agencies and KDE, shall submit a biennial budget plan
benchmarked to the projected SEEK increase and projected set-aside to reimburse
district's for excess cost.
(b) The
state agency children's fund, as specified in
158.135, shall be cost reimbursed to school
districts biannually from KDE upon approval by KECSAC and the appropriate state
(c) KECSAC shall develop a
procedure by October 1, 1999, for school district's reimburse-ment of expenses
exceeding twenty (20) percent of total amount received from state and federal
sources to serve a state agency child.
(6) As part of the MOA with each local school
district, KECSAC shall ensure the development of a plan for professional
development of certified staff. A teacher or administrator new to a SAC on-site
program shall attend Professional Development for New Educators. It is
recommended that a SAC school program commit three (3) days of the extended
school calendar for teacher participation in the KECSAC approved professional
development events designed for SAC teachers. These three (3) days shall be in
addition to the Professional Development for New Educators. The school district
shall maintain an annual record of professional development for all school
district employees in SAC on-site programs.
(7) A school district shall ensure that the
SAC access all eligible federal and state funding (such as KETS Funding and
Title I).
(8) An on-site SAC
program shall have access to textbooks, instructional materials, technology,
and equipment comparable to that available in the local school
(9) KECSAC shall obtain
information from the Kentucky Department of Education and the Workforce
Development Cabinet regarding all discretionary and entitlement state, federal
and miscellaneous funding opportunities available to local school districts and
file applications or reports necessary to procure and use funds for the
education of state agency children.
(10) If a state agency plans to open or
contract for a new program or to expand an existing SAC program during a
biennium, the state agency shall notify KDE and KECSAC by April 1 of the first
year of the biennium regarding the projected number of youth to be educated in
the new or expanded program.
If youth age sixteen (16) through twenty (20) years enter with or receive a GED
while attending a state agency program, that youth shall continue in the state
agency program for further academic and vocational training and continue to
generate SEEK funds. State agency children funds may be used to:
(a) Support a GED preparation program;
(b) Educate GED and high school
(12) The
state agencies, the Kentucky Department of Education, the Cabinet for Workforce
Development and other appropriate agencies shall develop and review annually an
interagen-cy agreement defining services and financial responsibilities of each
state and local agency providing educational services for state agency
children. The agreement shall include procedures for resolving interagency
(13) If a dispute arises
between KECSAC and a local school district that cannot be resolved by the
parties, the dispute shall be submitted, for resolution, to the interagency
advisory group by written request of either party. The request shall identify
in detail the issue in dispute. The interagency advisory group shall schedule a
meeting with the parties, during which each party shall explain its position.
The interagency advisory group shall render a written report and recommendation
to the commissioner of the department responsible for the program in dispute
within fifteen (15) days of the meeting. The commissioner shall render a
written decision resolving the dispute within fifteen (15) days of receiving
the recommendation from the inter-agency advisory group.
Section 4. Operations.
(1) School options for state agency children
with an IEP shall be planned, if not restricted by treatment needs, using the
least restrictive environment based on specific child needs. Additional days
beyond the school year shall take place either at the local public school or on
the state agency program site. If the state agency child is not restricted to
the treatment site for security purposes, the continuum from least restrictive
to most restrictive alternatives shall be as follows:
(a) A program for state agency children may
send all of its children to be educated in the local public school where
children in the local public school district are assigned or where their IEP
indicates placement.
(b) A program
for state agency children may send some of its children to be educated in the
local public school as in paragraph (a) of this subsection and have on-site
state agency school option for other children.
(c) A program for state agency children may
have an on-site state agency school for all children due to reasons necessary
for the conditions of placement in the state agency program.
(2) Assessments.
(a) The local school district shall complete
an informal academic assessment of the educational needs of all SAC, and
vocational needs of SAC aged fourteen (14) and up or in eighth grade and above,
within the first thirty (30) days after admission to on-site programs.
Educational goals and objectives shall be consistent with goals specified in
each youth's individual treatment plan.
(b) If the youth is suspected to have an
educational disability as governed by
707 KAR 1:002,
707 KAR
1:300, and
707 KAR
1:320, assessments shall be administered, following
required due process procedures.
(3) In a school district providing
educational services, local school district staff shall coordinate the
completion of the required individual education program pursuant to
707 KAR 1:002 and
707 KAR
Instructional services.
(a) The teacher pupil
ratio for on-site state agency school programs serving state agency children
shall average, based on annual average daily attendance, no more than ten (10)
students to one (1) teacher without a classroom aide and fifteen (15) students
to one (1) teacher with a classroom aide. A classroom that exclusively serves
students with the educational disabilities shall comply with teacher pupil
ratios as specified in
707 KAR
1:350, Section 2.
(b) By the 30th school day after admission to
a school program, an individual plan of instruction shall be developed by the
school district for state agency children not identified with a disability. The
individual plan of instruction shall be developed in coordination with the ITP.
If a youth is determined to have an educational disability, the IEP
requirements as governed by 707 KAR Chapter 1 shall suffice. The IPI shall be
in a standardized format, as determined by the KECSAC Interagency Advisory
(c) An educational passport
shall be prepared as required by
158.137 and
(d) A state agency child reading at two (2)
or more years below the appropriate grade level, as measured by an educational
assessment tool, shall be provided developmental reading, listening and writing
(a) The assessments and
portfolios of state agency children shall be governed by
KAR 5:070.
(b) An accountability system shall be
designed by KECSAC for state agency children school programs. The memorandum of
agreement which shall include quality of educational services shall be
monitored, at a minimum, in conjunction with KDE's IDEA monitoring cycle.
Noncom-pliance with the MOA may result in reduction, elimination, or recoupment
of the district's reimbursement from the state agency children's fund as
determined by KECSAC.
(c) If
required by the state agency, the SAC school programs shall be in compliance
with accreditation standards of the respective professional accrediting
association of that state agency.
(6) Transition.
(a) KECSAC shall ensure that transition
procedures for SAC moving from the state agency education program to the next
instructional or vocational setting are being implemented. Educational staff at
an on-site program shall participate in the transition process.
(b) The transition planning to a postschool
setting shall comply with the transition plan and service requirements of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
20 U.S.C. Section
1400 through
1450, as amended, and
707 KAR Chapter 1 for students with educational disabilities.
(c) KECSAC shall design and implement a
system of educational data collection and information dissemination in order to
improve the quality of educational delivery for SAC.
(d) The last school or school district a
state agency youth attends prior to placement in a state agency program shall
be responsible for forwarding the educational records to the state agency
program within five (5) school days of receipt of the request.
(e) The school administrator shall ensure
that the educational records of state agency children are forwarded to the
receiving school within five (5) school days following the release of the youth
from the Program.