Kentucky Administrative Regulations
Chapter 10 - Congressional Teacher Scholarship Program
Section 11 KAR 10:020 - Deferment and reduction of repayment
Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 6, December 1, 2024
RELATES TO: KRS 164.744(2), 164.748(7), (8), 34 C.F.R. 653.21, 653.42
NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: Public Law 98-558 established the Carl D. Perkins Scholarship Program, subsequently renamed the Congressional Teacher Scholarship Program and then subsequently renamed the Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program. The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (authority) administers the program on behalf of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. That law, at 20 USC 1104g, and federal regulation 34 CFR 653.42(g), (i) and (j), authorize certain exceptions to repayment. 34 CFR 653.42(h) authorizes the authority to prescribe documentation necessary to obtain a deferment. 34 CFR 653.42(d)(2)(ii) authorizes the authority to reduce the required payments upon a showing of inability to repay. 34 CFR 653.21(a)(4) requires the authority to establish and implement policies and procedures necessary to administer repayment under 653.42. This administrative regulation defines "deferment" and establishes conditions under which specified types of deferments may be approved by the authority. This amendment is necessary to conform to amendments to the federal Act enacted by PL 102-325.
Section 1. Definitions.
Section 2. Request for Deferment. The scholar shall request a deferment in writing by submitting complete and accurate information on a form provided by the authority. The scholar's submission of a request for deferment shall constitute authorization for the authority to request and receive verification of facts represented by the scholar as may be deemed necessary by the authority. The scholar shall provide to the authority, at least annually:
Section 3. Effect on Repayment. The consequences of a deferment upon the obligation of a scholar to repay is governed by 34 CFR 653.42(i) and (j), 52 Federal Register 45285, November 25, 1987.
Section 4. Types of Deferments. The circumstances that qualify for deferment are governed by 34 CFR 653.42(g), 52 Federal Register 45285, November 25, 1987.
Section 5. Financial Incapacity. The authority may temporarily reduce the installments required for repayment of a scholarship, at its sole discretion, upon a demonstration that the scholar, due to lack of income or other financial circumstances beyond the scholar's control, is temporarily unable to repay the scholarship in accordance with the regular repayment schedule. The scholar shall request this reduced repayment schedule by submitting a statement, signed by the scholar, on a form provided by the authority, delineating all of the income, expenses, and other financial circumstances of the scholar constituting the asserted financial incapacity.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 164.748(4), 164.753(3), 34 C.F.R. 653.21, 653.42