Section 4. Use of Asset Forfeiture Moneys.
(1) All asset forfeiture moneys paid to a
Commonwealth's attorney or county attorney shall be expended for legitimate law
enforcement purposes, including the following purposes:
(a) Operating expenses directly relating to
protracted, extraordinary, or complex prosecution of crimes;
(b) Payment for forensic and other scientific
testing of evidence related to criminal prosecution;
(c) The purchase of technical or computer
equipment, including telecommunication systems or devices, or expertise related
to criminal prosecution, provided that any usage not directly related to
criminal prosecution shall be prorated and shall not be paid with any funds
allocated by the Prosecutors Advisory Council;
(d) Expenses associated with the conduct of
grand jury proceedings;
(e) Payment
for continuing legal education and other training relating to criminal justice,
including reimbursement for reasonable travel and lodging to attend
(f) Dues or
subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, publications, and organizations
providing support services to Commonwealth's and county attorneys, including
but not limited to the Kentucky Bar Association, the National District
Attorneys Association, the National Association of Prosecutor Coordinators, the
American Prosecutors Research Institute, the Kentucky Association of Counties,
the Kentucky Commonwealth's Attorneys Association, the Kentucky County
Attorney's Association and the Fraternal Order of Police;
(g) De minimis expenses for refreshments
furnished to employees, victims, other witnesses and visitors at the office of
the Commonwealth's or County attorney, which are provided as a convenience in
the exercise of the prosecution of crimes; and
(h) Programs, communications and advertising,
including apparel identifying the office of the Commonwealth's or county
attorney, which relates to education, crime prevention and
(2) Asset
forfeiture moneys provided pursuant to
218A.420(4) shall not be
used for the following expenditures:
Civic memberships or charitable contributions unrelated to a legitimate law
enforcement purpose;
(b) Payment
for personal political advertising or other communications, including items
bearing the name, likeness, or logo depicting the candidacy of any
(c) Payment for airfare for
any class of ticket other than coach or economy;
(d) Personal loans or any payment that would
bestow a personal pecuniary benefit unrelated to a legitimate law enforcement
(e) The purchase of
alcoholic beverages;
(f) Expenses
for interior decorating, including pictures, art, and holiday decorations
unrelated to a legitimate law enforcement purpose;
(g) Expenses for private communications or
gifts related birthdays, funerals, or other special events; and
(h) Expenses for personal apparel, including
t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, weather gear, or identifying buttons or badges
unrelated to a legitimate law enforcement purpose.
(3) Asset forfeiture moneys shall be used in
accordance with
218A.420(4) and shall not be
used to defray or otherwise replace the ordinary operating expenses of the
Commonwealth's or county attorney to whom the moneys are paid.
(4) Consistent with the National Code of
Professional Conduct for Asset Forfeiture, which is incorporated by reference,
the following ethical prohibitions shall be applied to the expenditure of asset
forfeiture moneys:
(a) The potential revenue
from asset forfeiture moneys shall not be permitted to jeopardize the effective
investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses, officer safety, the
integrity of an ongoing investigation, or the due process rights of citizens;
(b) Neither the employment nor
salary of any employee of the unified prosecutorial system shall be made to
depend upon either the level of seizures or the amount of asset forfeiture
moneys he or she achieves.