Kansas Administrative Regulations
Section 49-50-9 - Notification of inspection requirements
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) A certificate inspection shall be carried out before the expiration date of the certificate. Each owner or user shall ensure that the boiler or pressure vessel is inspected on or before the date on which the inspection is due. Internal certificate inspections shall be scheduled in advance by the inspector. External inspections may be performed by the inspector during normal business hours without prior notification to the owner or user.
(b) An internal inspection, appropriate pressure test, or both may be requested by the inspector when an external inspection or determination by other objective means indicates that continued operation of the boiler constitutes a menace to public safety. In these instances, the owner or user shall prepare the boiler for the inspections, tests, or both as the inspector designates.
(c) All boilers and pressure vessels that are not exempted by the act and that are subject to regular inspections shall be prepared for inspection as required in subsection (d).
(d) The owner or user shall prepare each boiler for inspection. The owner or user shall prepare for and apply a hydrostatic pressure test on the date arranged by the inspector. The date shall not be fewer than seven days after the date of notification. The owner or user shall prepare a boiler for internal inspection in the following manner:
(e) If a boiler has not been properly prepared for an internal inspection or if the owner or user has failed to comply with the requirements for a pressure test as specified in these regulations, the inspection or test may be postponed, and the inspection certificate shall be withheld or the right to operate revoked until the owner or user complies with the requirements.
(f) If the boiler is jacketed so that the longitudinal seams of shells, drums, or domes cannot be seen, sufficient jacketing, setting wall, or other form of casting or housing shall be removed to permit reasonable inspection of the seams and other areas necessary to determine the condition and safety of the boiler, if this information cannot be determined by other means.
(g) If a lapseam crack is discovered along a longitudinal riveted joint in the shell or drum of a boiler, the use of that shell or drum shall be immediately discontinued. Patching shall be prohibited.
(h) All lock-out, tag-out, and confined space entry procedures shall be observed.