Kentucky Administrative Regulations
Chapter 10 - Congressional Teacher Scholarship Program
Section 11 KAR 10:010 - Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program
Current through Register Vol. 51, No. 6, December 1, 2024
RELATES TO: KRS 164.744(2), 164.748(7), (8), 34 C.F.R. Part 653
NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: Pub.L. 98-558 established the Carl D. Perkins Scholarship Program, subsequently renamed the Congressional Teacher Scholarship Program and then renamed the Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program, to encourage highly qualified students to become teachers in a public or private, nonprofit preschool, elementary or secondary school in any state. Pursuant to Section 523(b)(2) of the federal act (20 U.S.C. 1105b(b)(2)) , the governor designated the authority as the agency to administer this program on behalf of the Commonwealth. 34 C.F.R. 653.32(a) authorizes the authority to establish selection criteria. 34 C.F.R. 653.20(b)(5) and 653.21 require the authority to limit the amount of awards, restrict eligibility for awards, and authorizes the authority to establish policies and procedures necessary to administer repayment. This administrative regulation prescribes rules for the administration of the Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program. This amendment is necessary to conform to amendments to the federal Act enacted by Pub.L. 102-325.
Section 1. Definitions.
Section 2. The authority shall, to the extent of funds available for such purpose, award Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarships to persons enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student in a course of study at an institution of higher education, who declare an intention to teach and who meet the eligibility requirements set forth in Section 3 of this administrative regulation and are selected pursuant to Section 4 of this administrative regulation.
Section 3. Eligibility Criteria. In order to apply and be considered for a scholarship, an individual shall meet the following criteria:
Section 4. Selection Criteria. A panel (representative of parents, teachers, including preschool and special education, and school administrators) shall select recipients using the following criteria:
Section 5. Renewal. Additional academic year awards shall be made annually upon application by an eligible scholar for a maximum of three (3) years of undergraduate study. The criteria to maintain eligibility for renewal of scholarships is governed by 34 C.F.R. 653.41.
Section 6. Award Maximums. The maximum academic year award shall be the lesser of $5,000 or the total cost of attendance as determined by the institution of higher education. The aggregate maximum shall not exceed $20,000.
Section 7. Disbursements. Payment shall be made at the beginning of each term, and each disbursement shall be evidenced by an agreement or promissory note, required pursuant to Section 9 of this administrative regulation
Section 8. Notifications. Scholars shall notify the authority within thirty (30) days of:
Section 9. Scholarship Agreement. The requirement and content of a scholarship agreement is governed by 34 C.F.R. 653.40, 52 Federal Register 45285, November 25, 1987, as amended at 55 Federal Register 35006, August 27, 1990.
Section 10. Failure to Teach. The consequences of a scholar's failure to teach full-time in a public or private nonprofit preschool, elementary, or secondary school, or teach children with disabilities or limited English proficiency in a private nonprofit school, including the commencement and rate of repayment and the interest charges, are governed by 34 C.F.R. 653.42(a) through (f), 52 Federal Register 45285, November 25, 1987.
Section 11. Repayment Schedule. Written notification of demand for repayment shall be sent by the authority to the scholar's last known address and shall be effective upon mailing. Repayment shall be made in monthly installments as may be necessary to repay all sums due within the time and in amounts required by the scholar's agreement. The authority may agree, in its sole discretion upon a showing of financial hardship by the scholar, to accept repayment in installments less than those required by the scholar's agreement in accordance with a schedule established by the authority. Payments shall first be applied to the earliest unpaid scholarship. Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest and then to principal.
Section 12. Cancellation. The conditions for cancellation of repayment of scholarships are governed by 34 C.F.R. 653.42(k).
Section 13. Records. A participating institution of higher education shall maintain complete and accurate records pertaining to the eligibility, enrollment and academic progress of scholars, the disbursement of funds and institutional charges as may be necessary to audit the disposition of funds hereunder. Such records shall be maintained for at least five (5) years after the scholar ceases to be enrolled at the institution.
Section 14. Refunds. A participating institution of higher education shall refund to the authority, within forty (40) days of a scholar's last date of attendance, any amount attributable to this program which is determined to be due under the institution's refund policy.
Section 15. Information Dissemination and Recruitment. The authority shall disseminate information through high school guidance offices about this program to potential recipients. Participating institutions of higher education shall provide assurances that program information will be disseminated to students enrolled at that institution. Students from low income, economically disadvantaged and minority population groups shall be actively recruited for participation in this program.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 164.748(4), 164.753(3), 34 C.F.R. Part 653, subparts C, D, E