Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 52, December 26, 2024
(a) Each
speech-language pathology assistant and each audiology assistant shall meet the
following criteria:
(1) Have received a high
school diploma or equivalent;
complete a training program conducted by a Kansas-licensed speech-language
pathologist or audiologist. This training shall include the following:
(A) Ethical and legal
(B) an overview
of the speech, language, and hearing disorders;
(C) response discrimination skills;
(E) charting of behavioral objectives and
(F) teaching
principles, if applicable to the employment setting; and
(G) other skill training as required by the
employment setting; and
(3) receive ongoing supervised training by a
Kansas-licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist for at least one
hour per month.
(b) Any
speech-language pathology assistant or audi-ology assistant may perform the
(1) Follow documented treatment
plans and protocols that are planned, designed, and supervised by a
Kansas-licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist;
(2) record, chart, graph, report, or
otherwise display data relative to client performance, including hearing
screenings, and report this information to a supervising speech-language
pathologist or audiologist;
participate with a Kansas-licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist
in research projects, public relations programs, or similar
(4) perform clerical
duties, including preparing materials and scheduling activities as directed by
a Kansas-licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist;
(5) prepare instructional materials;
(6) perform equipment checks
and maintain equipment, including hearing aids.
(c) A speech-language pathology assistant or
audiolo-gist assistant shall not perform any of the following:
(1) Perform standardized or nonstandardized
diagnostic tests, conduct formal or informal evaluations, or provide clinical
interpretations of test results;
(2) participate in parent conferences, case
conferences, or any interdisciplinary team without the presence of a
supervising Kansas-licensed speech-language pathologist or
(3) perform any
procedure for which the assistant is not qualified, has not been adequately
trained, or is not receiving adequate supervision;
(4) screen or diagnose clients for feeding or
swallowing disorders;
(5) write,
develop, or modify a client's individualized treatment plan in any
(6) assist clients without
following the individualized treatment plan prepared by a Kansas-licensed
speech-language pathologist or audiologist or without access to
(7) sign any formal
documents, including treatment plans, reimbursement forms, or reports. An
assistant shall sign or initial informal treatment notes for review and signing
by a Kansas-licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist;
(8) select clients for services;
(9) discharge a client from
(10) make referrals for
additional services;
(11) use a
checklist or tabulate results of feeding or swallowing evaluations;
(12) demonstrate swallowing strategies or
precautions to clients, family, or staff; or
(13) represent that person as a
speech-language pathologist or audiologist.
(d) Each assistant shall be supervised by a
Kansas-licensed speech-language pathologist or audiologist. The supervisor
shall be licensed to practice in the field in which the assistant is providing
(1) Each supervisor shall be
responsible for determining that the assistant is satisfactorily qualified and
prepared for the duties assigned to the assistant.
(2) Each supervisor shall obtain, retain, and
maintain on file documentation of the assistant's qualifications and training
outlined in subsection (a).
Only the supervisor shall exercise independent judgment in performing
professional procedures for the client. The supervisor shall not delegate the
exercise of independent judgment to the assistant.
(4) A speech-language pathologist or
audiologist who holds a temporary license shall not be eligible to supervise
(e) Each
supervisor shall directly supervise at least 10 percent of the assistant's
client contact time. No portion of the assistant's direct client contact shall
be counted toward the ongoing training required in subsection (a). No portion
of the assistant's time performing activities under indirect supervision shall
be counted toward client contact time.
(f) "Direct supervision" shall mean the
on-site, in-view observation and guidance provided by a speech-language
pathologist or audiologist to an assistant while the assistant performs an
assigned activity.
(g) "Indirect
supervision" shall mean the type of guidance, other than direct supervision,
that a speech-language pathologist or audiologist provides to an assistant
regarding the assistant's assigned activities. This term shall include
demonstration, record review, and review and evaluation of audiotaped sessions,
videotaped sessions, or sessions involving interactive television.
(h) Each supervisor shall, within 30 days of
employing an assistant, submit written notice to the department of the
assistant's name, employment location, and verification that the assistant
meets the qualifications listed in subsection (a). Each supervisor shall notify
the department of any change in the status of an assistant.
(i) Each supervisor shall perform all of the
following tasks:
(1) Develop a system to
evaluate the performance level of each assistant under the licensee's
(2) retain and
maintain on file documentation of the performance level of each assistant
supervised; and
(3) report to the
department at the time of the supervisor's license renewal, on a
department-approved form, the name and employment location of each