Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 39, September 26, 2024
Except as specified in subsection (b), the approval of each application for a
change in the point of diversion, term permit, and permit to appropriate water
for beneficial use shall be subject to the following requirements:
(1) The sum of prior appropriations shall
include all of the following:
(A) The proposed
(B) vested
(C) appropriation
(D) term permits;
(E) earlier priority applications;
(F) baseflow nodes.
The sum of prior appropriations shall not exceed the allowable
safe-yield amount for the area of consideration. The non-consumptive use of
groundwater previously authorized by the chief engineer shall be excluded from
the sum of prior appropriations.
(2) The quantity authorized on all prior
permits, certificates, and vested rights, the quantity requested on prior
applications, and the quantities allocated to baseflow nodes shall be used to
calculate the sum of prior appropriations and baseflow allocations.
(3) All conditions and limitation clauses
listed on all prior appropriations and applications in the area of
consideration shall be considered in effect.
(4) The baseflow allocation for baseflow
nodes shall be calculated using the formula Qa = T/N where:
(A) Qa is the baseflow allocation per
baseflow node in acre-feet per year;
(B) T is the total baseflow allocation for a
reach of a stream in acre-feet per calendar year. T is the average of the 12
calendar months' daily flow values in cubic feet per second that were equaled
or exceeded 90 percent of the time during a specifically designated
hydrologically significant period of record, times a factor of 724;
(C) N is the number of baseflow
nodes established on a stream or reach of a stream. Nodes are located at the
upstream end of the watercourse reach and thereafter at the intersection of the
channel of a watercourse and an arc of a 1,320-foot-radius circle whose center
is located on the previously established baseflow node.
(5) The allowable safe-yield amount shall be
calculated using the formula S = A x K where:
(A) S is the allowable safe-yield amount in
acre-feet per year;
(B) A is the
area of consideration; and
(C) K is
an aquifer recharge value in feet. Everywhere in the district, except in
McPherson county and the well spacing areas specified in K.A.R. 5-22-2(d))(1),
K is equal to 0.5 feet per year.
(i) In
McPherson county, K is a constant equaling 0.25 feet per year.
(ii) In the well spacing areas specified in
K.A.R. 5-22-2(d)(1) and located south of the centerline of the North Fork
Ninnescah river, K is equal to 0.25 feet per year. In the well spacing areas
specified in K.A.R. 5-22-2(d)(1) and located north of the centerline of the
North Fork Nin-nescah river, K is equal to 0.1667 feet per year.
K is calculated by multiplying the recharge percentage times
the average annual precipitation of 2.5 feet per year. The recharge percentage
is 10 percent in McPher-son county and the well spacing areas specified in
K.A.R. 5-22-2(d)(1) and located south of the centerline of the North Fork
Ninnescah river, 6.667 percent in the well spacing areas specified in K.A.R.
5-22-2(d)(1) and located north of the centerline of the North Fork Ninnescah
river, and 20 percent for the rest of the district.
(6) When evaluating an application
for a change in the point of diversion, each application with a priority
earlier than the priority established by the filing of the application of
change shall be included in the safe-yield analysis.
(7) If the perimeter of the area under
consideration intersects a group of wells authorized under prior applications,
permits, certificates, or vested rights, a reasonable quantity of water shall
be assigned to each well based upon the best available information.
(b) The following shall not be
subject to this regulation:
(1) An application
to appropriate groundwater in an area not closed by regulation or intensive
groundwater use control area order by the chief engineer to new non-domestic,
non-temporary permits and term permits for five or fewer years, if all of the
following conditions are met:
(A) The annual
quantity of water requested in the application does not exceed 15
(B) the sum of the
annual quantity of water requested in the application and the total annual
quantities of water authorized by prior approvals of applications allowed
because of an exemption pursuant to this regulation does not exceed 45
acre-feet in a two-mile-radius circle surrounding the proposed point of
(C) the approval of the
application does not authorize an additional quantity of water out of an
existing authorized point of diversion with a non-domestic approval of
application or water right that would then authorize a total combined annual
quantity of water from that point of diversion in excess of 15
(D) the approval of the
application does not authorize an additional quantity of water to be used on a
currently authorized non-domestic place of use in excess of 15
(E) the approval of the
application does not authorize an additional quantity of water to be pumped
through a common distribution system in excess of 15 acre-feet;
(F) the application meets the well spacing
criteria in K.A.R. 5-22-2;
(G) the
application meets the requirements of all other applicable regulations in
effect when the application is filed; and
(H) the maximum authorized rate of diversion
does not exceed 50 gallons per minute;
(2) an application for a non-consumptive use
of groundwater;
(3) an application
for change in point of diversion, if the following conditions are met:
(A) The diversion works were completed 300
feet or less from the originally authorized point of diversion and within 150
feet of the location approved by the chief engineer;
(B) a notice of completion was timely filed
with the chief engineer under the original approval of application;
(C) if located within the well
spacing areas specified in K.A.R. 5-22-2(d)(1), both of the following
conditions are met:
(i) The number of wells
comprising the point of diversion is not proposed to be increased;
(ii) each point of diversion is
proposed to be relocated 300 feet or less from the currently authorized
location, the currently authorized point of diversion and diversion works have
been completed, and a notice of completion has been timely filed with the chief
engineer before the effective date of this regulation;
(4) an application requesting only
an additional rate of diversion on an existing well, if the approval of the
application meets the following requirements:
(A) Is limited to the maximum annual quantity
of water authorized by a prior certified, vested, or appropriation right;
(B) contains both of the
following requirements:
(i) The approved
application for additional rate shall be dismissed if the prior certified,
vested, or appropriation right is dismissed and terminated; and
(ii) the approved or certified maximum annual
quantity of water shall be reduced in an amount equal to any subsequent
reduction in the maximum annual quantity of water authorized by the prior
certified, vested, or appropriation right;
(5) an application for a standby
(6) an application for a bank
storage well only to the extent that the bank storage well is withdrawing bank
storage water; and
(7) an
application for an aquifer storage and recovery well.